Some general thoughts, followed by a possible solution...
For what it's worth, I'm trying to be understanding and sympathetic to the position that DA is in, especially about supporting something that was purchased 15-20 years ago. That said,
lifetime licenses were sold through June 2019, so not all licenses are 15+ years old. And from the customer's standpoint, when they purchased the license, the "spirit of the contract" was lifetime...
MariaDB Support
sacrificing one SQL product integration, that's a very small sacrifice in the big picture
This is not fair to customers IMHO.
DA has offered the MariaDB service all along, and keeping this service updated has been the expectation of customers. And it's unprofessional to remove support, without any prior announcement. Customers are only learning about this decision afterwards...
And now, the biggest problem about stopping updates is you're potentially creating future security risks for all servers using MariaDB. To quote DA from a couple years ago:
industry security experts have asked us to reconsider this offering because it encourages saving money by staying with older, potentially vulnerable software that becomes a risk to the server itself and other servers on the net.
Comparing DA's decision to support Redis versus MariaDB... Redis was never offered as part of DA, and was later introduced as a Pro Pack feature. But MariaDB was always offered as part of DA, therefore continued support for MariaDB should be provided... I feel this is fair and reasonable. And DA already supports MariaDB, so there isn't extra work on DA's part to allow all license holders to continue receiving updates.
Possible Solution
Been giving this a lot of thought. This is what I would propose:
- Lifetime licenses continue to receive updates for all current services for the lifetime of the operating system's Full Support period.
- A nominal one time fee (per license) is required for every future operating system release.
RHEL has three
support periods — Full Support, Maintenance Support, Extended Life Cycle Support.
And I recommend aligning all DA lifetime licenses to continue receiving updates for all services through the entire RHEL Full Support period.
This makes everything simple and straightforward...
Lifetime licenses can continue to be used indefinitely, and DA will provide updates for all services for the lifetime of the current OS cycle. This ensures servers are secure and updated for continued production use through the Full Support period for an OS release cycle.
For example, all lifetime licenses are updated to RHEL 9 Lifetime... servers can be run for lifetime, and DA will provide updates for all services through the RHEL Full Support Period. And a nominal one-time fee per license will be required to upgrade the license to RHEL 10 Lifetime, and this will repeat for RHEL 11, 12, etc.
This solution creates a future revenue stream for DA, and there is no additional work on DA's part because they are only supporting the same services they've already been supporting.
I believe the upgrade price should be nominal because lifetime license holders purchased those DA licenses wanting to avoid recurring monthly subscription fees. Thinking about what would be reasonable and fair, I feel the price should be $19 to $29 USD per license. And I know many customers believe they shouldn't have to pay anything, but paying this upgrade fee every OS cycle helps support DA for future development cycles, and that's a win-win for both sides.
This is the best solution that I've come up with that caters both to DA and customers. And I really want to see DA succeed, while taking care of us customers who have supported and believed in DA all along.