Billing systems


Verified User
May 20, 2007
So..:D .. What billing system do you think I should start to use....:p

I need some GOOD PROS and CONS :)

thank you :)
As for me, still manual, another month or so, but ModernBill has gone from con to ex-con.

Only because we disliked the others even more, and ModernBill gives us great support (which we pay for).

What I can see from posts in the forum, is that ModernBill's support sucks.... and the way they did things in the new version are just worst than previous version....

Anyone has something to say about it ? :D

Never used MB but you know, you can tell a lot about it by just reading what problems other people have :)
You will find most billing script authors will give you a demo or free trial even if they are not offered on there websites.

Try some of these:

AWBS is a very good price for what you get, the billing part of awbs is really advanced and is being rapidly developed, including new modules added all the time.
You can purchase a lifetime awbs license for $130 USD from some of the resellers, so the price is really good.
I've read a lot over the last week, I mean A LOT :) (forums, comments, etc...)

I found something else .... And I am about to test it :p

Will report soon :)
do not purchase moderbill. i have had nothing but horrible experiences with the product and their support.

among other things, i can guarantee they do not test modules as critical as payment gateways before they release them.

mb4 was much better than 5, but they didn't support php5 with mb4 so i was forced to 'upgrade'. i basically upgraded to beta software. the upgrade process was a mess as well.

mb5 is such a clusterf*** it's difficult to figure out their UI even for the technically savvy. mb5 doesn't even allow you to send out a bulk email to your client base! (mb4 did)

just a few weeks ago they accidentally expired a bunch of customer keys which forced me to renew my support and re-generate keys for my system to work. they did it for free, but my billing system was down for a day without me knowing it and i had to go out of my way to contact them and fix my system.

their support is entirely careless and you will basically get rtfm reponses until you prove to them your issue isn't user error.

i've ranted about them for long enough but i dread the process of migrating everything to a new system however i will soon.
I would not recommend modernbill either and I've been using them for several years. I like the idea of v5 but frankly it's taken them to long and at to high a cost to move forward. Some of us have been waiting over 3 years for a DirectI plugin with them saying it's just around the corner in the next release but it still hasn't happened. Simple support tickets will take more than 2 days to get answered and don't even ask a complicated question. And to pay for faster service so I can call them I'm not going to cough up more money per incident than it costs to call Microsoft.
My friend who is a dentist paid the upper part of $1x,xxx for a piece of software that is specifically made for dentists and the monthly support cost is less than a single incident with modernbill and he gets no-wait phone and chat support for crying out loud.

I would suggest clientexec or WHMCS depending on your preferred style. Even though they're much cheaper they manage to provide more dependable support.

I think WHMCS has an import script that you might want to try out with the trial. Migration might be easier than in the past :)
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OK, Just installed the WHMCS.... the 15 day trial.... I got 8 left ... upsss


Now I am trying to figure out where is the DA integration configuration part :) hmmmm :confused:
OK, I got one more day of testing .... out of 15 day trial.

When new user registers..... WHMCS does not create DA account.... (I mean, when I go to DA and I check for new users, there is no one else being added)

.... That is what should work :p and what is the point if it's not ...

WHMCS support will login to my server and they will check what is going on today ...
in the same time.... Do you have any ideas ? What I am possibly missing ....

And I can't find any nice HOWTOs for that....
Yeah, found that yesterday .... but it's nowhere explained...

Sure it is. Hover over Help and click Manual. On the left side expand Using WHMCompleteSolution. Expand Products Management. Click Adding a New Server.
When new user registers..... WHMCS does not create DA account....

Again the manual.

This time click Adding a New Product.

Quote at the bottom:

After clicking Continue, you will see the Edit Product screen. From here you can then proceed to set your product description, pricing, prorata options, stock options, package quotas, custom fields, configurable options, auto setup options and any other details.

If you have already created a product then just go to that product page and click the Server Settings tab for that product and set everything up there.
Yeah, I was there...configured as described .... and nothing ... :D that's why I am asking what I am missing :p cause there might be something else ... I did not do...
Did you set up a server to be the default server? Does it have a * next to it?
Yes it Does....

hmmmm under MANAGE SERVERS where you need to enter IP address, I tried to enter IP address there yesterday, and then I changed that to my main domain name ... hmmmm what will be better to enter into that field, IP or domain name ?.... now I am just trying things to make this work....
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Note 1)
OK, I changed that entry (look at post above) to IP...

Note 2)
...when I ORDER something as new user and create account after I proceed .... ....whmcs/order.php?step=6 page appears blank .....

then I go to WHMCS and I see the account created......

Note 3)
I do activate the new account (I mean Accept the order)....

Note 4)
I am going to DA to see if client is created ... and nothing...

Note 5)
Matt is working on it .... (if you know who Matt is ...) let's see...
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