What is the future for Legacy DirectAdmin License holders?

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You suggestion sounds interesting. Several nice suggestions are made, so I hope they will take it into consideration.
I think the biggest problem for us, lifetime license holders, is that DirectAdmin has nothing to loose, they can only win. So they can do what they want.

(in text under: DA = DirectAdmin / LLH = lifetime license holders)
Now DA don't earn any money on lifetime license so:
- If DA don't do anything = DA earns extra money when LLH are forced to buy new licenses, when LLH moves to another panel DA don't loose money
- If DA stops supporting lifetime license and make them impossible to use = DA earns extra money when LLH are forced to buy new licenses, when LLH moves to another panel DA don't loose money
- If LLH that are not willing to pay for a new license leaves and go to another panel = DA don't loose money
- If LLH that are willing to pay but find it to much and therefor are moving to another panel = DA don't loose money
- For all the rest DA earns extra money

So why should they listen/answer to the questions/frustrations of the lifetime license holders, they have nothing to loose. We are just a pain in the a*s

So I think we can wait for ages for a reaction/statement of DirectAdmin except:
For all the other posts regarding legacy licenses, the legacy codebase flag and explanation of limited maintenance was introduced over a year ago (https://docs.directadmin.com/direct...l#what-is-legacy-licenses-and-legacy-codebase) so there is no new announcements to be made.
Now DA don't earn any money on lifetime license so:
In all cases mentioned, if LLH's move to another panel, those customers loose way more money than converting to a 50% normal license. Which by the way, not a single other professional panel offers. DA was also the very first introducing a cheap license, the personal (plus), which forced the others doing kind of the same, so hobbyists and developpers could have a cheap license.
If they were in for the money only, they wouldn't have done this. But everything has to generate a certain amount of resource to pay for development.

As you might know... cPanel and Plesk (same company) are again raising their prices as per januari 1st. And it's a vast raise!
So why should they listen/answer to the questions/frustrations of the lifetime license holders, they have nothing to loose. We are just a pain in the a*s
Maybe then you should talk to them directly. Indeed it's a big problem dat LLH's don't generate income, which is definately needed to keep developing.
When the wave of ex cPanel customers came over, it was also expected that this would raise money due to new subscribtions, but that seems way less the case than should be expected. How is that possible?
If I understand correctly, the big problem is not the LLH's, but the illegal (re)selling of those licenses (or accounts), which prevents the required income. And that seems to be a very big problem.

You're also a long time customer here. So you should know that DA is not out to get us. In the contrary. They warned us even half year ahead before stopping selling LL's. Also at least since I was a customer, there was 0 price raising. So at least 15 years no price raising. If they were out there for the money, there would have been raises multiple times.
For the normal customers (non LLH) this is even making prices cheaper, as they don't even have to pay for the yearly global price inflation, there was never a price raise. Even those raises were never done!

DA staff is still reading this thread and I'm sure there will be some statement, but it can take a couple of months maybe. Give them the time, because what they will say, will be definate for all LLH's for years to come, so that is not easy.
Because @DirectAdmin Support wouldn't have asked to talk to them and bring up idea's, if the last word was already told about this.
They would like to provide us till as far as possible for free, but at this moment it's not possible anymore. They can't afford to loose money, so no they are not going to make choices which will loose them more money.
But they are trying to make choices which can offer the best for LLH as far as possible, they are not asking for idea's and to contact them personally for no reason.

And people don't require MariaDB 10.11 right away and all things are still running and updated as before. Next to that... they will be required to make extra efforts because MariaDB decided to go from a Mysql addon to a seperate database system. Difference are becoming huge now.
At this point I don't know if Mysql 9 (if it will come) will be supported for LLH's or not, just to be clear.

I'm also still very annoyed that this is happening, but I rather try to think with them and try to see if there is anything to fix, then just say (like a whole bunch out there do, especially internal LLH's) "it's lifetime free I will never pay anything anymore". Because will bring way more the risk for DA saying that current lifetime will be lifetime "as is". You can use it as long as you want with the current OS and apps and updates but no new version updaets. And then it's also lifetime, but not the way anybody would be pleased with.

I don't like it either, but try to think from their perspective. What if your company gets to a point that resources are starting to get too less to keep on going the same way, also for a great deal because of illegale LL reselling? What would you do?
Only keep raising prices for monthley subscribers is not an option. And they started with the 50% deal for LLH's, which is already something no other company would do.
Tottaly agree with you!

But the biggest problem is that DirectAdmin is not communicated like they should do. For example the 50% deal for LLH's we never heared about so it will be somewhere in the forum here. But they have all our email addresses you it is a small work to mail all LLH to tell them what is possible.
But the biggest problem is that DirectAdmin is not communicated like they should do.
Totally agree with you on this too. They might have thought that mentioning it in the account system was enough, but people hardly need to come there so yes, an e-mail to all license holders would have been the first important thing to do. Strongly agree with that.
I don't like it either, but try to think from their perspective. What if your company gets to a point that resources are starting to get too less to keep on going the same way.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing...... Selling one-time licences is a way to make a quick buck, but not substantial for a business.... Why did they do it? To gain clients in droves I suppose, who knows. I wouldn't have done it.

Now we are all getting the financial crisis, businesses shutting down and going bust, people are struggling to heat their homes, feed themselves, get low pay, pay high taxes..... The list goes on..

Unless I've missed it, no one is saying why MariaDB 11+ is a big thing in all this........
Unless I've missed it, no one is saying why MariaDB 11+ is a big thing in all this........
That's the main question. Don't hold me up on this, but very maybe it might have something to do with different codebase, as MariaDB seems not to be a drop-in for Mysql anymore as it was in the beginning. Seems too much has change, at least if I read this article:
which says:
MariaDB has significantly diverged, and is no longer drop-in compatible with MySQL. To migrate from MariaDB to MySQL, an in-place upgrade is not possible. A logical dump and load will be necessary.

And amongst other things this is mentioned:
MariaDB has some functions that are not present in MySQL, like JSON_DETAILED, which is called JSON_PRETTY in MySQL 8.0.

Could theat mean they would really have to support 2 different kind of database systems to go on? Could this be a reason? I don't know, I'm not a database guru. Only thing I know about this is that @fln pointed to the announcement of the legacy codebase.
But to me, and it seems a lot of others too, it's not clear what the actual effect of that is. We thought only no new dev and features, but we would get updates for basic applications, like also MariaDB.

Now that seems not to be the case, is it only MariaDB? Or will it also be Mysql later on, or also newer apache versions or Exim or.....?

That question is already asked a couple of times, so seems we have to wait for an more specific answer on this, because the announcement is for sure not clear enough about the consquences. Hence otherwise none of us were wondered so much now about this change (and which ones to come, or not?).
My impression , DA disabled life time licenses and make a mess to old customers , forcing us to paid more and more.

We do accept to pay more to get security updates , more functions or others , but it is so hard feeling to just deactivated those licenses with no reason . Until now , I just got *you likely violate* , no solid reason ( what we have do to cause the violation ? )

We could never proof we are not guilty , but DA does.

Customers may feel very bad for a company we trust over 18 years , but it seems that they don't want to communicate , no explanation , just asking us to buy new licenses. ( Or they said *upgrade* )

If we pay again , how to protect *Licenses Deactivation* won't appears again ?
If there has no trust could be found , how to cooperate?

The main key is , do DA still a responsible company ?
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Every week, I think about this topic. And I still think the solution I provided in this post is a complete win-win for both DA and License Holders. It creates an additional revenue stream for DA with absolute minimal work, while still taking care of customers who want to stay updated with the latest web services.
Still the biggest issue causing all this, is the massive abuse of licenses. For example I never ever have seen a company selling servers not having a website.

If we pay again , how to protect *Licenses Deactivation* won't appears again ?
Because they are paid for monthly and so not free forever anymore, which prevents the option to abuse licences, so no need to deactivate.

The main key is , do DA still a responsible company ?
If they weren't they would just disbable licenses without offering a 50% deal, so then they would gain 100% revenue on new licences.
In your case the ticket is still ongoing, shouldn't be so hard to proove things to DA either. But that's a discussion for the other thread.

DA is still thinking what will be done in the future, there are still some idea's which might make it maybe or partly.
Still the biggest issue causing all this, is the massive abuse of licenses. For example I never ever have seen a company selling servers not having a website.

Because they are paid for monthly and so not free forever anymore, which prevents the option to abuse licences, so no need to deactivate.

If they weren't they would just disbable licenses without offering a 50% deal, so then they would gain 100% revenue on new licences.
In your case the ticket is still ongoing, shouldn't be so hard to proove things to DA either. But that's a discussion for the other thread.

DA is still thinking what will be done in the future, there are still some idea's which might make it maybe or partly.
1) I have never state DA offer me 50% discount , how do you know ? Are you the person who represent DA? Until now , I could not see any way to get back the licenses with what you state.
You just confirmed we have abused , but how do you have so conclusion? If not , how do you push us to this pathway only?

2) You never heard something , than you could have conclusion ? I may have more information for this . DA asked us to provide website now , or for a period , we bought those licenses since 2005 when we was *server provider scale* ( renting racks from others), after serval years, we owned a DC , our scale keep growing . For a period later , we removed server rental website content. So those server rental plans are removed online around 2012. Now DA asked us to provide such information which is impossible to match our situation. And for this issue , the main key point is , do DA listed with agreement that there will have violations if we remove the website?
Market keep changing , DA did not offer VPs license @2005 , and offer later , so DA could change policies to fit marketing, we can’t?

3)How do you know my ticket is still going on? You are internal from DA?

You are always stand for DA , never be a part of customers , that is very funny.
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I have never state DA offer me 50% discount , how do you know ?
1.) I was talking in general. Every legacy holder can use the 50% upgrade. You yourself stated that they wanted you to pay. So I presumed they offer you the 50% offer which all legacy holders can use. Because that is how DA would normally act.
So didn't they offer you the discount then to upgrade? Because I find that rather unbelievable.
I don't push anybody, I don't represent anybody but myself.

You never heard something , than you could have conclusion ?
In this case yes. The only thing I see you doing is barking at DA and policies but providing 0 proof that you are having a datacenter, not here and most likely not in their ticket otherwise they would have answered you.
If you don't have a website you can't sell servers, it's just totally unbelievable. You only complaint and proove nothing.

How do you know my ticket is still going on? You are internal from DA?
You might need to remember what you wrote yourself. I know this because you yourself stated in the other thread that you were waiting for an answer. And I just only read you got an answer:
but seeing you still have questions, I doubt the ticket would be closed now. Otherwise you would have complained about that too.

You are always stand for DA , never be a part of customers , that is very funny.
LoL. I often stand for DA yes, because I like the company, they have always been fair to us.
But if you think I never be part of the customers then it prooves (also due to your date of registration), that you probably have never visited the forums or read this thread thoroughly otherwise you wouldn't have said this.

But you can think what you want. I'm just angry that this situation is happening, like everybody else. But I like to think in solutions which we all benefit of, not trying cornering DA which only for sure will have an aversive effect.
And I'm trying to make clear that it's the abuse of licenses which is causing this for us external license holders. Which is why I don't stand with customers who only complaint and proove 0, and only complaint while you in this case obviously still talking to DA, which might lead to a good solution.
1.) I was talking in general. Every legacy holder can use the 50% upgrade. You yourself stated that they wanted you to pay. So I presumed they offer you the 50% offer which all legacy holders can use. Because that is how DA would normally act.
So didn't they offer you the discount then to upgrade? Because I find that rather unbelievable.
I don't push anybody, I don't represent anybody but myself.


In this case yes. The only thing I see you doing is barking at DA and policies but providing 0 proof that you are having a datacenter, not here and most likely not in their ticket otherwise they would have answered you.
If you don't have a website you can't sell servers, it's just totally unbelievable. You only complaint and proove nothing.


You might need to remember what you wrote yourself. I know this because you yourself stated in the other thread that you were waiting for an answer. And I just only read you got an answer:
but seeing you still have questions, I doubt the ticket would be closed now. Otherwise you would have complained about that too.

LoL. I often stand for DA yes, because I like the company, they have always been fair to us.
But if you think I never be part of the customers then it prooves (also due to your date of registration), that you probably have never visited the forums or read this thread thoroughly otherwise you wouldn't have said this.

But you can think what you want. I'm just angry that this situation is happening, like everybody else. But I like to think in solutions which we all benefit of, not trying cornering DA which only for sure will have an aversive effect.
And I'm trying to make clear that it's the abuse of licenses which is causing this for us external license holders. Which is why I don't stand with customers who only complaint and proove 0, and only complaint while you in this case obviously still talking to DA, which might lead to a good solution.
Asking a customer to proof it is not guilty, you thought it should be , that’s is so funny to be a part of customers.

Hope you are telling the truth who are you standing for !
1.) I was talking in general. Every legacy holder can use the 50% upgrade. You yourself stated that they wanted you to pay. So I presumed they offer you the 50% offer which all legacy holders can use. Because that is how DA would normally act.
So didn't they offer you the discount then to upgrade? Because I find that rather unbelievable.
I don't push anybody, I don't represent anybody but myself.


In this case yes. The only thing I see you doing is barking at DA and policies but providing 0 proof that you are having a datacenter, not here and most likely not in their ticket otherwise they would have answered you.
If you don't have a website you can't sell servers, it's just totally unbelievable. You only complaint and proove nothing.


You might need to remember what you wrote yourself. I know this because you yourself stated in the other thread that you were waiting for an answer. And I just only read you got an answer:
but seeing you still have questions, I doubt the ticket would be closed now. Otherwise you would have complained about that too.

LoL. I often stand for DA yes, because I like the company, they have always been fair to us.
But if you think I never be part of the customers then it prooves (also due to your date of registration), that you probably have never visited the forums or read this thread thoroughly otherwise you wouldn't have said this.

But you can think what you want. I'm just angry that this situation is happening, like everybody else. But I like to think in solutions which we all benefit of, not trying cornering DA which only for sure will have an aversive effect.
And I'm trying to make clear that it's the abuse of licenses which is causing this for us external license holders. Which is why I don't stand with customers who only complaint and proove 0, and only complaint while you in this case obviously still talking to DA, which might lead to a good solution.
you have evolved since this https://forum.directadmin.com/threads/directadmin-should-charge-yearly.44400/ I called it LONG ago!
you have evolved since this
You predicted this situation already 11 years ago. Did I evolve? I don't know.
Also I'm still having the same opinion as I wrote in the first line of my reply there.

And in the last paragraph already then I agreed with you mostly. ;)
At that time, a yearly fee was not necessary yet, all things kept working and DA had enough revenue.... however... that changed rapidly 5 years later. You had a forseeing view! (y)
Again we discover some very important changes by visiting the forums..

DirectAdmin should really begin to keep their customers informed like most established businesses : By sending them an email notification.
Offcourse it would imply everybody would be informed in due time and the feedback might be more important.

Anyway we are back at contemplating the result of the magic game "how can we take more money out of our active customer base ?".
We can whine all we want, they don't care since they are not as much in a challenger position anymore and the biggest competition is even more greedy than they are.

I guess there is not enough sales of new licences and too few conversions from Lifetime so they have to resort to combersome ways of twisting Lifetime Licence Holders arms into spitting some money. And keeping it under the radar by not really communicating it.

Am i feeling betrayed again by DA ? Sure.
When they announced that they would not sell Lifetime licences anymore the vibe that they passed was that nothing would change for existing users, they were discontinuing the lifetime product and that was it, they never mentionned that they would branch new features to a Pro version or eventually cripple it by not keeping support for latest database engines.
They even allowed internal customers to buy "a certain number of Lifetime licences based on the current number of licences in portfolio".
So in 2019 we acquired ~100 more internal licences in one shot, I guess many other providers did the same.
It is not correct to state that we "enjoyed the support and upgrades for 20 years" on these.

Now everybody wants to be able to keep using DirectAdmin, every "Lifetime License" holder will agree that it is best to pay something and get to keep using the software as it is, not bankrupt / filled with unpatched security holes.
The issue is that the price tag is VERY high when coming from 299, 99 or even 49$ for lifetime unlimited to 348/year (or 174/year if using the discounted rate for Lifetime license trade-in.)

I think a 99$/year fee to convert Lifetimes to Standart, that would be accounted for into the discount scheme (in order to give an incentive to convert more licences), would be more reasonable, eventually keeping the "no support by ticket" policy on these.

It is also evident that you attract a wider customer base at 99$ than at 174$ than at 348$.

At my side, I simply can not convert all my Lifetime Licences Customers to a recurring model with the current rates.
At 174$ / year, I can consider converting "all our big shared nodes" so approx 10 licences in a short delay (we had converted one so far at the full price in order to see the new features).
At 99$ / year , I can consider trying to convert our big shared nodes + medium ones + customers hosting many websites and we might get 50 licences.
At 49$ / year, I can email all customer explaining that it is now 49€ / year for the licence and they would all follow without too much complaint and deal with the few ones that cannot follow.

But again as long as we are somehow captive, why should they care ?
(well maybe because 200 licences at 49 is more than 20 at 174 but I don't know)
Luckily thre are alternative like ISPConfig that we can propose as an alternative to the customers that cannot afford the new pricing, I guess the more DirectAdmin will push price up and force customers to pay or leave, the more alternatives will come and the issue will resolve from itself.
I would really like to see how things would go at DirectAdmin if Cpanel or Plesk dropped its price back to 2018 figures.
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Owned licence holder here.

I do not understand what's going on. Can someone explain in this giant mess for someone who's hobby it is not to be busy with a control panel.

I needed the Redis "pro pack" feature, logged in, and saw it's not available anymore but another upgrade - IS.

Yet, it does not say what or why it does. Or would do.

Now here on the forum, I see it's *only* for the MariaDB update? Or more stuff?

And how about sending an email to all clients about this??
Yet, it does not say what or why it does. Or would do.
Pro pack has been removed as stated in the official forum statement when the license model was changed.
Now pro pack is a default part of the modern licenses and the option to get it seperate was removed from legacy licences.

At this moment, as far as I know, it's only MariaDB 10.11 and further which will not be updated on legacy licences, I don't know if there is more to come.

And how about sending an email to all clients about this??
Good points, but that also already was discussed in another thread, this should have been done imho too.

Again we discover some very important changes by visiting the forums..
So what is changed then? It has been said a couple of times that it was possible to convert/upgrade legacy lifetime licenses to modern licenses at half the price.

However I agree with the fact that there is no "pause" option which could work out very costly if you have a multiple licenses not using them always. But it was never said there would be a pause option and terms are stated when using the upgrade option.
At this moment, as far as I know, it's only MariaDB 10.11 and further which will not be updated on legacy licences, I don't know if there is more to come.
Thanks for your help.

So Redis is not part of this? (used to be in pro pack)

I get DA is kinda geeky etc owned and operated but allt his is quite embarrassing.
So Redis is not part of this? (used to be in pro pack)
Since it was part of the pro pack it's now part of the modern license. It was never part or natively supported by DA untill the modern licenses MariaDB was. Pro pack was required to buy seperately on lifetime licences. I'm not sure about if it keeps working when having a pro pack subscription on legacy license before. I never used the Pro pack myself.

Maybe somebody else can give more clarification on that.
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