I've read 5-7 pages of this thread and found that most of the errors were caused by PHP settings. However I've tried to install and run it first.
will this work with suphp+openbasedir?
Yes, that correct, but you should write what should Administrator with configured suphp+openbasedir do to run at least the installation script install_softaculous.php?
I followed HOWTO on this board and knowledgebase to configure suphp and openbasedir on my server. All my sites are working just great, but I'm getting the simple error during the installation of Softaculous: open_basedir restriction in effect....
HOW-TO fix for those who have open_basedir set to "/home/|user|/:/tmp/:/var/www/html/" (or any other that causes such error):
/usr/local/bin/php -d open_basedir=/ /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/install_softaculous.php
Or disable open_basedir before the installation in your main php.ini file, and then re-enable it again. (but this will not save you from the errors in the future, believe me, you'll see them again).
Yes, if you have no other strange PHP settings or restricted functions that should not be restricted in your php.ini then Softaculous will be successfully installed. But what next? I absolutely don't like default ownership/permissions for Softaculous files, but I've tried to run it with those default settings.. I got error that looks like something like that: "Error, file has no read or execute permissions". So I had to set permissions manually. As for the ownership, I think it's better and more secure to use diradmin:diradmin.
Ok. Tried to run it again, but got the same "open_basedir restriction in effect". I've changed all index.html and index.raw files and basically disabled open_basedir for Softaculous the same way as for install_softaculous.php.
I've changed this:
To this:
#!/usr/local/bin/php -d open_basedir=/
Errors are gone finally.
Also I don't understand why you have included a hook for Reseller, it's just a script from DA helloworld plugin.
I have not tested the automatic script installations for now, but I've checked all the features in Softaculous. I hope I'll be able to find answers to my questions on Softaculous's board.
Conclusion: Everything done by me was coding, and this means errors during the installation are not DirectAdmin's problems. You should update your installation scripts and index.html index.raw scripts to cover possible PHP configuration issues during the installation and after.
Despite all of the information above I found Softaculous really cool software.