How-to: cPanel to DA migration

I'm having a hard time transfering from cPanel to DirectAdmin. Receiving an error (see below) during the restore. Everything seems to work fine, but all the e-mail accounts are EMPTY. They are being created so that's not an issue, they're just empty. Not really sure what to do now? Any help would be appreciated. We're using OpenLiteSpeed, not Apache which might cause the 'Invalid path' error.

E-Mail: Unable to add forwarder *
Catch all is now set to :fail:

Ftp: Invalid path: /etc/apache2/logs/domlogs/museum: belowHomePath:museum: /etc/apache2/logs/domlogs/museum does not start with /home/museum
I'm having a hard time transfering from cPanel to DirectAdmin. Receiving an error (see below) during the restore. Everything seems to work fine, but all the e-mail accounts are EMPTY. They are being created so that's not an issue, they're just empty. Not really sure what to do now? Any help would be appreciated. We're using OpenLiteSpeed, not Apache which might cause the 'Invalid path' error.

E-Mail: Unable to add forwarder *
Catch all is now set to :fail:

Ftp: Invalid path: /etc/apache2/logs/domlogs/museum: belowHomePath:museum: /etc/apache2/logs/domlogs/museum does not start with /home/museum

Make sure your cPanel and DirectAdmin have the same MySQL/MariaDB version.

I had also faced similar issue. Maybe this can be helpful for you.
This script works well - its just subdomains that is an issue still at times. Nevertheless that's the only issue we noticed with some customers.
I have lost my Panel due to login attempts , how can i restore it please?

Which link should i use
SSH into your server, remove your IP from


and restart directadmin
I have a few CPanel accounts from my reseller to migrate to my DA server.

Will the cadval / address book move over? Also does email autoconfig work ?
I am using cpanel with 300 acc now i want to change panel from cpanel to DA what should i do
I don't have extra server i have to use same server just want to change panel and space is also not available like might be i will have 200GB available but account storages are more than 800GB

Any suggestions please
i try to install the conversion script but on last custombuild version it seems to be remove

./build cpanel_to_da

not work and give the list of all build commands.
DA version 1.642
CB version 2.0.0 (rev: 2939)

How can i fix it?
Im trying to import a cpanel backup and its giving an error but cant figure out how to fix the issue...
Can someone please help me with this?
I renamed the full backup file to cpmove-username
Here is the error log:

Unable to create DirectAdmin backup /home/admin/admin_backups/user.gdresell.ilmxjit57bta.tar.zst. Exiting...

Error converting file: /home/admin/admin_backups/cpmove-ilmxjit57bta.tar.gz: Converting ilmxjit57bta (/home/admin/admin_backups/cpmove-ilmxjit57bta.tar.gz)...
Found previous /home/admin/admin_backups/ilmxjit57bta. Removing...
Adding domain aliases...
Converting domain...
writing RSA key
AWSTATS: moving awstats data
Copying email aliases...
Generating roundcube.xml...
Generating /home/admin/admin_backups/ilmxjit57bta/backup/
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving email data of [email protected]
Moving squirrelmail data
Moving default domain data...
Moving main email account...
Removing symlinks from main email account and home folder:
Renaming .trash to .trash.cpanel
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_forum...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_forum...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_forum...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_forum...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_forum...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_forum...
Moving database dadshide_forum files...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta_ips for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta_ips for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta_ips for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_IPS...
Creating database user ilmxjit57bta for database dadshide_IPS...
Moving database dadshide_IPS files...
Creating DirectAdmin tarball...

File '/home/admin/admin_backups/cpmove-ilmxjit57bta.tar.gz' has not been restored
Check that you have increased your username limit at DA_URL:2222/admin/settings/server at the bottom
then delete the /home/admin/admin_backups/user.gdresell.ilmxjit57bta.tar.zst file and again try to restore just the cp-move file.

if this still does not work contact DA support.
As we're getting more and more questions on how to use, I've decided to write this article to make it clear :)

See the 2nd post if you'd just like to try it for a single or couple accounts.

FAQ for new customers:

Known issues:
* cPanel packages owned by root are not stored in any backups, thus they need to be converted manually using a script.
* Mailman mailing lists do not get converted to majordomo mailing lists
* Please make sure it's you who created cpmove-user.tar.gz backup for security purposes, because at this moment we fully trust the content inside, thus available on admin level only. This might change later.
* DirectAdmin format for mysql usernames/databases is always username_database and username_user. cPanel has the same format, but due to max username/database length (, is sometime shortens the username part in from of it. cPanel allows myusername_ to have a DB username with myuserna_. DA DB names/usernames always start with myusername_, changing this would create a mess, for example, you could have myuserna user owning myuserna_db1 and myusername user owning myserna_db2. The script converts username to be username in such cases, so, for some accounts you might need to change database username/name in wp-config.php or other files CMS uses. This should be rare though. Script output in such cases:
WARNING! us_wordpress cannot be owned by user, renaming database user to user_wordpress
* JetBackup format doesn't include cpmove-user directory inside, so, for now these need to be converted manually, like (would store converted backup in /home/admin/converted_user_backup):
jetbackup=yes /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/cpanel_to_da/ /home/admin/user_backups/cpmove-USERNAME.tar.gz /home/admin/converted_user_backup
chown -R admin. /home/admin/converted_user_backup

Other things to take into consideration:
* It's recommended to leave all the cpmove-user.tar.gz files on the system after restore. If there are bugs, or something goes wrong, it'd still be possible to recover that data.
* Like any software - there might be bugs there, if you notice any - please let us know, and we'll try fixing them as soon as possible.
* DirectAdmin supports a different feature set than cPanel. For example, DirectAdmin supports nginx/openlitespeed, MySQL8, rspamd etc., but it has no support for PostgreSQL or Ruby. So, if you have any sites using them - they'd need to be transferred manually.
* Max username length is 16 characters for MySQL users by default, and 10 for system user. Max username length can be increased in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf. You can find max length of your username in cPanel easily:
ls /var/cpanel/users | awk '{print length, $0}' | sort -nr | head -n1

To increase it in DA to 16, for example, you can simply run:
/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin set max_username_length 16 restart
* To make sure your MySQL username/database name is fine, I'd suggest upgrading your MySQL/MariaDB on the server (, MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB 10.x is recommended.
* I'd suggest trying it with 1 account first, most preferably - the one with the longest database name/username (guide for this in 2nd post) to make sure you have the nameservers you need and that you don't hit any limitations :)
* If you have user.tar.gz instead of cpmove-user.tar.gz, it will not work! pkacct forms cpmove-users.tar.gz. If you have a list of user.tar.gz files, and want to rename them all in current directory:
for i in `ls *.tar.gz | grep '^[A-Za-z0-9]*.tar.gz'`; do { mv -vf ${i} cpmove-${i}; }; done
* If you have backup-...._user.tar.gz instead of cpmove-user.tar.gz, it will not work! pkacct forms cpmove-users.tar.gz. If you have a list of backup-...._user.tar.gz files, and want to rename them all in current directory:
for i in `ls backup-[0-9]*.*.tar.gz`; do { USERNAME=`echo $i | cut -d_ -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1`; mv -v $i cpmove-${USERNAME}.tar.gz; }; done
* If you don't see the user in "Move users between resellers" list, please apply:
* If you did not restore resellers first, all users were assigned to "admin". If you want to re-assign them to correct resellers after restore:
cd /home/admin/all_backups
for i in `ls user*.tar.gz`; do { RESELLER=`echo $i | cut -d. -f2`; USER=`echo $i | cut -d'.' -f3`; /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ $USER admin $RESELLER; }; done
echo "action=cache&value=showallusers" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq d
* If you want to sync all packages from cPanel to DirectAdmin, including root packages, to admin user, you could simply do (change to a real domain name, 22 to SSH port if it's custom):
wget -O /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/cpanel_to_da/
chmod +x /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/cpanel_to_da/
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/cpanel_to_da/ 22

Steps to transfer ALL the accounts from cPanel server to DirectAdmin:
cPanel server:
1) Create a backup of all cPanel accounts on cPanel server and place them to /home/all_backups (make sure you have enough of space for them, if not, please read the suggestions at the end of the article):
mkdir -p /home/all_backups
for user in `ls /var/cpanel/users/`; do { /scripts/pkgacct ${user} /home/all_backups; }; done
2) Transfer /home/all_backups to DirectAdmin server:
rsync -avt --delete /home/all_backups/

We're done with cPanel server now. Let's connect to DirectAdmin server now.

DirectAdmin server:
1) Make sure your DirectAdmin version is at least 1.57.4 (as of time of writing, pre-release:, make sure backups at /home/admin/all_backups are owned by "admin" and that you have latest version of convertor script
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build cpanel_to_da
chown -R admin. /home/admin/all_backups
2) We finally have DirectAdmin backups in /home/admin/all_backups :) Now we can simply go to DirectAdmin "Admin Backup/Transfer" section, check "Backup/Restore Settings" (defaults should be fine) in Admin level and restore all backups from "/home/admin/all_backups" directory.

That's it!

If you have enough of space, I'd suggest leaving /home/admin/all_backups still there on DA server for a couple of weeks/months, if there is something missing in DA - you'd always have it in that backup.

If your cPanel server doesn't have enough of space - it's easy transfer accounts one-by one directly to the home folder on a new server. The most convenient way to do this is to generate SSH keys on cPanel server using:

Then you'll have your public key placed in /root/.ssh/ Just copy the content of it to your DirectAdmin server, file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (if /root/.ssh directory does not exist - create it). This will make it possible to connect to DA server without any password (from your cPanel server). Now instead of steps 1) and 2) on cPanel server, just do this:
for user in `ls /var/cpanel/users/`; do { /scripts/pkgacct ${user} /home/all_backups; rsync -avt /home/all_backups/cpmove-${user}.tar.gz${user}.tar.gz; rm -f /home/all_backups/cpmove-${user}.tar.gz ; }; done
Your username is included in the name of the backup file, and the digits that follow it indicate the date and time that the backup was made by cPanel.Alternately, users who have root access can generate a full backup using the command prompt by typing the following commands:
/scripts/pkgacct USERNAME (Your Username)

In the /home directory, you will find a newly created archive file with the name cpmove-USERNAME.tar.gz.
The next step is to upload the backup files to the DirectAdmin panel, and they should be placed in the directsay/home/admin/cpanel_backups directory.
Then Navigate to the login page for your DirectAdmin admin account.
Further Browse to the area labeled Admin Tools, then select Admin Backup/Transfer from the menu. Simply click the button labeled "RESTORE."
Input the location of the backup file here. Click the RESTORE button after selecting the backup file to use.
I decided to switch to DirectAdmin a while ago, and I'm confident that I made the right decision. Thank you very much for the information.