[PLUGIN] Softaculous for Direct Admin

Please contact our support team and they will fix it for you.
Is this happening from the Admin Panel as well ?
It could be because of wrong folder permissions.
Please contact our support team and they will fix it for you.
Is this happening from the Admin Panel as well ?
It could be because of wrong folder permissions.

I ran the installer again and so far so good....

We have added the following scripts:
1) Typo3 -> 4.3.1
2) AccountLab Plus -> 2.8 r14
3) PHP Support Tickets -> 2.2

We hope you enjoy these scripts.

The Softaculous team

The Softaculous Team is very excited to announce the launch of 5 new scripts.
1) ClipBucket -> 2.0.4
2) VidiScript -> 1.0.1
3) PhpGedView -> 4.2.3
4) OpenDocMan ->
5) phpFormGenerator -> 2.09

We are also working round the clock to improve Softaculous and make it better in version 2.7
We hope you like these scripts we added and provide us feedback.
Softaculous now becomes the only Auto-Installer to have video scripts.

Announcement Topic:

The Softaculous Team
I've read 5-7 pages of this thread and found that most of the errors were caused by PHP settings. However I've tried to install and run it first.

will this work with suphp+openbasedir?
yes it will work.

Yes, that correct, but you should write what should Administrator with configured suphp+openbasedir do to run at least the installation script install_softaculous.php?

I followed HOWTO on this board and knowledgebase to configure suphp and openbasedir on my server. All my sites are working just great, but I'm getting the simple error during the installation of Softaculous: open_basedir restriction in effect....

HOW-TO fix for those who have open_basedir set to "/home/|user|/:/tmp/:/var/www/html/" (or any other that causes such error):

/usr/local/bin/php -d open_basedir=/ /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/install_softaculous.php

Or disable open_basedir before the installation in your main php.ini file, and then re-enable it again. (but this will not save you from the errors in the future, believe me, you'll see them again).

Yes, if you have no other strange PHP settings or restricted functions that should not be restricted in your php.ini then Softaculous will be successfully installed. But what next? I absolutely don't like default ownership/permissions for Softaculous files, but I've tried to run it with those default settings.. I got error that looks like something like that: "Error, file has no read or execute permissions". So I had to set permissions manually. As for the ownership, I think it's better and more secure to use diradmin:diradmin.

Ok. Tried to run it again, but got the same "open_basedir restriction in effect". I've changed all index.html and index.raw files and basically disabled open_basedir for Softaculous the same way as for install_softaculous.php.

I've changed this:

To this:
#!/usr/local/bin/php -d open_basedir=/

Errors are gone finally.

Also I don't understand why you have included a hook for Reseller, it's just a script from DA helloworld plugin.

I have not tested the automatic script installations for now, but I've checked all the features in Softaculous. I hope I'll be able to find answers to my questions on Softaculous's board.

Conclusion: Everything done by me was coding, and this means errors during the installation are not DirectAdmin's problems. You should update your installation scripts and index.html index.raw scripts to cover possible PHP configuration issues during the installation and after.

Despite all of the information above I found Softaculous really cool software.
The reseller link will open the resellers "User Level Softaculous Page"
So its like a shortcut for the reseller.

The ownership is set to admin by Softaculous upon install and the permission is set to 0755 as required by DA.
It is done using shell_exec and hence it might fail on some servers.
We have made the PHP alternative CHMOD function and will update it with 2.7

We are also testing your Open_basedir suggestions and will update in 2.7

Softaculous Team

We have updated some scripts:
1) OpenCart -> 1.4.5
2) Clip-Bucket -> 2.0.6 RC2
3) PmWiki -> 2.2.15
4) Pixie -> 1.04

The Softaculous Team

The Softaculous Team has released Softaculous 2.8
This version of Softaculous has some cool new features and a backup utility as well.

A complete list of changes:

1) A Backup utility has been added into Softaculous. Users can now create and download backups from the Softaculous Panel.

2) A cool new Search feature has been added in Softaculous. This search feature is available throughout Softaculous. Users can type in the script name and they will be redirected to the script itself. A suggestion will also be made as you type in the search box!

3) Users will be shown a message on the Softaculous Index if there is any outdated installations.

4) Ability to choose 'http://', 'https://', 'http://www', 'https://www' while installing scripts has been added.

5) The CRON jobs will email users if there is any newer version of scripts available.

6) A new feature which will enable the Admin to email users having Outdated Installations has been added.

7) The Fantastico importer at the Admin Level has been improved.

8) The Softaculous CORE has been improved for better perfomance.

We hope you enjoy this version of Softaculous. The search feature is a completely new concept and we hope you will like it. Also the backup utility will enable users to backup their installations by the click of a button. You will soon see some more improvements in the versions to come and also some more scripts!

Announcement Topic:

The Softaculous Team
Are these scripts available in the free version? Or only in the paid version?


the latest update or two have caused the cron that runs everyday to hang and cause a higher then normal server load.

This cron run under root and has the following path, it has done this for the last two days that I know of for sure.

/usr/bin/php /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/softaculous/cron.php
If anyone knows how to install the free version of the softaculous plugin please tell me. I'd love to consider it but I can't for the life of me figure out how to install the plugin.


the latest update or two have caused the cron that runs everyday to hang and cause a higher then normal server load.

This cron run under root and has the following path, it has done this for the last two days that I know of for sure.

/usr/bin/php /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/softaculous/cron.php


Can you please email our support team with the CPU Usage issue you are facing.
They will assist you ASAP.
error "requires ioncube_loader_lin_6.0.so"

I ran the installer /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/install_softaculous.php

And I got this error:

Site error: the file <b>/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/softaculous/images/main/functions.php</b> requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_6.0.so to be installed by the site administrator.

My phpinfo says:

Server API CGI/FastCGI
"Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
with the ionCube PHP Loader v3.3.20, Copyright (c) 2002-2010, by ionCube Ltd."

And /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini has this line:

zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so

Any hint?
I ran the installer /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/install_softaculous.php

And I got this error:

Site error: the file <b>/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/softaculous/images/main/functions.php</b> requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_6.0.so to be installed by the site administrator.

My phpinfo says:

Server API CGI/FastCGI
"Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
with the ionCube PHP Loader v3.3.20, Copyright (c) 2002-2010, by ionCube Ltd."

And /usr/local/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini has this line:

zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.3.so

Any hint?

What is the output of /usr/local/bin/php -i ?
Also please post the first 30 lines of /usr/local/bin/php -v
See attached file phpinfo.txt
(private references were deleted)

And /usr/local/bin/php -v informs:

PHP 6.0.0-dev (cli) (built: Jul 18 2010 02:57:07)
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies


