Hi fusionictnl and all.
First let me thank and congratulate fusionictnl on all his hard work for the community. Much love, fusionictnl.
Amazingly enough, I've spent the last hour reading through all the posts. Lots of good information in here, probably needs to get compiled someday into a mini-howto.
I'm running a clean install of Fedora and DA with PHP v4.3.10.
My questions:
1) When I download the AWSTATS plug-in via DA ( Install after upload is checked off ) I get the following error message:
Error unpacking /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/awstats/plugin.tar.gz : Error restoring file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/awstats/plugin.tar.gz
I saw this question already asked previously and the response was to remove and install. Well, I've done it 4 times to no avail. I even tried downloading with install option turned on and still get the same message.
What does this error message mean and how can I make it not appear? How can I be sure it's not a problem. The download seems to work and unpack as I see the /usr/local/directadmin/plugins awstats folder with all its files and I can install and activate the plug-in.
2) After installing the AWSTATS plugin I noticed that webalizer appeared in the user directories.... (Maybe the existed before and I didn't notice?)
Are these part of AWSTATS? Or was webalizer installed with DA? Does AWSTATS or the AWSTATS plugin need webalizer?
3) Are these the correct steps to fully remove the awstats plug-in?
a. As DA admin, Deactivate and Uninstall the awstats plug-in.
b. rm -rf all of the following directories for each user and domain:
c. rm -rf /etc/awstats
Are there any more steps to take besides those 3 above?
4) Looking at the install script I can see that /awstats is created for each domain upon initial install of the awstats plug-in. Please clarify if this is intended behavior. From reading the posts is sounded like this was only suppose to happen if you execute alldomains.php.
5) Is there a config setting so all new users added after the AWSTATS plugin is already installed are defaulted to having access the awstats plug-in?
Answer: This thread explains a method.
6) In the alldomains.php you try to issue a command:
chmod -L 755
This gives and error with my chmod... are you just trying to be compatible with other versions of Linux?
Thank you for your help.