What is the future for Legacy DirectAdmin License holders?

To maintain compatibility between legacy and modern code bases without adding extra complexity and work dedicated to just legacy code base.

That's BS and you know it. The "legacy codebase" is the basis of your "current codebase". Only a fool would throw years and years of development and testing, proven working product, to a "new codebase that has nothing to do with the old one".

We are no fools, fln. Just admit the moneygrab already.
What is up with this message? It hit me by surprise, you must be joking right???
i'm a legacy user (Without knowing it) and at the login i noticed this, even before loging in as admin.

Just looking at the new plan's i'm not happy either, i run my own VPS (on 2 servers,1 is a hot spare.. yes, i know.) for personal and some friends. I want to keep al sites seperated on a different account.
On the lifetime was promised always free upgrades and stuff and now i even discover i cant update MariaDB to the newest versions because i'm a legacy user... Like what?!

I only got 11 user accounts and 31 domains, so that would mean the lite wouldn't even do it.. maybe removing one user thats just for parked domains would fix it but stil... I'm not making any money of it and already passing the money to the VPS provider. Its fine as it is for me with the lifetime money i already spend.

I doubt this is even legal as a EU user that a company is doing this, maybe i need to consult a lawyer?
Please do consult with a Lawyer. If the news are good, a loooot of EU users will jump on it, myself included. Really hoping for something that will hurt them where it hurts most - the pocket.
A legacy license notice on the login screen is added to inform end users why not all features might be available or functional. It was deliberately designed to be:
  • Non-intrusive and blend it with the page design to avoid distracting users or grabbing attention.
  • Cleanly separated from the main login functionality to make it very easy to customize (or hidden).
  • Have a single location for this message (not individual messages for each skin, each layout, etc.).
Having a single message in a single well-known location helps us avoid documenting and repeating the same message in every place where legacy code-base functionality is limited or differs from the modern DA.

This message can be completely removed by adding a single rule in Customize Evolution Skin -> Login Customization -> Styles tab:

.LegacyLicense {display: none !important;}

For a smooth DA experience we want the message to be visible to all the users (same as all the other informational texts in the UI). If server administrators disagree and want to hide this message it is entirely up to them. It is not our goal to make it hard or impossible (otherwise the implementation would be completely different).

We understand that the notice regarding limitations in our legacy products has caused concern. However, it is crucial for us to maintain transparency with all users (not just admins) who interact with our software daily. By clearly indicating the limitations of legacy licenses, we ensure that everybody is aware of the differences between these products and our more modern offerings. Without this transparency, less informed users (end-users) might assume such limitations are universal to DA instead of being caused by legacy licensing.

It took you 4 days to come up with that spin. If any of this were true it would have been in the initial announcement. You would have announced the message. You would have announced the reason for the the message. You would have included an easy way to disable the message. You have now lost the trust of the very ones who helped DA grow to what it is today. I don't know how you recover from this.
😄 Well, if you are really curious about the timing of my reply, here are the reasons:
  1. Issues related to legacy code base are considered of lower priority
  2. I was away on a hiking trip for a couple of days
There were no plans putting this info into the change log from the start, since it affects only the legacy-code base. Not rushing with replies and waiting a bit also helped cleaning-up the release thread in one go.

Note: moved this conversation in to the legacy licenses thread to keep release thread clean of discussions.
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😭 So much negativity on the forums lately... Don't get me wrong I get it on most points... But I also understand the reasoning behind the purpose of the message. Kind of. A little bit. Should it have been announced? Yes. It's just a messy situation ever since the removal of ProPack / introduction of legacy licensing.

Luckily the message is easily removable. And done.

Let's keep it a bit nice here...
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😄 Well, if you are really curious about the timing of my reply, here are the reasons:
  1. Issues related to legacy code base are considered of lower priority
  2. I was away on a hiking trip for a couple of days
There were no plans putting this info into the change log from the start, since it affects only the legacy-code base. Not rushing with replies and waiting a bit also helped cleaning-up the release thread in one go.

Note: moved this conversation in to the legacy licenses thread to keep release thread clean of discussions.
Have a good hiking trip 😉😏
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Can you give some more information about this line: “There were no plans putting this info into the change log from the start, since it affects only the legacy-code base.”. Do the release notes still apply to legacy license holders?
Can you give some more information about this line: “There were no plans putting this info into the change log from the start, since it affects only the legacy-code base.”. Do the release notes still apply to legacy license holders?
Some of them do, and some of them do not. The change log is for a modern DA codebase. Legacy usually receives the same fixes and small improvements, but no new features. More details are in the docs.

For example change-log of DA 1.664. Legacy licenses do not get support for MySQL 8.4 or security.txt related features, but do receive TLS certificate caching.
> It is not our goal to make it hard or impossible (otherwise the implementation would be completely different).
> However, it is crucial for us to maintain transparency with all users (not just admins) who interact with our software daily.

Yet you decide not to mention it in the release notes?

> we ensure that everybody is aware of the differences between these products and our more modern offerings

A legacy license is still a license that has been paid for. Fair enough if you inform your customers, but you should never interfere with what gets communicated to end users. That's not your job. No matter what.
Some of them do, and some of them do not. The change log is for a modern DA codebase. Legacy usually receives the same fixes and small improvements, but no new features. More details are in the docs.

For example change-log of DA 1.664. Legacy licenses do not get support for MySQL 8.4 or security.txt related features, but do receive TLS certificate caching.
And how do we know this? So your just forcing a upgrade then since we get EOL products like MySQL and MariaDB. What happend to the promise we get security updates
Luckily the message is easily removable. And done.
For external license holders, only. For datacenters renting the servers it's not. DA is just hostile at the moment. It should be good enough to put this in the admin panel.
If DA doesn't want to play nice anymore, no reason why should.

There were no plans putting this info into the change log from the start, since it affects only the legacy-code base.
It shouldn't have even been placed in the footer then in the first place, you should inform YOUR customers, it's OUR job t inform OUR customers, not yours. Not a single reason for this by annoying our customers with it.

Without this transparency, less informed users (end-users) might assume such limitations are universal to DA instead of being caused by legacy licensing.
Nonsense, it's up to us to provide hosting and A panel with options we decide. You're also not explaining why OUR customes don't have some options which we decide not to put in their hosting package.
So it's also not your job to inform OUR customers which style or kind of license we are providing and if we choose for a license with less or more options. There is no software doing such thing.

Edit: This last quote is from the release thread and also made by fln.
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Some of them do, and some of them do not. The change log is for a modern DA codebase. Legacy usually receives the same fixes and small improvements, but no new features. More details are in the docs.

For example change-log of DA 1.664. Legacy licenses do not get support for MySQL 8.4 or security.txt related features, but do receive TLS certificate caching.
Thanks for your quick response Fin, I would like to request that you divide the release notes into two parts so that it is clear what we as legacy holders can take into account.
If you could invest the time and energy you invest in busting legacy holder’s balls into releasing bug free updates, everyone would be better off.
It’s like you don’t even test it, subdomain creation and file manager are important features they should be tested before release.
They don't want LLU mentioned anywhere since they're killing us off............

This thread is way off-topic, but hindsight is a wonderful thing....... They regret selling owned licenses, and now they are paying for it - that and the sheer amount of clients they got from cPanel (I'm not sure if owned licenses were still being sold back then), therefore, they didn't want them just paying once.
@fln can you explain why you decided not to add this change in the release notes?

@ju5t, @kuipje well legacy DirectAdmin is a legacy product. It is no longer possible to acquire it and it no longer receives feature updates. We focus all the development on modern DA. Feature inclusion in legacy DA is usually just a side effect (to maintain legacy to modern upgrade path, or when splitting the code bases is takes too much effort).

We do not want to spend any time on documenting or explaining all the nuances of legacy vs modern code-base. Mostly because it changes over time. With each release less and less updates will be available for legacy codebase. We restructure the code base to make it easier to separate them. Legacy DA users should assume they receive only critical bug-fixes for the existing features.

Note: moved this conversation in to the legacy licenses thread to keep release thread clean of discussions.
@fln my question was about the latest release. It's not about 'the future of legacy licenses'.

> We do not want to spend any time on documenting or explaining all the nuances of legacy vs modern code-base.

Adding a message to inform end users about something is not a nuance. Again, there can be valid reasons for customers to use legacy licenses and it may harm their business by showing such a message to their customers.

You've made the wrong decision. This should have been in the changelog.
@ju5t, you might be right. Maybe it is a bit too early to treat legacy licenses as dead already. But the trajectory is that they are in the sunset phase.
> With each release less and less updates will be available for legacy codebase. We restructure the code base to make it easier to separate them. Legacy DA users should assume they receive only critical bug-fixes for the existing features.

So why is there no MariaDB update then? Thats a existing feature and just a software package thats already in the legacy. Also with the purchase of lifetime, a lifetime upgrade was promised, so it cant be dead anywhere near.

>Again, there can be valid reasons for customers to use legacy licenses and it may harm their business by showing such a message to their customers.

Correct, i'm using it for private use and for that its already good as it is, its just not worth the money of going to a subscription (what you have to keep paying or you will lose also your lifetime). I bought it for a one time fee because i don't want monthly payments. I have no problem by paying a yearly fee for lets say 40-50 dollar for updates, but keeping of course the lifetime possibility without updates after.
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