Important: Upgrade your DirectAdmin to ensure compatibility with our new licensing system

My nope meant that is not how it currently works.
DA can certainly build something that checks and sees if a OS is EOL
They for sure could. I don't think that is in their best interest though or the greater Internet. Way to many people as evidence of this thread dont pay attention to that stuff or care. There are really 2 camps run the server untill it dies or keep it current.
I am meticulous about upgrading my server and constantly planning the next operating system upgrade.
It easy to see you do. I wasnt trying to call you out.
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1.) Lifetime = lifetime of the company (which DA told us that was their interpretation)
Correct this is what I mean. They need to provide me a application untill they go bankrupt or close.
they declared it as option 1 in the past.
So they can't change in between.
Well they could but it might not be best for them.. This will only change when the Status Quo does aka when Monthly sales over take the profit they made/could make from Lifetime users. Will they do that I don't think so.
Correct this is what I mean. They need to provide me a application untill they go bankrupt or close.
Plus if that application is EOL ended ,and not anymore in Program at all.

More do this have a product under a name for few bucks or free , then sell that product to other or ( only change te name and some parts) then ..
( i am not saying DA do this! )

Just found this. We have a VPS which has a DA licence built in to the price provided by the data center. We've now lost the ability to administer the server via GUI.

Kinda feel in this instance that maybe the panel should go read only rather than die?
Why ? because EOL or other problems ?
If you have an supported OS you can update fine form the SSH and fix from there
Not all servers have ability to upgrade by data center restrictions and at the end people must buy new license, migrate data, and shutdown old server.
Just my 2 cents and recommendation;

FYI: Yes, I know CentOS 6.x is EOL. No need to mention that...

Would it be possible when DirectAdmin ditches CentOS 6.x completely, to leave the DirectAdmin licensing system (checks) in tact, so customers who refuse to migratie to AlmaLinux 8.x (or even CentOS 7.x) can still use their server?

We have several customers who are still on CentOS 6.x and they do not want to migrate (or in their own time) to a newer system. It would be great their system will keep working, though they will not receive any updats (at their own risk ofcourse). The same way Plesk does it. The license will keep working and the remains active, but they are not receiving updates anymore.

I am asking this, because we had two older DA servers also with CentOS 6.x (but i386 based) and suddenly the license wouldn't work anymore. Luckily these were two small servers, so we migrated them. But there was no way to get rid of "License Expired" warning/check.

IMHO; the server should still keep working even if it's outdated. It's the same with servers who do not update components in general. We sometimes see customers who have never updated their server. These servers are (for example) still running on CentOS 6.6 and components (PHP, MySQL, Apache, etc.) were never updated. It's the same thing. You do not block these servers either, so why block them with a license check.

Maybe it was just bad luck with these very old CentOS 6.x 32-bit servers, but we couldn't get pass the license check and you weren't able to do anything when you got the message "License Expired".

Sidenote; we even have a Plesk server running on CentOS 4.5 along with Plesk 8.6.x. No joke. Obviously it's very, very, very outdated and probably insecure, but it has been up and running like forever without issues. And the Plesk license remains active as long as we pay for it obviously. No need to disable it.

In short; when DirectAdmin decided to really stop supporting CentOS 6.x, please do not enforce the "License Expired" thing for these servers. And yes, we know it's oudated and insecure, but we cannot force customer to make the move, when to do not want to do so. Just leave the license active for these servers. So they keep running. And yes, we will recommend to migrate becuase of the security issues.
CentOS 6.x is still supported by CloudLinux till 2025. You can buy ELS for fairly cheap.
It's rock solid system.
Would it be possible when DirectAdmin ditches CentOS 6.x completely, to leave the DirectAdmin licensing system (checks) in tact, so customers who refuse to migratie to AlmaLinux 8.x (or even CentOS 7.x) can still use their server?

DA has CentOS 6.x (64-bit) binaries that are compatible with our upgraded licensing system, so the answer to this question is yes.

This is how our EOL versions have always worked. Updates stop, but license verification and control panel login continues to function. (y)

This is not a guarantee of course, as infrastructure changes (ours or the Internet in general) could prevent a really old DA version running on a really old operating system from verifying it's license.

Our upgraded licensing system is not the only time this has happened. Changes in the Internet TLS versions have also left DA customers losing licensing and left with no choice but to upgrade their OS. Of course, all these examples are times when someone is operating outside our EOL policy.
Honestly, guys, I believe this is highly unfair.
I bought unlimited license, install it and it should be working... at least up to 2038 year (according to directadmin license panel).
Buy now DA did something which makes my license for my setup expired and non-valid.
Please, note, it's not CentOS which expired, it's not CentOS which changed something.
It's directadmin which promised unlimited license and stop licensing for my server and for my OS.

It's like... imagine you bought a car and bought mp3 player for it. But now mp3 player stopped working and require you to change a car.
It's the same installation but DA made my license not working anymore.

Directadmin, please, do some workaround about it.
Make your licensing files work on old CentOS, like they worked before.
Or generate license files for old versions manually.
It's not fair to cancel licensing for already existed installations.

You mention backup and OS upgrade, but this is not an option at all.
More than 50% sites of my customers won't work on new OS, so I must stick with old one.
And now I have unlimited license stopped working...
Honestly, guys, I believe this is highly unfair.
I bought unlimited license, install it and it should be working... at least up to 2038 year (according to directadmin license panel).
Buy now DA did something which makes my license for my setup expired and non-valid.
Please, note, it's not CentOS which expired, it's not CentOS which changed something.
It's directadmin which promised unlimited license and stop licensing for my server and for my OS.

It's like... imagine you bought a car and bought mp3 player for it. But now mp3 player stopped working and require you to change a car.
It's the same installation but DA made my license not working anymore.

Directadmin, please, do some workaround about it.
Make your licensing files work on old CentOS, like they worked before.
Or generate license files for old versions manually.
It's not fair to cancel licensing for already existed installations.

You mention backup and OS upgrade, but this is not an option at all.
More than 50% sites of my customers won't work on new OS, so I must stick with old one.
And now I have unlimited license stopped working...
On one of my server I did manual upgrade direct admin to the newer version that worked without problems. Isn't that possible for you too?
On one of my server I did manual upgrade direct admin to the newer version that worked without problems. Isn't that possible for you too?
I think in CentOS 5 and below version 5 that is not possible.
If it is,. I'd love to do it, I'm stuck with three old CentOS 5 servers and cannot upgrade the clients due to old PHP (5.2) that I can't upgrade (the client's code cannot be changed/upgraded beyond 5.2).
I think in CentOS 5 and below version 5 that is not possible.
If it is,. I'd love to do it, I'm stuck with three old CentOS 5 servers and cannot upgrade the clients due to old PHP (5.2) that I can't upgrade (the client's code cannot be changed/upgraded beyond 5.2).
This is exactly where cloudlinux makes sense. Even if you got da working on centos5, at some point it the future it won't be able to connect to remote ssl sites due to the lack of modern cipher support.
Honestly, guys, I believe this is highly unfair.
I bought unlimited license, install it and it should be working... at least up to 2038 year (according to directadmin license panel).
Buy now DA did something which makes my license for my setup expired and non-valid.
Please, note, it's not CentOS which expired, it's not CentOS which changed something.
It's directadmin which promised unlimited license and stop licensing for my server and for my OS.

It's like... imagine you bought a car and bought mp3 player for it. But now mp3 player stopped working and require you to change a car.
It's the same installation but DA made my license not working anymore.

Directadmin, please, do some workaround about it.
Make your licensing files work on old CentOS, like they worked before.
Or generate license files for old versions manually.
It's not fair to cancel licensing for already existed installations.

You mention backup and OS upgrade, but this is not an option at all.
More than 50% sites of my customers won't work on new OS, so I must stick with old one.
And now I have unlimited license stopped working...
This is what we call technical debt and you are asking directadmin to support an end of life operating system which assuming it is centos6 reached end of life in Nov 2020 to handle choosing an easy solution now, to a better long term solution of an os upgrade where the license will still operate. I think a clarity on the policy of end of life operating systems published is really needed. I see multiple people also mentioning 2038 - a date certainly not picked by directadmin but by storing the date in their database as 32-bit integer (year 2038 problem).
I think in CentOS 5 and below version 5 that is not possible.
If it is,. I'd love to do it, I'm stuck with three old CentOS 5 servers and cannot upgrade the clients due to old PHP (5.2) that I can't upgrade (the client's code cannot be changed/upgraded beyond 5.2).

I guess it relates to ZendOptimizer encoded program.

Or, you may have a look at -
I think a clarity on the policy of end of life operating systems published is really needed. I see multiple people also mentioning 2038 - a date certainly not picked by directadmin but by storing the date in their database as 32-bit integer (year 2038 problem).

You make a good point. We have updated the EOL page to clarify that all updates (including security patches) will stop , and licensing may be affected depending on future technology changes.

License type or expiry date is unrelated to this, so I am not sure about the constant mention of 2038. Our EOL is linked to the operating system's EOL -- not the expiry date of a license.
A stupid theoretical question -

as a "lifetime" license holder, can we continue to use DirectAdmin panel (without Pro features) on top of a supported (not-EOL-ed) OS after 2038-01-19?

Assume all of us and our business(es) are still alive :)
A stupid theoretical question -

as a "lifetime" license holder, can we continue to use DirectAdmin panel (without Pro features) on top of a supported (not-EOL-ed) OS after 2038-01-19?

Assume all of us and our business(es) are still alive :)
When you login to the client area you can get the license key from the lifetime license you have and use that to install DA on a supported OS