DirectAdmin v1.653 RC


Staff member
Aug 30, 2021
Hi everyone!

We are happy to announce the release of DirectAdmin 1.653 RC.

One of the highlights of this release is CustomBuild support for MariaDB 10.11. This release contains almost no changes related to Evolution skin because we are still busy with major UI framework upgrade vue2 to vue3, however there a number of other fixes and improvements that we are happy to release.

Full release change log can be found here:

DirectAdmin 1.653

The update should be automatically available for all installations subscribed to the beta release channel.

We appreciate all the feedback on forums and issues reported in the ticketing system.

What is happening with OWASP / ModSecurity?

MariaDB 10.11 is not available in this release!. There is no option to choose for 10.11 with custombuild.

10.11 is not a valid setting for mariadb option.
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Could you explain this, why doesn't support for Legacy License ?

I think all people legacy license will come into this thread and ask why Mariadb 10.11 doesn't work or supported.

We would like to thank our datacenter partners for being an important part of our growth. The year 2023 marks the 20th-anniversary of DirectAdmin and internal (datacenter) pricing, which has held consistent pricing since the year 2003!
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Could you explain this, why doesn't support for Legacy License ?

I think all people legacy license will come into this thread and ask why Mariadb 10.11 doesn't work or supported.
This is how DirectAdmin becomes cPanel without becoming cPanel.

"Oh! and one more thing. In order to take advantage of these upgrades, you'll need to upgrade your license to a Super-Duper License."

I would expect a new "Super-Super-Duper License" to be required in 2 years.
MariaDB 10.11 will not be supported for legacy DA products.
Aagh here comes the trouble, DA suddenly decides to change the game and push users to go with new license.?

This is not fair and like @Richard G mentioned only extra feature was not in the legacy license , but now even required updates needs the new license, what will be next php and apache updates will paid?

DA shame on you !
So now, DirectAdmin is becoming cPanel?
Our owned license will become useless in future. When cPanel increased their prices, most of the people moved towards DirectAdmin and trusted you, but what you did? Extremely disappointed with this move.
please make sure you are using non-legacy DirectAdmin license. MariaDB 10.11 will not be supported for legacy DA products.
This needs to be explained and corrected very quickly. New features like Terminal, IMAP Sync, etc I understood weren’t included but not standard applications. @smtalk can you shed any light on this?
It is what it is guys, this was already planned when pro pack was created, which has now been dropped again.

They also need to earn more money to make and develop everything better. You could already see this coming if you read multiple threats about any form of licenses on the forum since last year.

Where I purchased my internal lifetime license are still in negotiations with directadmin, but it looks like they will offer the licenses as on the directadmin website soon.
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this was already planned when pro pack was created,
No because when the Pro pack came DA only mentioned that it will only effect some extra "features" and not required software like Mysql
I can perfectly live without the extra addons that comes with Pro pack because "core" software was maintained in future updates.

But: suddenly without any announcement or feedback simply because someone asked an question regarding mysql we have discovered that DA has changed his license policy, that is what bothering me here.

If DA really wants to drop the legacy license just say it and offer legacy license holders to upgrade their license with discount even when its not fair to change the rules of the game which they promised to play nicely but didn't.

I am expecting some official announcement from the DA staf regarding this because there are several hosting forums that speaks about this and they all have linked to this thread.
@fln @DirectAdmin Sales
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They also need to earn more money to make and develop everything better. You could already see this coming if you read multiple threats about any form of licenses on the forum since last year.

But I don't need it. DirectAdmin was good enough 2-3 years ago, later updates IMHO brings mostly problems, and removal of things (like suphp or custombuild in standard skin - not to mention other changes with custombuild...).
All I expect is security updates and support for current software like PHP, SQL etc. Nothing more.
No because when the Pro pack came DA only mentioned that it will only effect some extra "features" and not required software like Mysql

I understand what you mean, of course they won't have said that it also included major updates for MySQL, among others, but i think it was part of the new license plan already. :)
but i think it was part of the new license plan already. :)
Then they shouldn't be sneaky about it and state otherwise. Since they normally always acted honestly and fair, this would strike me as odd. However it would be good for this reason of somebody of staff would enlighten us about this to prevent assumptions being made over what is to happen now or as to why this decision is made against previous statements they made.