[RELEASE] SpamBlocker Plugin

How much would you pay for this plugin

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    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • €40 - €50

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  • €30 - €40

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • €20 - €30

    Votes: 29 90.6%

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rogerdavis said:
Ok On one server it worked but one my main server all I can get is as below.


Ps I have loged in and the key is correct

License Error: Invalid license key.

Please contact your software vendor for support.

Please enter a valid license key on this page
You can log into your account at http://www.daplugins.net to obtain the correct license code.


Please check the license for the Hostname and the IP (and of cource the license code). The hostname is the URL you use to access the plugin, the IP if you server's main IP. These have to match otherwise the plugin will give you this error.

resolveit said:

I just installed it on 17 of my own servers from the same URL's and they all upgraded without any issues. I do not have an answer as to why the package is considdered courrupt when you download it from your server. Please try to download it manually and then install from your local copy (first ensure you can unpack it on your local machine).


I have seen a very weird error when trying to install this new version but I forgot it now, I will try again and paste it here on the forum.
Chrysalis said:
I have seen a very weird error when trying to install this new version but I forgot it now, I will try again and paste it here on the forum.

Thanks, that way I can try to figure out what is going wrong with the install on your system.

This plugin is a real mess for me.
Upgrade doesn't work on my FreeBSD 5.5.
I've tried to install again and it seemed to work. I clicked on the link at the end of the install process and there were access denied errors on header.php, I submited the license info and now the plugin page is blank.
The plugin manager tells me I still have 1.7.1
Hi I have checked hostname and ip and all is correct, also have asked by a return ticket to you that I need 2 ips changed for other server licences and still no reply, the only one that worked is a server with ip numbers listed in licence without server name ie

ip .........


ie no server name and that one works, I be honest why cant we use a system like intallatron where we can enter updated ip etc as the licence is only valid for the ip entered and it saves all the emails etc and waiting for it to be done manually your end and if you do not reply we cant use what we paid for.

At the moment this is going on miles too long as i am getting fedup trying to ask my resellers to bear with us, and at the mo after trying to update on 3 servers it does not work at all now and spam is p,,sing me off and my resellers as we have no control over it the way it is at the mo.


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It has come to our attention that the copy of IonCube that we purchased from what we thought was a reseller of IonCube was an illegal copy, this might have caused some of you problems while running the plugin with newer loaders. We have been in contact with IonCube and have purcahased a license directly from them and had it verified. We will be encoding a new version tonight, please upgrade to version 1.9.0 when it's available.

For people who are having problems upgrading the plugin please uninstall and use the following URL http://www.daplugins.net/spamblocker/plugin/spamblocker.tar.gz to reinstall.

Kind regards,
Onno Vrijburg
sullise said:
ORDB gone..
This has been brought up a few times already in various sub-forums.

The new version of SpamBlocker, SpamBlocker 3, will be released by the 25th. In the meantime you can either live with the two-second timeout when contacting ORDB, or simply comment it out of the exim.conf file.


Will this plugin be upgraded to work with the new SpamBlocker 3 exim.conf file that is being released by Jeff?

If so, do you have an ETA on when this will be completed.

The plugin will be upgraded to support version 3 of the exim.conf file. We are currently rewriting sections of the plugin and will release the new version as soon as it is fully tested (we will be looking for beta-testers shortly).

its sad to see the ioncube problems are still not resolved, installing the latest version in DA shows this message.

spamblocker successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
install.sh returned a non-zero value:
Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/scripts/setup.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_fre_5.1.so to be installed by the site administrator.
Error with install script

the server runs php 5.2, how long has php 5.2 been released now? still no supported version of the plugin. Almost all problems found with it are related to ioncube integrated and this plugin hasnt been useable by my client since the licensing was changed.


updating ioncube loaders manually fixes it so the bundles package just needs latest ioncube loaders.
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its almost working now but getting many permission warnings.

Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/plugin.conf): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/admin/menuv2.php on line 8 Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/plugin.conf): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/admin/header.php on line 7

I manually set it to active in plugin.conf but the spamblocker page has the above warnings and no version number in the installed box.

note: this also fixed now had to run install.sh from the shell. All working :)
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I'm trying to get my head around really what this product provides. Can someone please post up some new screen shots? Also - if SpamBlocker2 is purchased, will the upgrade to SpamBlocker3 be free?
Hi Jay,

This product is NOT SpamBlocker, SpamBlocker is the exim.conf file supplied by Jeff Lasman of Nobaloney.

This plugin is a way to manage the exim.conf and all other related files. I will make the screenshots available and post the URL's in the first post.

From the next version of the plugin there will be a support/upgrade fee as the exim.conf is getting more and more complex but when you purchase the plugin it will include all updates for the first year.

Onno, I don't know if I understand this correctly: you mean that the next version of the plugin will be free for people who bought the plugin already? Or will the year of free updates start when we buy that next version?
Everyone who have a paid license will get all the versions up to the next major release free, after that I will have to see what the development costs are and I may have to charge for future upgrades.

Every new license sold will be based on a yearly support fee for upgrades.
updating spamblocker does not work

I tried updating spamblocker from 1.7.4 to 1.9.0 and get this message:

spamblocker successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
update.sh returned a non-zero value:
Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/scripts/setup.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_fre_4.4.so to be installed by the site administrator.

I am on freebsd 6.1 box. Help appreciated.

I did try to de install of spamblocker first, as suggested in post by Onno, then I got this message:

uninstall.sh returned a non-zero value:
Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/scripts/remove.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_fre_4.4.so to be installed by the site administrator.

I also tried direct to add plugin from specified location from Onno's post. same result.
Invalid License

I tried to use the Spamblocker Plugin this morning, upon clicking the link, i get a page stating the License is invalid. At that time, I was still running version 1.70 as it had been working great as it was. However since I could not get it to work I decided to try and update to the latest release of 1.90.

The upgrade appeared to go good, with no errors. As I expeted, it informed me that i needed to re-enter a valid license. I logged onto the daplugins.net site and retreived my "valid" license key. I then entered this license key into spamblocker plugin and clicked "submit". After a few seconds, I was redirected to the same page informing me of a "Invalid License".

See below:
License Error: Invalid license key.

Please contact your software vendor for support.

Please enter a valid license key on this page 
You can log into your account at [url]http://www.daplugins.net[/url] to obtain the correct license code.


I copied the "Valid License" serveral times and pasted it in and when that did not work, I manually typed the "Valid License" in and still get the same results. What do I need to do to get this working?

Note: At first I was unable to submit a trouble ticket with their site thus the reason for submitting here. I have since been able to submitted ticket on their support site. Now to see if I can get this issue resolved.
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Re: updating spamblocker does not work

DA-Rff said:
I tried updating spamblocker from 1.7.4 to 1.9.0 and get this message:

spamblocker successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
update.sh returned a non-zero value:
Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/scripts/setup.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_fre_4.4.so to be installed by the site administrator.

I am on freebsd 6.1 box. Help appreciated.

I did try to de install of spamblocker first, as suggested in post by Onno, then I got this message:

uninstall.sh returned a non-zero value:
Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/scripts/remove.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_fre_4.4.so to be installed by the site administrator.

I also tried direct to add plugin from specified location from Onno's post. same result.

Same problem I had on CENTOS 4. And I DO have ioncube php loader in my ZEND/ Folder's version of php.ini
Re: updating spamblocker does not work

DA-Rff said:
I tried updating spamblocker from 1.7.4 to 1.9.0 and get this message:

spamblocker successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
update.sh returned a non-zero value:
Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/scripts/setup.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_fre_4.4.so to be installed by the site administrator.

I am on freebsd 6.1 box. Help appreciated.

I did try to de install of spamblocker first, as suggested in post by Onno, then I got this message:

uninstall.sh returned a non-zero value:
Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/scripts/remove.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_fre_4.4.so to be installed by the site administrator.

I also tried direct to add plugin from specified location from Onno's post. same result.

Probably the same problem I had the dev should have read my post by now but appears not to have done anything about it. Try going to ioncubes website and downloading the latest loader and put it inside the plguin directory over the other ioncube files, then you will need to run install.sh manualy from the shell, read back a few posts to see exactly what I did.
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