What is the future for Legacy DirectAdmin License holders?

Its easy for me to prove the IPs are assigned to me. Just do a reverse lookup with trace on any of them. Can you do the same?
We're working with OVH and have the option to order subnets, but for security reasons, we've opted for single IPs. Unfortunately, we can't set our RIPE handle for individual IPs, and DirectAdmin refuses to add our IPs to our whitelist—even though we've offered to provide screenshots from our OVH panel as proof. Additionally, we've ordered a new subnet that properly shows our information in reverse lookups. However, they plan to remove all our old IPs and set new subnet to our whitelist to solve this issue, which means we'll need several days to update the configurations on all our VPSs. It's quite frustrating and stupid...
You're being the clown, keeping at it without any proof, rather proof that you're most likely abusing a license. Highly suspicious.
And if you had read the other thread, you could see floyd had no issues at al changing ip or subnet, neither have I. ;)
I know for a fact, that it's very easy give proof to DA if required, only a couple of suspicous guys who can't even provide a website keep maoning here.
All I see from your profile is a dog picture, and I don't need to provide any proof to people like you. Don't forget to make an appointment with a therapist
We're working with OVH and have the option to order subnets, but for security reasons, we've opted for single IPs. Unfortunately, we can't set our RIPE handle for individual IPs, and DirectAdmin refuses to add our IPs to our whitelist—even though we've offered to provide screenshots from our OVH panel as proof. Additionally, we've ordered a new subnet that properly shows our information in reverse lookups. However, they plan to remove all our old IPs and set new subnet to our whitelist to solve this issue, which means we'll need several days to update the configurations on all our VPSs. It's quite frustrating and stupid...
If you purchased license from OVH just send them new subnet that's all. If not just purchase new directadmin license from your panel or upgrade existing to subscription plan
The issue is that I purchased a lifetime license from DirectAdmin years ago. Now DirectAdmin is trying to force me to upgrade to a subscription plan. I will not accept this as it disregards my rights.
We're working with OVH and have the option to order subnets, but for security reasons, we've opted for single IPs. Unfortunately, we can't set our RIPE handle for individual IPs, and DirectAdmin refuses to add our IPs to our whitelist—even though we've offered to provide screenshots from our OVH panel as proof. Additionally, we've ordered a new subnet that properly shows our information in reverse lookups. However, they plan to remove all our old IPs and set new subnet to our whitelist to solve this issue, which means we'll need several days to update the configurations on all our VPSs. It's quite frustrating and stupid...

What would you like us forum users to do? I don't see any way we can help you. Only the DA team can help you.
and I don't need to provide any proof to people like you
You find your own therapist. You don't need to whine here either if you don't want to provide proof. First you need proof of your website selling vps and servers with internal licenses. From the firmname you bought your licenses with.
You clearly can't proof that do DA, neither are you willing to proof here, so it's no use to keep going on here, because you are the problem, not DA.
DA is not forcing a new plan, DA is just wanting proof from you that you are original buyer of the license and you can't proof it.
Even if bought long ago, original ownership can be proven easily.

Next to that, internal licenses alwas work with netblocks as you had to buy them multiple at once.
You need to fix this with DA, you're only prooving to us that you can't proove original ownership of internal licenses.
@johannes He's talking BS. DA does not ignore requests. He even wrote they did listen to him:
However, they plan to remove all our old IPs and set new subnet to our whitelist to solve this issue,
so they are not ignoring (if he is in fact true with this statement). He just isn't able to provide the correct proof or needs to accept this solution if that is given.
This is totally off topic here as it has nothing to do with the future of legacy licenses.

He already has his complaint thread:
and everytime you begin about proof, he gets abusive, ignore's it, find he doesn't need proof. He just doesn't have a website or any proof at all imho. And DA never does single ip stuff with internal licences.
I think what I really need is the ability to suspend using a license and unsuspend it when needed again at the same price point.

Right now I can upgrade one of my licenses for $15/month. I could sell a VPS with that but if the customer cancels 3 months from now I want to be able to suspend that license and not have to pay for it since it is not being used. I might want to use it again 2 months from the suspension but at the same price point of $15/month. I believe something like this was mentioned before but I don't remember if there was an answer.