cPanel-to-DirectAdmin conversion tool

I see you found the thread :).

As far as I know, no video has been produced on doing the conversion. Perhaps someone else will respond.


I updated the copy on my server with backusnetcom's and Lem0nHead's fixes. The version is now up to .9.3. Download is URL in the first post.

I'm not sure what the state of email is at. Both DA and cPanel have gone through some changes. However, I think they're both using forms of Maildir at this time. If I have some free time in the coming weeks I'll have a closer look.

BUG/issue listed

this is a list i found in past half an month's experience.

1. All mail forwarder setting will lost
2. All customize mail folder that user created will lost . the default/standard folders are still there.
3. All contents in those customize mail folders and sent mail folder will lost.
4. All customize FTP accounts information will losts, only default one is there.
Customized DNS A reocrds also will lost,

there is one bug with addon domain in cpanel.

if addon domain in cpanel is parked same subdomain folder, the migration for that addon domain will failed.

means addon domain park to .

the addon website is in folder instead default abc folder.

this will cause problem.

I know somebody that will convert from cPanel to DA. My questions is for him: What about the known bugs/issues; are they solved or not?
I have (at the moment) 2 points, about some problems:

1) Default he assigned max 0 diskspace. I did some changes in de .pl script to let it assign default unlimited.
quota => 'unlimited',
Before any changes
quota => $cp_quota,

2) A few problems with the email, forwarders will still lost (error when creating the new tar.gz file with the .PL script)
POP3/IMAP Accounts and data...
cp: cannot stat `./export/account/backup/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./export/account/backup/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./export/account/backup/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./export/account/backup/': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./export/account/backup/': No such file or directory

Can you fix the problems, or let me know when it will be fixed.
Also is it possible that he will grab the "quota" en "bandwith" limits from the cpanel backup, so he will default allocate the correct limit for quota and bandwith, also about domain pointers etc. That would be great!
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similar emails


I transfer accounts from cpanel to directadmin without any problem, but all accounts have similar account's email : joe SOME DIGIT@whereever SOME OTHER LIKE [email protected]

could I mistaken somewhere or should I do something?

Wait a min this is painful, a lot of study and hard work
Isn't it more time saving to just go to your accont and transfer it to new?

homedir is now tar'ed, even after unpacking, please update script to account for this (note, homedir directory exists, so it needs to be unpacked with tar -xf somedate-sometime-someusername/homedir.tar -C somedate-sometime-someusername/homedir otherwise it will dump public_html and related crap into the root directory)

thank you.
It says success but i'm getting the following error:

Copying remaining files... mv: cannot stat `./import/silcoil1/homedir/public_html': No such file or directory

it seems to be a big problem because it's actually all of the public_html files..

Also the original tar.gz is 4.38GB and what comes out after the conversion is only 4MB.

I've used cPanel 11.24.4-RELEASE (vps optimized 2) Full Backup.

Please help..
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In the end i just opened the original tar.gz and moved the home dir manually..

I'm seeing other problems too. Emails not transferred, ftp account that was transferred but i can't change its password or delete it etc'
i see.. hmm. can someone kindly fix this. i have a client waiting for his mails and files to be transfered..
I had the same problem. Cpanel 11.24.4-RELEASE updates pkgacct from v 7.1 to v8.3 which probably makes a lot of changes.

To downgrade, update cpanel to latest STABLE release (right now is WHM 11.23.2 cPanel 11.23.6-S27698). Then recreate the backups with /scripts/pkgacct and the convert script should work.
As I'm a DA host, I don't have access to the cpanel to downgrade it. Is anyone working on a fix to this script?

I've always advised my clients that a conversion from one panel to another only includes files/data bases and not the mail. If the mail comes too, then that's a bonus. But now, I'm having to do the conversion in two steps (the second taking forever sometimes). I first do the conversion and that will convert usually the dbs, domains, and ftp accounts. I then have to unarchive the tar ball and untar the homedir.tar file and then manually ftp all of those files to the new server. It works, but it's time consuming. I just had one conversion of a photo gallery that took over 4 hours to ftp all of the files to the new site. It would have been much easier if the conversion tool worked out of the box. Why does that awful cpanel have to go and change things up?

And the funny thing was, when I realized this about a month ago, I was converting 21 cpanel accounts to directadmin and couldn't figure out why it didn't work and ended up spending all afternoon doing it manually! :(