[RELEASE] SpamBlocker Plugin

How much would you pay for this plugin

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I installed the plugin 11/23... it's worked fine until now. This morning, after _NO_ changes to the server, no upgrde - this message appears when I try to add a new user domain to those using SpamBlocker

Warning: file_get_contents(/etc/virtual/domains): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/admin/rbl.php on line 40

SpamBlocker Plugin

SpamBlocker exim.conf

Any ideas?
Yes it is bizzarre, as I don't know of anything in the code that could cause the change.

I don't see any reason why SpamBlocker would be incompatible with dovecot as it works at the SMTP level, long before email is passed over for delivery.

In any event, if we have problems, we'll fix it; I'm looking forward to dovecot and to Maildir as much as anyone :) .

And to answer the final unanswered question; I was delayed getting back from Idaho because of unseasonable snowstorms in both Montana and Oregon (the two paths south out of Idaho I could even consider in this unusual early pre-winter snow season). And I still haven't caught up with everything, due mostly to some spam attacks through PHP mostly to AOL (we hold AOL peer agreements, and they notify us and we work together to fix problems).

And Onno has been busy as well.

But I've cancelled my second trip this holiday season, so I may actually catch up this year :) .

Re: [RELEASE] SPAMBlocker Plugin

resolveit said:
SPAMBlocker Plugin for DirectAdmin has been released.

SPAMBlocker Plugin makes managing the configuration of SPAMBlocker (from Nobaloney Internet Services) a breeze.

SpamBlocker Plugin version 1.7.0 is available

You can manage the following from the Plugin (if you have SPAMBlocker version 1)
  • exim.conf settings for SPAMBlocker 1
  • Upgrade to SPAMBlocker 2
  • which domains are affected by SPAMBlocker
  • automatically adding new domains to SPAMBlocker
  • excluding domains from being added to SPAMBlocker
  • Domains blacklist
  • Hosts Whitelist
  • View exim.conf

You can manage the following from the Plugin (if you have SPAMBlocker version 2)
  • View exim.conf from inside the plugin
  • exim.conf settings for SPAMBlocker 2
  • Enable/Disable any of the external RBL lists
  • which domains are affected by SPAMBlocker
  • automatically adding new domains to SPAMBlocker
  • excluding domains from being added to SPAMBlocker
  • Domains whitelist
  • Domains blacklist
  • Hosts Whitelist
  • Hosts Blacklist
  • Sender Whitelist
  • Senders Blacklist
  • View exim.conf

Licenses for the plugin is for sale at http://www.daplugins.net for $29.95.

You can download the plugin from
PHP 4 Version http://spamblocker.daplugins.net/plugin/spamblocker.tar.gz
PHP 5 Version http://spamblocker.daplugins.net/plugin/spamblocker5.tar.gz

Paypal :mad: only

do you have other gateway :confused:
and what about 3/5 - Extra Details (Installation)

Jeff and Onno,

I've emailed you, I've sent you PM's via the forums... but I've yet to hear a response from you.

In any event, if we have problems, we'll fix it; I'm looking forward to dovecot and to Maildir as much as anyone

I've invested a few hundred dollars into this project, but as of right now, none of my spamblocker plugins are working after the 1.26 release of DA (and the upgrade to Dovecot).

The only reply I've received from Onno to this point is ( 12-21-2005 03:18 AM ):

Do you have instructions on how to upgrade a standard installation of DA to Dovecot? Then I can set up a test system and fix the problem.

I replied to that request - that was the last I've heard from either of you.

Could you PLEASE look into this issue - and advise me of the status?

Thank you.
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Re: Re: [RELEASE] SPAMBlocker Plugin

@how@ said:
Paypal :mad: only

do you have other gateway[/b]
Can you use 2CheckOut? We can probably set up a 2CheckOut page for SpamBlocker, though we're on holiday mode right now and it could take until just after the near year :( .
and what about 3/5 - Extra Details (Installation)
Please clarify this question; I'm not sure what you mean.

hostpc.com said:
I've invested a few hundred dollars into this project, but as of right now, none of my spamblocker plugins are working after the 1.26 release of DA (and the upgrade to Dovecot).
Does it not work after 12.6 of DA alone, or only after the Dovecot?

I thought that Dovecot was still in beta. Does Dovecot install change the exim.conf file?

Onno is tied up with family during the holiday season and is possibly not as able to respond as I am. Please send me a copy of the email to him and I'll look at Dovecot. I'm also very busy with commitments but I am interested in having the SpamBlocker Plugin compatible with Dovecot.
Could you PLEASE look into this issue - and advise me of the status?
I don't know that I can do it today, but I'll do it as quickly as I can after hearing from you.

(I have to install a new testbed server to get it done.)

So please send me a copy of the email to Onno and to any other links I may need.

Just to clarify my position: If Dovecot is still in beta, then it's reasonable to presume it may not work with other programs that interact with the mail stream. It's certainly reasonable that it may not work with third party programs until we (the third party publishers) have the chance to make it work.

I'm happy to work with you to get it working as quickly as I can.

Another response to solicit additional help:

Anyone who uses Dovecot:

Please let me know if Dovecot has made any changes to the exim.conf file; if you're not sure, please zip (or tar) a copy of your file post Dovecot install, and email it to me.

And please also let me know of the Dovecot install makes any changes to the /etc/virtual directory. If you don't know, then please:

cd /etc/virtual
ls -al

and then send me the output.

Once you've done that, then please post to the forum so no one else will; I only need one set.



Someone ??? was kind enough to post in another thread a link to the dovecot patch.

And also that DA installs a generic exim.conf file (probably patched) when installing Dovecot.

Is DA installing the original SpamBlocker exim.conf file, or the Version 2 file? If the original SpamBlocker file, then I'd suggest manually installing the Version 2 file, making the patches (caution: it may not patch directly), and then see if SpamBlocker plugin can manage it.

I hope you have a testbed server to try this on.

If you don't, let me know and I can build one for you to test.

Don't get me wrong, we will support dovecot on DA.

I'm just not sure how quickly we can do it.


Further note:

We may install 2CheckOut, as we already have a relationship with them and it would be the easiest to do.

We also accept credit cards directly, but we don't have an allpurpose shopping cart installed, and we have to figure out how to set up our system to securely access our merchant solution.

hostpc.com said:
Jeff and Onno,

I've emailed you, I've sent you PM's via the forums... but I've yet to hear a response from you.


Could you PLEASE look into this issue - and advise me of the status?

Thank you.

Hi Joe,

Sorry for dissapearing for a while... I had family commitments that took center stage during the holiday-season.

I've just upgraded one of my testservers to dovecot and I can confirm that the SpamBlocker Plugin works with dovecot installed and the system is running DirectAdmin 1.26.1

What error are you getting?

Licenses should be activated immediately upon payment. Could be that there is still a problem in the 2CheckOut code.
I'll see if I can find any problems...

I checked 2Checkout payments on the 21st of December (when you ordered the plugin) and I see no payment for a plugin on the 21st or the 22nd. Please PM me your details (no creditcard) you used while paying.

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