Guide for installing Mailman with DirectAdmin

I have attempted this twice now and each time I completed this and restart httpd crashes and my other server admin says things become a mess. I am quite confused and frustrated why this is not working.

Seems like no one is replying anymore. I even had sent a DM to the SMTALK, perhaps he is no longer there.
I'm running DirectAdmin version v1.61.5 with Custombuild v2.0 and Apache v2.4.46, and there seems to be no way to make Mailman's Web GUI work with suexec enabled in that configuration (though Mailman cohabitated well with DirectAdmin for years on my servers). So I'd like to know whether there is a way to compile Apache 2.4 without suexec under DirectAdmin. Or maybe downgrade Apache or Directadmin? Deleting suexec options in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/configure.apache ends up in compiling errors, but maybe changing the "--with-suexec-caller=apache" or the "--with-suexec-userdir=public_html" settings could be useful?

Any ideas or hints?
There seems to be no solution to that issue, and administering Mailman without the Web GUI is a pain. So I'll install Mailman only on servers without DirectAdmin.
I'll still be using DA, but not with Mailman, they now just seem incompatible with each other.
Sadly I have a mess of clients still using Mailman for mailing list functionality that just is better than what I have seen in the DA offering. My clients have lists where they control senders, etc. I am unable to see this functionality.

Once I get my server moves completed I may try again on a second VPS machine for customers not using mailman features.
Sadly I have a mess of clients still using Mailman for mailing list functionality that just is better than what I have seen in the DA offering. My clients have lists where they control senders, etc. I am unable to see this functionality.

I'm really disappointed after reading this thread. Most of our servers are running CentOS 7 and in our preparations to move to Alma / Cloudlinux I am looking into a migration to DA from cPanel. Like you, we still have many customers using Mailman. Without the ability to seamlessly transfer these over to DA with no loss of functionality, it's a deal breaker.

I imagine this is a major sticking point for many wishing to migrate from cPanel to DA and I would think it would be in their interests to do something about it.
Shame this isn't any further on...I've migrated a bunch of users from cPanel+Mailman who are now suffering email delivery issues and other problems caused by the age of majorodomo.

I've found posts on this forum from a decade ago complaining about the lack of a decent listserv in DA but there doesn't appear to be any roadmap to fix this gap?