Forums can be used for this.
I know, but getting a quick and straight answer on a forum from Directadmin instead of community is something i did not experience on the forum so far.
What features do you have in your mind? They might already exist in DA (or might not)
I was mainly talking about CLoudlinux +, but kind of forgot the +.
X-ray and centralised monitoring saves us alott of time and is even worth paying the complete license for. MySQL Governor included in Cloudlinux (not only in cloudlinux +) is also a very nice addition.
Ofcourse Cagefs, but i just read your comment that Bubblewrap is included in default license. Sounds good, hope it works well.
When you buy Plesk webhost edition (240 eur per year) not all tools are included by default but things like Wordpress Toolkit, advanced monitoring, mysql processlist, repair utility is. There is an extension library with free and paid plugins directly in the control panel.
Alott of free extensions aren't that special and are also available for Directadmin for download somewhere. Some free extensions though are just very nice to have directly in the controlpanel and add something to the setup.
To name a few; New Relic monitoring, dropbox, Google drive, s3, onedrive backups, digital ocean, azure dns.
For a client we use Docker in Plesk. It's a choice i would not make quick but it's nice to have for that client.
This is not free, but a nice option anyway.
Hm.. I am not aware about any price increases for any of the purchased licenses. Are you sure you're paying more than you've used to? Pricing of new retail licenses hasn't changed as well, check this on waybackmachine (
All i can buy with my account are licenses for retail prices.
As a hoster i always paid less then retail.
Now i can only buy: Standard (29/month), Personal (24/month), Lite (15/month).
I was always able to buy licenses for 5 dollars a month.
(not counting lifetime ofcourse)
I can also remember having licenses for 9 or 10 usd per month there.
So to me this is an enormous price increase....if this is not correct, please correct me. But i am not able to buy other licenses within my account.
So for me Directadmin is about the same price as Plesk.
When i want support on my existing (lifetime) licenses, i have to pay 200 usd per year per license.
Tis may not be a direct price increase, but an indirect increase because i always got my tickets answered before.
200 usd year is alott when you have 50+ servers, especially when you might only create 5 tickets that year.
I'm not sure why alternatives to the 3rd party commercial products included natively is a bad idea? Commercial webservers, resource throttling managers, backup managers, WordPress managers etc. could be replaced (I mean you'd have an alternative, you may still use the commercial 3rd party ones).
Its an great idea, but not if every 2 years a new pro pack comes out and prices rise again. There should be a limit.
We build our business mainly on Directadmin hosting. Clients only go so far with increased pricing and will simply leave to some hoster who somehow is able to offer it cheaper then us.
Ofcourse our company has to make profit so we also have to increase prices for our clients but our clients will not take increses lightly. They don't use most of the new functionality so they feel they should not suddenly pay more for the samwe product.
(next to some inflation, there should be a steady increase ofcourse)
With retail Lite/Standard it does not cost you anything additionally at this time, does it?
I am not quite sure i understand this.
No it does not cost anything additionally but the pro pack is'nt out yet and still is not offered, so it can go either way atm
Just checked - resource management +5Eur/mo, WordPress toolkit +5Eur/mo - etc., so, I don't think it's true
Please check here:
In webhost license, wordpress tookit is included.
(price 242 per year for me retail, while i have alott of directadmin licenses i also pay 240 per year but without wordpress tookit features) right now. They will be added to the packages for free later, but at the moment they aren't so at the moment Plesk is the same price for me.
You are right about Plesk Cgroups Manager, although in my current licenses they seem to be included for free.
Again. Maybe my pricing for my user is incorrect but for me Plesk is really the same price as Directadmin

(i prefer directadmin though)
"More advanced" is the key there. You already have Email Track&Trace in user-level, you may click on In/Out in Email manager on user-level.
The currently in/out on user level is really great and love that. If only clients would understand what the logs are saying
As mentioned above, anyone purchasing retail Lite/Standard get it included. In addition to this - I am not aware of any other control panel supporting Nginx Unit, which lets your run mutithreaded apps, isolate them completely using linux namespaces and throttle resources.
Yeah, this is absoltely great, i love to see Nginx Unit implemented. I absolutely don't complaign about this functionality.
But with my lifetime licenses still paying 200 usd per year, the difference in price with retail license is getting very small and this is something i don't like.
If you make your product more awesome everyone wants to use your product and it would sell itsellf right? Even without the need for a core license everyone would want to use this, so why not just include it in core then if you already have increased your prices for hosters.
It's a fact everyone would like these features included in all the old licenses too. We wish new developers wouldn't expect to get paid for the work they do, that way the features could be included as they wouldn't require any additional expenses.
Please dont get me wrong here. Í am not saying any of this. I am not complaining and i am all for change for the good.
I completely understand developers should get paid, i have 2 at my office and they are not cheap. I also understand the lifetime licenses was not a way you can run a business for a long time and stilll develop new features and give support.
Why i want to discuss these things is mainly because i think it's good to talk about this. I don;t want to see clients run away from my company because of a price increase, but i would also not want to see people leaving Directadmin because Plesk is evenly priced.
Personally i don't like to pay 200 usd per year for support if i only want a pro pack with my lifetime license. It seems unfair when there is only a price difference of 40 usd per year between these licenses.
Maybe i have my own crew solving issues and no need for support.
I rather see a lifetime pro pack upgrade for my lifetime licenses then pay yearly for this if i don't need or want the Directadmin support or a small monthly fee like 5usd per month per license.
Also a dev and pro pack may be a good idea. People that use CLoudlinux have no need for the complete funtionality.
The last thing i want to see is people running away from Directadmin because of many changes and price increases.