DirectAdmin v1.653 RC

They would happily pony up more, but not if you change the terms one sided on existing contracts.
It might not be how DirectAdmin sees this, but it certainly is how my customer will see it (and so do I).
I can agree to that, however, it's sold a a yearly license so terms can change every year in fact. And it can still be used in full. Only not the latest MariaDB which just came out. Ofcourse this is a dissapointment. Agreed to that, and also to the fact that DA should have announced that way more ahead.
They think they did with the announcement last year about changing to legacy, but the effect of this wasn't clear to any of us.

Problem is, we have an issue now and have to find a way to fix this, mostly for lifetime licenses, which probably also have to start paying.
Personal license holders can use their license until end of the year and then change to personal plus.

Biggest issue here is the lack of a clear communication on forehand of DA.

No need to be condescending and putting words in my mouth that I never said.
I didn't do that at all. I quoted your own statement. You clearly said you woulnd't be able to explain that to them and I answered purely to that statement. Things can be explained, there is nothing condescending about it and I did not put any words in your mouth that you did never said.
If you feel I did, please point me to those words.

I do understand you're getting tired of this BS in the hosting business, as am I. Especially now this MariaDB/license issue again unexpectedly.
Anyone remember when DirectAdmin supported FreeBSD for over a decade and then dropped it a while back?

I'm surprised no one raised suspicion when custombuild's freely available build script(s) were pulled from DA's mirrors.

Yeah, the writing was on the wall for a while now. They dropped FreeBSD support to focus on a single static binary that embedded custombuild to avoid having to implement "workarounds" :rolleyes:. If they only leveraged the ports system instead of compiling core services from scratch...

This is the pain of a trusted vendor leaving you behind. It gets worse from here on out, so buckle up.

That said, real sysadmins can just build/install MariaDB 11 themselves. I doubt DirectAdmin will stop utilizing whatever database you throw at it, especially if it's an external one.
Can't create new databases since last update..
(using MySQL 8)
it has a problem with the password somehow..
here's a screenshot..
i've tried passwords with numbers, without, with characters like !#@ and without..
Nothing works..
Please help!
This is just the start, first it started with changes in licensing and with that the introduction of some sort of ProPack.
Then the decision was made to head back to the OS default versions of certain software/packages.

And now it's this, and all without some sort of a roadmap with certain promisses they eventually aren't able to keep. My license still states 'valid till 19-1-2038 04:14' so I expect it'll be maintained accordingly thus including MariaDB or eventually expect some more information like, if people are able to just use the MariaDB repositories to upgrade MariaDB to more recent versions etc. But:

Somehow I have the feeling decisions like these should be taken as a warning.
- Changing Agreements single sided
- Changing certain software and packages.
- Removing certain support for Legacy users.

What's next? Without a roadmap, statement and thus clear/transparent communication customers could concider this as a time bomb!

Making choices can be hard, just as putting out roadmaps and statements. But changing things before even communicating is a no-go for most customers.

/ Edit /
Next message from DirectAdmin will be, people with legacy licenses cannot update to PHP 8.3.
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That said, real sysadmins can just build/install MariaDB 11 themselves. I doubt DirectAdmin will stop utilizing whatever database you throw at it, especially if it's an external one.

No, you can't. I haven't been using Custombuild for Mysql/Mariadb since day one, and upgraded to MariaDB 11, not knowing anything about the legacy license limitation. Imagine my surprise when I was no longer allowed to log into the DA admin interface, with a message telling me I must buy a new license or downgrade MariaDB. Very disappointing!
No, you can't. I haven't been using Custombuild for Mysql/Mariadb since day one, and upgraded to MariaDB 11, not knowing anything about the legacy license limitation. Imagine my surprise when I was no longer allowed to log into the DA admin interface, with a message telling me I must buy a new license or downgrade MariaDB. Very disappointing!
Somebody mentioned this, and i think the workaround was to change something in the CB settings (like don’t update with cb or something like that)
Somebody mentioned this, and i think the workaround was to change something in the CB settings (like don’t update with cb or something like that)
I haven't seen any mention of a workaround, but I have mysql_inst=no and mariadb=10.6 in my Custombuild options.conf, and the inability to log into DA occurred simply by installing MariaDB 11 from RPMs. Custombuild wasn't run nor touched at all, so I think DA is simply checking to see what version of MariaDB you are using and will block it if version 11 and a legacy license, simply because they can. Fortunately it was straight-forward to uninstall 11 and re-install 10.9, but still a nuisance, especially considering I wasn't aware there was going to be any issue with 11 before the fact.
I haven't seen any mention of a workaround, but I have mysql_inst=no and mariadb=10.6 in my Custombuild options.conf, and the inability to log into DA occurred simply by installing MariaDB 11 from RPMs. Custombuild wasn't run nor touched at all, so I think DA is simply checking to see what version of MariaDB you are using and will block it if version 11 and a legacy license, simply because they can. Fortunately it was straight-forward to uninstall 11 and re-install 10.9, but still a nuisance, especially considering I wasn't aware there was going to be any issue with 11 before the fact.
If this is true, then I think about the claims/lawsuits about HP not letting use of other cartridges
If this is true, then I think about the claims/lawsuits about HP not letting use of other cartridges
The HP lawsuit involved hardware that was useless without an HP cartridge. A better analogy would be Linux not running Windows programs. But this is all off topic.
The HP lawsuit involved hardware that was useless without an HP cartridge. A better analogy would be Linux not running Windows programs. But this is all off topic.
Thats not really true, if you 'buy' a Linux you know it will not run Windows programs.
The 'problem' with HP (and DirectAdmin) is: it worked and there was set a software switch to prevent it. (a software switch: they just need to say YES or NO as easy as it is, no costs and not lots of work !)

But you are right it is off topic, but we don't get any reaction from DirectAdmin, not even on the special created thread.
Nowhere I can see a list of what options are omitted from the legacy license. The communication is really bad. I have been reading all the forum messages about this subject and read the official pages on licensing on the website. It's taking me 2 hours already and still no sign of an overview or clarification of the future consequences. Also only a few offical messages between them.

Besides that I think it's a real ripoff. I pay monthly for my directadmin license to my VPS service provider and now al of a sudden my product does not containt certain features. I want to upgrade to mariadb 10.11 to use some of the new features and DA simply blocks that. It's like your taking our servers hostage and want me to pay a ransom. DA is the tool to keep all our server software up to date and properbly installed. I now it doesn't anymore.

I have used this product for many year. It always looked very bad, but it worked in a stable matter. That's what's important. And now we are stuck. Trust that is broken is not easily fixed!

A real shame!
The DA license check blocks a manually installed MariaDB 10.11 on legacy licenses so you have to uninstall it and reinstall 10.6 for DA to work again, this is even with all the MySQL settings disabled. it does feel like ransomware! if you want to use you have to get a new license!
I pay monthly for my directadmin license to my VPS service provider and now al of a sudden my product does not containt certain features.
If you pay - you must receive standart license. We providing legacy licenses for our VPS for free.
If you pay - you must receive standart license.
Not really. There are lots of datacenter out there which let customers pay to use the license, for example 5 euro's a month.

Besides that I think it's a real ripoff. I pay monthly for my directadmin license to my VPS service provider
Then you shouldn't blame DA but your VPS service provider. You can see at the directadmin main site what normal license prices are.
So before you start talking about ransoms, the normal licenses don't have any issue so if you pay the normal price, there is no issue.
The DA license check blocks a manually installed MariaDB 10.11 on legacy licenses so you have to uninstall it and reinstall 10.6 for DA to work again,

Wrong !

I am running mariadb 10.6 and all of a sudden DA didn't let me log in showing this message :
legacy code-base does not support this MySQL version, downgrade MySQL or upgrade DirectAdmin license
I have used DA for many years now. Over 10 years I believe. The prices they have right now is not the prices to always have. I have always paid for a DA license through the datacenter I rent my server/VPS from. This always worked great.

The license from the datacenter should not be different from te one you buy from DA directly. It is a valid/legal DA license. It's simply bought by the datacenter and resold to me with permission from DA. This has always been the case. And the payment model between DA and the datacenter is between them. But i'm certain the datacenter payed DA for the license they provide to me.

That the license of the datacenter is all of a sudden is something different is a change DA made. The new license DA offers would quadrouple the cost for us overnight. Which is weird. As I do not need nor want al the 'new' features from the plus pack. I simple need a realiable system to install the software I neeed to run my server safely.

But most weird to think me is that using DA now blocks me from using Mariadb 10.11. That is weirdest. The only reason is not incompatibility or other technical problems but simply DA wanting more money and breaking the deal they made with the datacenters. Using my server as a hostage. I use the term hostage because I now most make a choice between using mariadb or DA or paying 4x as much for the same product I already have a valid license to. They block me untill I paid more, therefor a hostage situation to me.

I would understand that no new features will come to an old license. I underderstand pro features are only included in the new license. That's all fair. But it not faire to make you software deliberatly absolute because you want to sell new licenses. It's illegal to block me for using a different product from an other vendor. DA should have no say in what other software I install on my server.

Again blocking Mariab db 10.11 is not a compatibilty issues. It's money grabing issue. They know it will make the legacy licenses unusabel in 2 years when the updates stop for mariadb 10.6. They know dataproviders cannot risk selling it as t will create a posible security hole. They deliberatly do this to make the current licenses invalid. And I thruly believe this is a breach of contract. But more importantly, I believe It's a bad business practice.

DA is a great product. And if it raise it's prices then that is their right. This could even be acceptable. But the way in which they do this makes it hard for me to trust them as a business partner. Blocking me to use my server how I want is a big deal it's a breach of trust.

I hope they will reconsider this weird tacktick
Wrong !

I am running mariadb 10.6 and all of a sudden DA didn't let me log in showing this message :

Not Wrong!. test yourself

Upgrade manually to 10.11.6 then check again after a week or two when DA checks your license is valid. you will get the error.

Legacy code-base does not support this MySQL version, downgrade MySQL or upgrade DirectAdmin license

You can do a manual install and it will work for a little while, until the license check is done.
I did not try a manual license check to see if it triggered the version block as don't have any DA servers installed anymore so can not test.

Multiple installs with a manual install and management and all database features disabled in custombuild.

How else will your license get blocked until you downgrade to 10.6? possibly your OS installed an update that triggered your error.