Verified User
I gotta tell you, I've had nothing but problems with this new build script.
1. We run all servers on Dovecot - by default, unless you look at the configuration specifically, it's setup with Dovecot=Off So everyone had screwed up mail when it was done, and we spent a couple hours tracking it down.
2. We've converted nine servers to php5 using this script, and every one has had an issue during the conversion.
We've ended up with totally fubar'd httpd.conf files - nothing that's not fixable, but still a PITA.
These errors are corrected, and the fixes are found in this, or other threads on these forums - and of course with the excellent help of John & crew at DA, but it's GOT to be simpler than this.
There should be a yes/no option to select what you want to install, php5_cli, php5, suphp, dovecot, headerpatch, mysql, etc
There also needs to be a default build that'll take a new box directly to mysql5, apache2 and php5 (with these setup options yes/no) on new server installs.
PHP4 is at EOL as of 12/31/07 - people are going to want to switch, soon. I'd really wait to see if this custombuild can get perfected a little more before the feint of heart dive into it.
We've got 90 some servers to convert eventually, I'm hoping this can go a little smoother, sooner rather than later.
Thanks for your hard work!
1. We run all servers on Dovecot - by default, unless you look at the configuration specifically, it's setup with Dovecot=Off So everyone had screwed up mail when it was done, and we spent a couple hours tracking it down.
2. We've converted nine servers to php5 using this script, and every one has had an issue during the conversion.
> Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 17 of
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/ into
> server: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
> directory
> Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 30 of
> /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/scotiany/httpd.conf:
> Invalid command 'php_admin_flag', perhaps misspelled or defined by a
> module not included in the server configuration
We've ended up with totally fubar'd httpd.conf files - nothing that's not fixable, but still a PITA.
These errors are corrected, and the fixes are found in this, or other threads on these forums - and of course with the excellent help of John & crew at DA, but it's GOT to be simpler than this.
There should be a yes/no option to select what you want to install, php5_cli, php5, suphp, dovecot, headerpatch, mysql, etc
There also needs to be a default build that'll take a new box directly to mysql5, apache2 and php5 (with these setup options yes/no) on new server installs.
PHP4 is at EOL as of 12/31/07 - people are going to want to switch, soon. I'd really wait to see if this custombuild can get perfected a little more before the feint of heart dive into it.
We've got 90 some servers to convert eventually, I'm hoping this can go a little smoother, sooner rather than later.
Thanks for your hard work!