DirectAdmin v1.648 has been released

First, no, don't disable the whole exclude line. You will end up with updating other software if you have yum cron. Just remove liblsapi from the exclude line.
Second, you might also end up with CB tries to "update" mod_lsapi again if you have CB cron. You will need to edit version file too. At the moment, I am not sure if custom version file is still working, you can try.
@Joriz a special control knob for PHP selector availability only on sub-domain level sounds like a very niche use-case. Does keeping the option to change PHP version for sub-domains causes any problems?

This is really unwanted behaviour as this offers a button and additional non working option to customers.

This causes frustration for less tech savvy customers as they don't understand that they need to be somewhere else at the normal "PHP Selector". Causing customers getting stuck wanting to change the PHP version for their hosting package.
Also more technical customers are really picky about this and would like to see a 'perfect' control panel.

So if the 'PHP version' row under Sub domains can be disabled/enabled that would be great.

Now there is no parameter what influences this. You would expect that php_version_selector or an other parameter would influence this behaviour.

View attachment 6736View attachment 6735
Thanks for rolling out a hotfix with the other Software Updates appearing in 1.649.
nstallatron Admin plugin page is broken in Evolution skin,

error message:

Ooops... something went wrong

o.get is not a function

this issue has not yet been resolved in version 1.649.
@Niels90 Humm that's strange, i'm running version Installatron 9.1.59-4 (280) on 1.649 (b3525e60c30da803e6710c4a3badb838b5b70601) and am not experiencing any issues with the EVO skin. Is there a specific page that is broken? System PHP version 7.4.33 on Debian 11.7, tried on a few servers.
@Niels90 Humm that's strange, i'm running version Installatron 9.1.59-4 (280) on 1.649 (b3525e60c30da803e6710c4a3badb838b5b70601) and am not experiencing any issues with the EVO skin. Is there a specific page that is broken? System PHP version 7.4.33 on Debian 11.7, tried on a few servers.
9.1.59-4 (280) installatron version & DirectAdmin version 1.649 & Php 7.4.33 version
@Niels90 Humm that's strange, i'm running version Installatron 9.1.59-4 (280) on 1.649 (b3525e60c30da803e6710c4a3badb838b5b70601) and am not experiencing any issues with the EVO skin. Is there a specific page that is broken? System PHP version 7.4.33 on Debian 11.7, tried on a few servers.
the initial screen of installatron gives this error which is the first thing the customer comes to
It's already happening longer, but I don't know for sure if this is a bug.
If you enable hotlink protection and afterwards disable it again and you want to remove the domains section. Then there is an option to remove them, but if you select them all, and use the remove button, it says succeeded, but nothing is removed.

Also the domain.hotlink.conf file in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/account/domains will keep existing and will never be removed anymore once the hotlink protection is used.
I've just raised a support ticket for this issue. The functionality is clearly broken. You cannot even update the configuration (for example to change the protected file types).

Not possible for me to do anything on that view.