Top 5 wanted features!

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Nevertheless, i bought a Exim book and started reading, since i am stuck with Exim at the moment, i have to know what i am working with.
There are two Exim books; I hope you bought the one that covers Exim4.

To make life simpler, why not set up a poll, take out of this thread all of the deas and set a poll for them, that way the developers would see a clear indicator?
That sounds like a lot of work ;) . Care to do it?

That sounds like a lot of work ;) . Care to do it?


Shouldn't be that hard. We can create general categroies like :

1- More functional Backup System
2- Better Webmail System
3- Better "Admin over Reseller" control
4- Better "Admin over User" control
5- Better "Reseller over user" control
6- Integrate more plugins


Then, let's say the most voted item was number 5, we can then create another Poll with more detailed selections inside that category:

For example:

1- Move users between resellers
2- Move domains between users


Does that sound feasible ?
1. vsftpd instead of pro-ftpd
2. sendmail or postfix instead of exim
3. billing system (at least basic one)
4. jailed ssh
5. ummm.... thumbs up DA!! :)
where is awstats? I thought this was happening. The available plugins leave something to be desired. It's hard to believe DA is the only major control panel out there without awstats.
...and the only control panel lacking many other things as well, not just awstats.

and the point of the Feedback & Feature Requests thread is for? I mean if nothing is being implamented what is the point of this thread?
pucky, roundcube is here, convert user to reseller-reseller to user is done, move domain to user and user to reseller is done, custombuild is done too. Why do you say that nothing is being implemented?
convert user to reseller-reseller to user is done, move domain to user and user to reseller is done. Why do you say that nothing is being implemented?

This feature is available for those that are familiar with telnet and ssh commands only and is therefore implemented for a select few and not all...
...and the only control panel lacking many other things as well, not just awstats.

and the point of the Feedback & Feature Requests thread is for? I mean if nothing is being implamented what is the point of this thread?

I agree with you... Total waste of bandwidth...
Certainly no one who feels this thread is a waste is required to waste his/her time reading it. The fact is that everthing written to this sub-forum is read. And lots of suggestions have been implemented.

As I've mentioned previously, this particular thread is a bit of a waste because there's no way to follow hundreds of different ideas as to which five features are really the most important.

Maybe we could post a formal poll of say the top 20 feature requests?
You're welcome to do that.

My bet is it's going to end up as unusable as is this thread.

You're welcome to do that.

My bet is it's going to end up as unusable as is this thread.


Just a thought...

I noticed that you guys don't use a ticket system. How about getting a bug ticketing system that would allow you to manage this kind of stuff. Feature requests could then be "voted" for and you would know what people were really looking for.

I think Trac does this and I am sure there are others. You guys have a great product here with DA and if I was you I would implement some kind of system to better track feature requests and bugs. Eventually, email just doesn't cut it anymore.

My $.02.
I'm not sure who you mean by you guys. Do you mean the folk that own/manage JBMC (the publishers of DirectAdmin)?

The best way to make your suggestion to them would be to open your own thread under this topic.

Don't expect miracles, though; a ticket system, even if only for suggestions, would be just one more service to monitor.

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