What is the future for Legacy DirectAdmin License holders?

So they put some idioticly customer un-friendly thing without any announcement or warning and then we should disable it?

@fln this should not be there in the first place, so we in fact shouldn't have to remove it one way or the other. But if you need to piss us all off, it would be wise to also put a "do this, remove that" solution for us.
It's not the place of DA to put that kind of "informational" messages to our customers without our consent.
Thank you, but it shouldn't be in there in the first place. It's releasing company related information to the end customer without permission. That is just not done.
So it should be removed by DA, there is not a single reason for them to add this and as far as I know they are not allowed to provide company information to the end customer and to hackers. It's just bad practice to do something like that without consent.

Anyway, I don't have any Customise -> Login Page -> Style.
I do have /evo/reseller/customize-skin/login-page/styles but that doesn't have CSS in there.

If I put your code in the "embedded styles" field, it won't change anything.
On the bottom I have "user selected" because I want to user to make the choice if he wants dark or light.

So this doesn't seem to work.
Absolutely rediculous. Now they are trying to scare away your customers. Very shady behaviour.

Richard G said:
Anyway, I don't have any Customise -> Login Page -> Style.

You need to head to "Customize Evolution Skin". Lawshosting's code snippet is working. I also urge everyone to disable automatic updates to be better prepared for further nasty surprises, which will no doubt come.
I express our total disagreement with this disrespectful decision to force "lifetime" users to new monthly licenses. We have already migrated ours (although disappointed with the way DirectAdmin handled it). We got scared as soon as we saw other people complaining about this, as it is an unethical way to force migration.

I hope that those responsible for DirectAdmin quickly remove this message from the login screen, as a way of showing respect to their long-time users (and who supported DirectAdmin financially until the recent licensing changes).
Thank you, but it shouldn't be in there in the first place. It's releasing company related information to the end customer without permission. That is just not done.
So it should be removed by DA, there is not a single reason for them to add this and as far as I know they are not allowed to provide company information to the end customer and to hackers. It's just bad practice to do something like that without consent.

Anyway, I don't have any Customise -> Login Page -> Style.
I do have /evo/reseller/customize-skin/login-page/styles but that doesn't have CSS in there.

If I put your code in the "embedded styles" field, it won't change anything.
On the bottom I have "user selected" because I want to user to make the choice if he wants dark or light.

So this doesn't seem to work.
Put both in

Dashboard/Customize Evolution Skin/Login Customization > Then Styles tab

html.vue-app.root\:login.mode\:dark .LegacyLicense {
    display: none;

html.vue-app.root\:login.mode\:light .LegacyLicense {
    display: none;

It works on auto selection that way

P.S. to be on topic I do not have much opinion here about licenses but Richard G helped a lot on the forums so I got to offer that tiny bit of help for the good karma...
I do not have lifetime licenses and I only hoard 9 cheap old datacenter VPS licenses (monthly) of which 3 are currently use (2 on my backup VMs)... because it make is easy to manage and automate and I backup every VM / Server in separate user account on the backup server - gives some additional isolation... Only one is gaved to customer which needs multiple accounts and is on the limit of their budget with the VPS...

About 50% of licenses I have are DirectAdmin Personal Plus which fits perfectly my business model - when customer needs start to outgrow the limitations of the hosting plan and they choose to upgrade to VPS/VDS We move their hosting account (single one) there all the features are there (web terminal, wordpress manager etc...)... it is ok for 99% of the customers...

the other 6 licenses I just hoard them because they are cheap and can become handy even I'm paying them monthly - I will maybe just drop them

I cannot outcompete companies that accumlate 100s of lifetime licenses over the years ... so I was not stating an opinion here...

P.S.S Another 2c about MariaDB 10.11 you do not try to trick custombuild to install it for you... Set database there (mysql_inst) to NO then install directly from the repo of mariadb website (with yum / apt ) it will work - why I know - because cloud linux handle it that way when I install db governor it set custombuild database (mysql_inst) to NO and istall database form cloudlinux repo - it is just that if you do it that way -! you are responsible for DB not DA!

Sorry DA - not I my best interest - but got to do it for the karma - because I need a lot... and the comunity is cool ...
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Another unannounced dick move, very nice.

@DanielP : you will be able to install it but DirectAdmin will detect it and throw an error message, it is intentional crippling by DA team.
They showed that they have it ready for other aspects of the software (OS Version).

So the strategy is to slowly and silently kill all LLH or force them to move to recurring... or to the competition.

Time has come to jump ship, if they decided to throw this, they cannot be trusted anymore for anything.
I'm not following this topic anymore because I was already fed up with everything after a few pages. I just want to say that I'm very disappointed how things are going. DA are imho good people and they never let me down with anything. But I have hundreds of customers with many of them being that for over 20 years. They're still customers because I bill them for what I once told them I would bill them according my toc. They helped me build my business. I would never piss them off or fuck them for an extra few bucks.
I find I hard to believe things are going this way.

My 2 cents.
As I might have a slight understanding of maybe why certain cutbacks are made, I most certainly do not have any understanding of why this new "piss customers off" feature is added.
There was no need for it, there would be no new things for lifetime licenses, so why this now? Seems they tend to forget that it's the lifetime license holders to made the company big in the beginning. And it's -not- our fault, that DA used that kind of unique lifetime licenses and made promises they can't keep anymore. So they should not punish us for that by using such line in the footer for an end customer to see.
It's not our fault DA made a mistake in the beginning with those lifetime licenses, especially selling them that cheap of sometimes even for free to datacenters.

Imho it's mostly done for datacenters and people renting vps/servers to show their customers they might not have the best of the best. Even while everything is still up to date and not EOL. Which makes the possible reason behind it not a bit better anyway.

That is a very low way of trying to force customers to new modern licenses. And I must say if we are playing it this way in such underhand way, then when new material is required, we rather get the discounted Plesk offer from our datacenter, than using DA. Which is even almost half the price of the 15/month offer for the licenses.
Because this broke my last piece of respect I had for @fln here. It's just a below the belt unneeded action.
My collegue was already pissed of about the cutbacks but might still have decided to use modern licenses in 2 years on EOL time of Mariadb. But that last bit of trust is gone now due to this action.

it is intentional crippling by DA team.
There is still a possibility, but then you have the same issue as with 1.643, you will have to find a way to integrate DA with Mysql/MariaDB, same as with new php versions there.

@DanielP Thank you very much, I will try again then. But possibly the mistake was that I didn't add the light one also.
I'm gratefull for the help for good karma! ;)
However, if this is not removed by default again in the next release, chances are very big that my help on the forums will go down to almost zero or zero. Because cutbacks are one thing, but being put a knife in the back this way especially without any reason, is a totally different thing.
I'm so pissed off by this last update. I can't believe they did this..

It has absolutely no other purpose than scaring people for nothing.

Very bad move.. I guess for future projects I won't think of DA anymore. Already thinking about other solutions. I can't accept such disrepect.
Seems the reason that it was done was possibly in answer to many requests to notify license holders about legacy licences. Not even sure about that, but that's an answer I got elsewhere.
But imho that is BS. Only requests made were to notify license holders about the -changes- or -cutbacks- which the docs (where the notification points to) does not explain good enough.

Notification should be done by email to license holders.
Otherwise it should be:
a.) Announced that this would be done
b.) Accompanied with a "visit this, do that" solution to disable it for those who don't want it
c.) Should not be done there in the first place, the admin panel itself would be sufficient.
d.) We are the ones who should inform our hosting customers if any questions, not DA.

So to put it in a footer in this sneaky way is no valid argument in any way.
.... maybe its a good move to do it , lets see if if it helps.. ....*going in lurker mode*.
Most likely not if I'm the only one, but if we all do it, at least the ticket system will get very busy.

At this moment I'm only finishing the ones that I'm already busy with and then most likely lurker mode too.
I do not hold any legacy licenses. Yet I agree this should not be shown. This pertains only admins and not users/resellers. If anything a message when any admin profile logins to remind them some features might be unavailable might make sense. But showing it in the login page to all users will only result in extra load for the administrators to answer the questions on how the customer is not impacted by any of this.

What's next? Alerting the user there's some pending updates for the server? It's really something they cannot do anything about. If there's a feature that is not working, it's a problem between them and the provider, not the application to get in the middle. Unless you plan to support our customer issues directly.
I saw that notification today, and I read the explanation; it was pretty annoying.

For a temporary fix to remove it, add the following code:

a.LegacyLicense {display:none !important}

to the following sections on the Admin page:

Customize Evolution Skin >> Login Page >> Styles
Customize Evolution Skin >> Shared CSS
I say reply to all new threads and direct them to this thread as to why we no longer reply with any useful information. Any time somebody has a question direct them here. This is why we are no longer doing free support for DirectAdmin.
@Richard G, this informational message is designed for desktop users. Lets contain the legacy codebase discussions in this thread.

Similar to all the other aspects of login page - it is possible to customize this message away using Evolution login page customizations.

Its not informational. We already know what we are using. This message is designed to pressure lifetime license holders to switch to monthly. DA is now discouraging our customers from using our service. Remove this immediately.