License Key hashes: New method for installs/ and

Well. According to the notice on the previous page being:
"Unable to detect your license key, please re-run with LK provided as the argument"
it seems this time the system can't detect the key.

Maybe if you disable your firewall temporarily it can detect it. If not, and you don't have access to the customer portal, you can either ask your hoster/datacenter for the key, or maybe write a mail to DA sales providing the ip used 1 month ago when it worked, and hope they can help you.
Normally the one you have the DA license from should help you with this.
Well. According to the notice on the previous page being:

it seems this time the system can't detect the key.

Maybe if you disable your firewall temporarily it can detect it. If not, and you don't have access to the customer portal, you can either ask your hoster/datacenter for the key, or maybe write a mail to DA sales providing the ip used 1 month ago when it worked, and hope they can help you.
Normally the one you have the DA license from should help you with this.
Thanks you!

i try to contact to DA Sales
Being able to run more than 1 server on a license has never been advertised as a feature, nor has it been allowed. Our licensing agreement (which has remained unchanged since 2003) clearly mentions circumventing license checks.

The weakness in our old licensing system allowed people to abuse back-and-forth IP changing and run more than 1 server on a license... sometimes for a very long time. Others figured out they could use this exploit to generate a temporary license of sorts, which they used for migration purposes.

The official method has always been to request a temp license, not to try and run two servers on one license. ?
I tried to request temporary license and your support answered sorry we cannot add temporary license ??
Is it a license with support? The migration guide says licenses with support can open a ticket and request a migration license. It also says all others should just buy a license for the amount of time they need.
Question: Since Directadmin does not require setting up a static IP address anymore, can I install DA on dynamic DNS (with dynamic IP) server?
DirectAdmin is now powered by a more efficient, more secure, and more feature-rich licensing system.

Instead of relying on the traditional Client ID / License ID / IP address combination, we now offer a secure license key that is used to install DirectAdmin freely wherever you go. There's no more need to login to your account and wait for IP change approvals. Need to install DA on a new server? No problem! Use your key for the new installation, and watch DirectAdmin automatically deactivate on the old server.

Datacenter partners can now create keys that are multi-server, subnet specific / datacenter specific, etc. -- whatever meets their individual requirements. If you are a datacenter, please see this guide instead:

IMPORTANT: We've worked hard to make this process automatic for you. However, this requires you to maintain a relatively recent DirectAdmin version. Please see this thread.

Where to Find Your Key

Login to your client account and view any license by clicking on it. You'll see a new "License Key" row. Do not share this with one, as it is your secure key for that license. If you think your key has been leaked or stolen, no problem: just click the plus (+) symbol and you will see a button to reset your key. This can also be done if you don't see any key associated to your license.

How to Protect Your Key

Your key is secure. Unless someone has access to your DirectAdmin client account, or root access to the server where the key is installed, they cannot see your license key hash. (The license key hash is the string of long characters that makes up your license key.)

We offer extra features to protect your key even further. In your client account, after you click on a license to view it, you will see these extra features:
  • IP Restrictions. You can use this area to restrict your license to a certain IP range. For example, if you wanted to restrict the license to one IPv4 address (e.g. you could enter -- IPv6 ranges can also be added.
  • Auto IP Lock. This will lock your key to your current DirectAdmin installation, intelligently. It doesn't matter if your server is maintaining licensing sessions on IPv4/IPv6 or a mix of both. Auto IP Lock will ensure only your live DA installation is allowed to use your key. You can disable this at any time (for example, when you want to install your key onto a different server).
Please understand, keys are secure! These additional security features are strictly optional. If you have staff or temporary server admins having root access to your server, these measures will prevent key theft.

Installation Procedures

Just follow our install guide, as usual. You will notice that your license key goes where the text "auto" used to be.

Most legacy setup methods still remain. Assuming the license meets the traditional requirements (valid license set to the proper IP), you do not need to know what your key is. You can simply run:

./ auto

Please note that the oldest "./ UID LID" method has been depreciated. Our installer will still accept it, but then ignore it, and trigger "auto" instead.

License Update Procedures

Normally, you will never need to use our script, because the key is permanent. It is not something that needs to be refreshed or re-downloaded to keep the server active. However, you can put a new key on the server by using:

./ "LicenseKey"

Datacenter Considerations

Updated & moved to:

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes.

- The DA Team
Yes, bringing back the setup wizard is essential. Sometimes, amidst developing multiple programs in different languages, it's easy to forget how to configure $ENV variables. We can't possibly remember everything about $ENV.

While $ENV is great for automated installations, it's not ideal for manual setups where ease of use and step-by-step guidance are crucial.