AwStats plugin for DA [Still in BETA]

malachor said:
i though it was a perl issue also, but perl seems to be working just fine via ssh, but output isnt.

i checked permissions and everything and i cant find anything wrong

When you run it from a command line, do you get errors?

Also, did you check the apache error log?

More a "pure" awstats question I guess:

Does anyone know how to disable the "update now" link.
Or if there's a way to just remove the link from the mainright frame that's fine too.

Open up /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/hooks/cgi-bin/awstats.none.conf
and change

That should do it for you :)
I'm not sure, I have a feeling it is only for newly created configs.
However the best way to tell is login to an account that previously had this installed and check.
If it doesn't affect all users, then you could create a script to modify them all or if there aren't that many, do it by hand.

FYI: it affected all the websites on my server...just as I wanted :)

EDIT: ooops, wrong by me, it only affectes new sites, or old websites if you reinstall stats for the website.
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GoranTornqvist: Use the awstatsinstall.php script in the hooks dir. I thought the correct parameters to update all your current conf files is -f -a, so that makes: ./awstatsinstall.php -f -a :)

malachor Check your apache logs in: /var/log/httpd/domains/[domain]_error.log

Check the suexec log:

/var/log/httpd/suexec_log .
Another question, upon account creation it's standard to NOT have awstats access, but I'd like all customers on a certain server to have it by standard...
Is there any way to globally edit something somewhere to do this ? :D
The DA update for version 1.24 screwed up my awstats. Because of the nightly rotation my stats are missing info...

Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
10 0 * * * root /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/awstats/hooks/cgi-bin/ now -awstatsprog=/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/awstats/hooks/cgi-bin/ && echo 'action=tally&value=all' >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

Use this for Cron as this will first update the stats before the rotation. Stats generation can take a long time on huge numbers of websites, so best is to use this cron line instead of the standard DA tally all in the cron ;) This should fix it.
can't awstats process zipped logs? Could we set AWStats to process the zipped logs instead of the raw log, so it does this after rotation? The advantage to this is that there will be no missing data.
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The rotation file in one of the directadmin directories has the same file format. Might be worth the look, haven't had time just yet.
$HOME directory


I have a suggestion to use some $HOME variable with home directory definition.
for example at one of my server we use /var/home location instead of /home for users. In that case plugin requires some changes in code to work properly.

The script works perfectly with all domains but don't run with subdomains. It's not possible to configure the script with subdomains ? Eg :

I see the script, especially alldomains.php and the listing at the beginning is :

$list=exec("ls $home/*/domains/*/public_html | grep public_html | tr -d '\n'");

It's not possible to list subdomains with this method ? If it's impossible, list domains and subdomains with the logs files would be a solution, no ?

Thanks. Bye.
Easily? No.

Domains are just a directory under public_html.

In a web site setup via DA, there's no difference between:

I guess the script could be modified to look for cgi-bin dirs and anytime it finds one other than in public_html, it's a subdomain. But that's kind of a kludge.

I have a problem that script I ran to mass change my awstat config files now has made an error, at the top of each awstats page is an error about duplicate entries. although it does work just looks messy.