3rd Party Software Directory

The DirectAdmin community has created quite a large amount of DirectAdmin-reliant 3rd-party software to date. A good bit of these programs can be hard to find, especially the ones that have no cost.

Plugins - Billing

Invoicing Manager - "let's Admins/Resellers manage their client's bills and Users view their invoices and easily pay them."

Vista Billing - "intended for simplification of the account of resellers and users, management of tariff plans, payment systems and communication with API registrars of domains."

I think the two links in this message are for dead/abandoned items. I will keep on looking at the rest as time permits
I'd suggest asking the author; perhaps at his post, here, in these forums. He's posted here as recently as a few months ago.

You're right. I didn't notice that the thread was deleted by DirectAdmin staff.

Find user Skruf and send a PM.

Jeff, I think you should close this thread, create a new one and actually maintain it yourself.

At least you'll be around for a few years right ?
Jeff, I think you should close this thread, create a new one and actually maintain it yourself.
Don't you think I have enough to do :) ?
At least you'll be around for a few years right ?
At least until I win the Lottery ;).

I'll give it some thought, but I don't know if I have the time to do the research, so I'd have to depend on people sending me emails (I don't have time to deal with private messages) so I can keep up. Give me a month or two; I'm working on tying up lose ends in SpamBlocker so DirectAdmin can make it official, and on some stuff for my own business (a website for selling hosting and a billing system).

wow :) Congrats !

Yep I undestand. Man, I'm afraid I'm gonna really have to create a new Feature Request thread so DA build a wiki, or something.

It all just comes right back to the same feeling. The feeling that DA needs to hire someone to just make things better.

I really don't mind paying more for my licenses to help make this happen. I have over 200 licenses for gods sake.

wow :) Congrats !
I haven't won it yet and I've been playing a long time :).
Yep I undestand. Man, I'm afraid I'm gonna really have to create a new Feature Request thread so DA build a wiki, or something.
A wiki has been on my list for a long time. I just need help. After January I'll go find all my wiki posts, delete them, and start a new one. And hopefully get some help this time.
It all just comes right back to the same feeling. The feeling that DA needs to hire someone to just make things better.

I really don't mind paying more for my licenses to help make this happen. I have over 200 licenses for gods sake.
But the problem of course is that everyone has a different opinion of better.

I remember the thread (daguru or something. Good iniciative).

I really think DA needs to make the wiki themselves, although it's cool your volunteer to do the job.

This is one of the "Making things better" items we have the same opinion on. There are a few others too.
Winning the lottery is my dream too, but I can count the number of times on one hand that I might buy a ticket in a 5 year period. LOL

@jlasman Anyhow though I found my login information for the wiki that you started up last spring. It would certainly be a nice thing for all of us who are active here on the board to get involved with that. I always welcome the exchange of ideas. Heaven knows how many folks on here have helped me at one time or another when my noobness really shines through........

Off the top of my head I have forgotten who suggested closing out this thread.... IMHO I think that it could have positive and/or negative results as there may still be a snippet or two of useful information in this thread.

Does anyone know if Acorn is still compatible with current version of DA? Anyone using it? As it dates back to 2008.



Sorry for the delay here... We're still using it with the most recent DA release... From what I remember it is compatitable with SM 1.4x.... I think it needs work to be compatitable with SM 1.5x ...

That's what I remember...

Thanks, David
OK: Here are some projects I intend to work on once I've moved forward with stuff for my own company needs. The first will be:

Any additional modifications for SpamBlocker4, possibly including DKIM.

And the following, not necessarily in this order:

The wiki. A complete documentation site for DirectAdmin, built by the community and verified, monitored by those of us who really understand DirectAdmin inside and out.

A plugin site (perhaps part of the wiki) where people can find all available plugins, complete with reviews.

Bringing Master2Slave DNS Replicator out of beta, hopefully including some modifications so it works with multi-line or single-line zone records.

That's a lot of my time; I'm also thinking of including a donations page on one of my sites.

(The above line is what's called a trial balloon; based on response I may delete these few lines at the end of these posts, and abandon the idea :).)


The DirectAdmin community has created quite a large amount of DirectAdmin-reliant 3rd-party software to date. A good bit of these programs can be hard to find, especially the ones that have no cost.

This post is a consolidated list of 3rd party software (with at least one release) collected from this forum, and categorized by the type of software. I chose not to include HOWTOs and other guides that explain how to install a generic program on DirectAdmin. Instead, this is a list of programs that in some way require DA to work. If you're looking for HOWTOs, start here.

Please note this list was created and is updated by a member of the DirectAdmin community that is in no way affiliated with JBMC Software.

If I missed your project, or you want to change how it's listed here, simply let me know and I'll fix.

Plugins - Domain

Anti-HotLink (no cost) - "allows users to disable/enable hotlinking on their domain(s)"

Bulk Domains and Subdomains - "allows users to add any number of domains and/or subdomains at the same time."

IFrame Redirect (no cost) - "allows users to add URL redirects using IFrames."

IP Deny Manager - "allows users to prevent an IP address, domain name, or block of IP addresses from accessing their web site."

Plugins - Billing

NSIM (no cost) - "plugin for managing invoices."

Plugins - Mail

Acorn - "plugin to install, enable, disable and generally manage Squirrelmail v.1.4x plugins."

SpamBlocker Plugin - "makes managing the configuration of SPAMBlocker (from Nobaloney Internet Services) a breeze."

SMTP Limiter - "allows admin to set message limit or completely (almost ;) disable SMTP for any user."

Exim Editor (no cost) - "plugin for editing of exim.conf along with blacklists, whitelists and other exim related files."

Email Level Plugin (no cost) - "plugin to enable mail clients a mini control panel for inbox/imap usage, and to edit their vacation messages."

Email Level Squirremail Plugin (no cost) - "Squirrelmail plugin to show mail clients their inbox/imap usage."

Plugins - Script Installer

Easy Site Install (no cost) - "Easy Site Install is plugin for auto install Mambo 4.5.0"

Installatron Script Installer - "an intuitive interface to install, upgrade and manage a growing collection of web-scripts!"

Ruby on Rails - "takes the fuss out of managing and giving access to Ruby on Rails."

Rails in DA - "manage your Rails aplpications without a pain!"

DA-PEAR (no cost) - "allow your users to check what PEAR packages were installed."

Plugins - Statistics + Logging

LogViewer - "enables your users to view [advanced user-level] logs"

AWStats - "AWStats Plugin for DA [version 3.0+]"

Stats Control - "Yet another AwStats Plugin"

Plugins - Administrative Tools

PostgreSQL - "provides a feature riched management interface for PostgreSQL"

DeeperAdmin - Adds a UI for some DirectAdmin tools that currently do not have an official UI.

DA-Tomcat - "allows users to manage their JSP/Servlet appications"

Jon's Toolbox - "collection of tools to fill the void where DirectAdmin is lacking"

Non-Plugin Tools

DirectAdmin-APT for Debian (no cost) - "collection of Debian packages that conforms DirectAdmin to Debian's APT system"

Shell DA User Tool (no cost) - "allows Users to be converted to Resellers, Resellers back to Users, and changing of any user's owner."

Domain Monitoring Tool (NO LONGER UPDATED; no cost) - "monitor domain's load and the number of processes via the server-status Apache feature."

???? to DirectAdmin Account Converters

cPanel (no cost)

Ensim (DEAD; no cost)

Again, if I missed your project, or you want to change how it's listed here, simply let me know and I'll fix.

Would you please add DA for iPhone in the 3rd Party Software Directory List?:)

Would appreciate if someone updated and included Softaculous as well.
Softaculous is very much in use by many DirectAdmin Servers.

Softaculous License