cPanel-to-DirectAdmin conversion tool

There was such problem:
I convert archive, import, but the account is created not all. Instead of 166 mb only 122, half of tables in base and accounts for FTP are not created. In what there can be a reason of such problem?:confused:
There was such problem:
I convert archive, import, but the account is created not all. Instead of 166 mb only 122, half of tables in base and accounts for FTP are not created. In what there can be a reason of such problem?:confused:

Sounds very weired.
Either it doesn't work or it works.
Especially when referencing a database.

Could it be that the archive you are trying to restore/convert is damaged? That would explain the half baked conversion.

You could experiment by opening the tar.gz archive and load the database manually. See if it works then. If it fails, you have a bad archive and you need to create a new backup in the cPanel. The source of the problem in this situation is a failed process of creating the back at the cPanel box.

Some specification: the problem arises only with large, more than 100 mbyte. We tried to do backups many times, result the same... Small accounts converts without any problems...
Hi guys,

I have a WHM Cpanel 11 Reseller account that I'd like to convert over to DA reseller. On my WHM, I do not have the option to backup the WHM reseller account. Instead its only available on the individual Cpanels itself.

I have over 40 accounts that I'd need to be converted to DA.

Is there anything I can do to automate the backups?
Seems mail aliases and forwarders still fail for sure. Any account with a large database has failed 100% of the time on about 20 copies today. Anyone else having any luck?
When i'm trying to restore from userbackups (exported from cpanel to directadmin using this tool), i got some error:

Unable to execute your request


Unable to read /home/user1/backups/backup/ : Unable to open /home/user1/backups/backup/ for reading.

Unable to read /home/user1/backups/backup/ : Unable to open /home/user1/backups/backup/ for reading.

Unable to read /home/user1/backups/backup/ Unable to open /home/user1/backups/backup/ for reading.

Unable to read /home/user1/backups/backup/ Unable to open /home/user1/backups/backup/ for reading.

Unable to read /home/user1/backups/backup/ Unable to open /home/user1/backups/backup/ for reading.

Unable to read /home/user1/backups/backup/ Unable to open /home/user1/backups/backup/ for reading.

Unable to read /home/user1/backups/backup/ : Can't get file lock on /home/user1/backups/backup/

Unable to read /home/user1/backups/backup/ : Can't get file lock on /home/user1/backups/backup/
This "tool" is VERY out dated and should not be used.

There's no current cpanel->da converter available ... well, not a total converter. Mail from Cpanel (and mail related functions including mailing lists, etc) are NOT transportable between the two platforms at this time.
looks like the script is working on restoring files, if we see from error there is no error related to sites were restored, all errors are from sites which not restore.
Hi everyone, it`s my first post here :)

do this script any problem with recover from cpbackup files mysql databases and site files ?
I have no problem, I just migrated 80 accounts from cpanel, it was so easy and fast. no trouble at all
The tool only copies over the domain info, main emails for each domain and public_html directory. Any db over a few MB will fail and you get a lot of errors overall. It is good for getting the data moved, but expect a lot of by hand work. I highly recommend getting familiar with bigdump.php and using it.
I'm migrating a lot of accounts from cPanel, so I can related some bugs:
1) when copying SQL, line 585:
print NEW do { local $/; <OLD> };

this may be a good way, but it apparently (at least on FreeBSD) requires the whole .sql file to be read on memory, then on the new file
so if I get a .sql file with 800 MBs, it usually gives memory error allocating

I know this is a dirty solution, but I did that (and I'm not ashamed :P):
`cp ${ROOT_PATH}import/$incoming_user/mysql/$db ${ROOT_PATH}export/$incoming_user/backup/$db`;

2) it seems E-mail forwarders are not being imported if the account has a domain pointer (or maybe an addon domain)... I didn't have time to check this further

3) a "catchall" option on config would be nice

4) it seems it doesn't copy "root" files/dirs
so if user has things on /home/username/ (not on public_html/), they don't get restored
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why are u getting this error. which Cpanel version are u using? and what SQL version in cpanel.

it's pretty old (reason for which I'm moving ;))
WHM 10.8.0 cPanel 10.9.0-R10737
MySQL 4.0

but bug 1 doesn't seems to be related to the MySQL/cPanel version
it specifically says "error line 585 ... memory allocation" (something like that)

and when I changed to 'cp' it worked

3 isn't related to cPanel version, and 4 probably isn't also