Ok, so we used to be able to install DirectAdmin on a template-host, which would then be cleared of all uniquely identifying stuff like license, IP addresses, mail-addresses, etc... This template-VM is then cloned to a new VM for a new customer, after which it needs to retrieve/install a dedicated license for that server.
This used to work with a '.skip_license' file in the root-dir, which, well, skipped the license installation and check. Afterwards, when the template is cloned to a new VM, we issue a script with "./getLicense.sh auto" to retrieve/install the final license which was prepared for that host/IP.
With this new licensing system, this no longer works, and we need to change the procedures for building the template-VM.
@DirectAdmin Sales: how do you propose we tackle this? We just need a dedicated license to install DA for the template host, which will then be cleared before the final VM's are cloned from this template with different IP address, hostname and License...
And to be clear, we would need to re-build the same template VM regularly, so once every few weeks or months, to bring it up to date, or change some installation defaults or components.
Another addition: The workflow for this template-to-customerserver would be something like this, license-wise:
- Create new VM with known, fixed IP/hostname, etc...
- Install DA (with or without license, but without errors)
- clear license/IP/hostname
- convert to VMWare template
- clone to customer-server with different IP/hostname, etc..
- request/install license
This template will be used to clone multiple customer-servers easily from Foreman/VMWare with cloud-init and other tools to quickly roll out many server without the need to install them all individually...so we need a way to be able to simply install DA without the current licensing hassle
With kind regards,
Hindrik Deelstra
Oxilion B.V.