Regarding the second point made:
We are certainly open to suggestions on solutions. Feel free to post them publicly! We have received many in private but most are lifetime license holders who say paying is not an option to them, so I suppose the solutions will need to be very creative? So far, our response has been that the solution for now is keeping things going and making the sacrifices needed to do it.
As there is absolutely no feedback from DA Sales to this thread, I thought that I would reply to this and formulate a clear proposal, so other LLH could react and give feedback to DA Sale (like no-way / maybe / great / where do I sign) so they could maybe also give us some feedback.
1) DirectAdmin can change his business model but they have to propose a decent solution for LLH holders other than what is available today.
I proposed a 49$/year / licence fee to switch it to a normal/supported licence without restiction. At our side this would be ok.
We are coming from poeple who paid 49 / 99 / 299 one time, for a "full lifetime" product, the current ~180$/year option to bring it back to a supported fully functional product is still hard to swallow.
We have customers that pay 9$/month for their licence, there is no way we can bump them to 30$/month, even at 15$it is a long shot. (and we would make no margin).
It's software, every sale the you don't do is money that you waste
2) Once LLH issue is sorted out, you can stop the two different codebases.
3) Propose a discount scheme that would allow poeple holding many licences to get an important discount allowing datacenters, vps and dedicated services providers to sell your licences and still make any margin.
(again we used to price 9$/month for a full licence, if old LLH are 49/year and if we can buy more licences at something close to 49$, maybe higher like 69$, everyone can make a profit and push the product.
Because if we find a solution with our Legacy Lifetime Licences and cannot get more licences at a reasonable price, we are still stuck. (and unhappy

Max discount tier that I know of is 40%, 180$/licence/year, still too much.
To compensate, you can eventually adapt the conditions on these licences so that support has to go trough the reseller and that support tickets opened at DirectAdmin will be charged. (100 licences active, 15 years a customer, must have opened less than 20 tickets over the years if you exclude licences commercial and technical issues), so I don't mind paying for them and it encourages poeple to find solutions on their own and on this very helpful forum).
This would bring back affordable licences in the market, would boost sales without extra support and maybe kill some competition.