DirectAdmin v1.653 RC

I guess I'm lucky I jumped ship when I did........ I won't say I told you so, but it all started when cPanel annoyed everyone. therefore making DA bloatware with Evo skin... Sadly, JBMC is doing the same now with moving the goalposts...
Might consider changing to another panel if this is true. I am using DA for more than 15 years now! I still have faith in the staff. Awaiting a reply…
A staff member confirmed it:
That is not a confirmation, that is a sudden unexpected announcement which none of us knew of and it's undecent.

We expect answer about what was us promised before, that only new features would not be implemented but the applications would be no issue at all.
So if you don't mind, let @DirectAdmin Sales or somebody from staff tell us why this sudden change of heart which will make our legacy lifetime licenses useless in couple of years.
And if there will be some offer for us some way at that time.
@BillyS we will review the situation with modsecurity, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

For all the other posts regarding legacy licenses, the legacy codebase flag and explanation of limited maintenance was introduced over a year ago ( so there is no new announcements to be made.

If you have any questions related to licensing - opening a support ticket with our sales department could help you discuss it further and perhaps a better understanding would be accomplished.
lets see :
Users of legacy licenses may continue to run the DirectAdmin service with the understanding that their codebase will receive limited maintenance. For the purposes of licensing infrastucture compatibility, security fixes, and other development, the legacy codebase will increase version number in accordance with our changelog. However, it should not be assumed that items listed in the changelog are guaranteed to exist in the legacy codebase.

This is about DA panel code and enhancements and updates itself, I don't see any limits regarding updates of the "core" product like MySQL or so.
To be honest I am not native English person so maybe i understand it not right but I am quite sure nothing is mentioned about stopping of updating of the "core" software
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lets see :

This is about DA panel code and enhancements and updates itself, I don't see any limits regarding updates of the "core" product like MySQL or so.
To be honest I am not native English person so maybe i understand it not right but I am quite sure nothing is mentioned about stopping of updating of the "core" software
This was all set in motion when DirectAdmin decided to include stack applications (Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP, Exim, Dovecot, etc) into DirectAdmin updates and not separate in Custombuild as before.

There's two parts to running a web hosting (or email service, database server, etc). There's the actual front-end facing software (Apache, Exim, Dovecot, MySQL, MariaDB) and there is the backend controlling interface - i.e. DirectAdmin, cPanel, etc.

We've reach a point to where the industry can't recognize this. In my opinion, the control panel industry should focus on their control panel software - the stuff that they actually code and write. Now, if they want to provide a way to install those stack applications, that's fine too, but recognize those aren't part of the control panel's coding.

By including updates to these stack applications with the DirectAdmin updates themselves, DirectAdmin took this a step further almost to the point to where they are declaring that the stack applications are their own. And now they are positioning themselves to where future updates to these stack applications aren't just integrated into the DirectAdmin updates, but also require a new license to do so.

Greed got cPanel into quite a mess. DirectAdmin is heading in the same direction if they are not careful.
so there is no new announcements to be made.
Sorry but that is BS. Especially because of this announcement, some of us asked what this would mean for us and if that would make changes to anything and us was told that normal applications would not be affected only newer features and development.

And it's not a good idea to open a ticket for it. Because all of us legacy holder are affected and don't understand this change, creating a ticket about it would only be good for DA to get this out of publicity what is done here.
I'm seriously angry about this and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I can't find it that quickly anymore, but I can find this one:
from Directadmin Sales:
Depending on your needs, the legacy codebase may be usable for a very long time, and right now there is no pressure for you to upgrade the license.
gave a false sense of security.

Greed got cPanel into quite a mess. DirectAdmin is heading in the same direction if they are not careful.
It's just BS that simple free products are just not supported anymore on legacy licenses. They should indeed be very carefull.
Now I start to see why we need to update DA for updating new server software :) We will see that DA announces that Apache, Nginx, MySQL... integrated to DA core codebase. Legacy codebase is officially dead :)
Just a ridiculous move!

I don't know what mariadb has to do with a control panel. That it will work the same way for apache and everything else later is clear.

We've just cancelled the ongoing migration of all cPanel servers to DA, so we can save ourselves the effort, since it's probably going in the same direction now....

Shame on you DA!
;) so by limiting the core softwares. This is the way to kill the legacy license completely in 2 years?

Exactly that, you can also read all of that via this link below.

You can still upgrade to mariadb 10.11 without costumbuild managing it. But yeah legacy licenses will be worthless over the next years.

The popularity of retail Pro Pack licensing has surged over the past few years while volume growth of legacy licensing (licenses without Pro Pack) has dropped to record lows.

DirectAdmin will adapt to this marketplace change by unifying our codebase and cleaning up the confusing array of licenses that currently exist.

We would like to thank our datacenter partners for being an important part of our growth. The year 2023 marks the 20th-anniversary of DirectAdmin and internal (datacenter) pricing, which has held consistent pricing since the year 2003!
@exlhost please stop defending this move , the article you are refering does not talk about stopping updates by legacy licenses
I don't, I also have legacy licenses myself. I'm just saying how they describe it over there in my opinion it all went as they have planned.