3rd Party Software Directory

That's a very nice one :)
The button to open this plugin is set to show just if the user have SSH enabled?

Best regards

Nope, this is on my 2do list. The link to open the plugin is always visible, even if SSH is not enabled.

The problem is that I don't know yet how I can check if a user has SSH access enabled. I will fix this ASAP :)
Probably Zeiter or smatalk can help you with that bit.

Please let me/us know once it does have that function, I don't want customer to beeing annoying because it doesn't work and have to tell them that they don't have and will never have SSH access (unless that key can be used for something else of course)

Best regards
Probably Zeiter or smatalk can help you with that bit.

Please let me/us know once it does have that function, I don't want customer to beeing annoying because it doesn't work and have to tell them that they don't have and will never have SSH access (unless that key can be used for something else of course)

Best regards

I've just implemented the functionality that checks if a user has SSH access.

The link "SSH key management" is always visable instead, but the user gets an error message when he clicks on that link that their account does'nt have SSH access. I can't remove the link on the dashboard page as far as I know based on settings. It's just an HTML hook and i can't use PHP there to make conditions.

I've send SMTalk a DM with this question, maybe it is possible to hide the link on the dashboard page.
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Multi PHP INI Editor

Im new to this forum so be gentle lol
I need a Multi PHP INI Editor for my DirectAdmin
What do I do ?
What plugin do I get / buy?

Thanks in advance

PS. blooby hell you Image Verification is well hard lol