Keep in mind this is the opinion of some of our (quite vocal) clients.
I'm a bit less vocal (at least with protesting), but also am one of the older ones which really does not like things to go too much like a cPanel clone. Still the other admin and I don't like the Evo skin for example, because the only real usable thing is the grid stuff which looks too much like... well... you know.

So we still stick with Enhanced for the time being as admins. Maybe sometime later this year or next year.
However, I do like lots of the features that were build now a bit quicker since so many former cP customers came over.
I don't think a lot are feeling left behind but for some the confusion about what a lifetime license meanse, and the short period of notice and even without email, irritated a lot of customers which was justly.
Which is also partly caused because other software company's are using another understanding of lifetime (you can use this specific version forever until it's declared end of life, or use specific version forever but can't upgrade anymore) instead of DA using the "you can use DA for life, no matter which version, but you need to upgrade, we don't support EOL OS" which is a different way of looking at things.
I like that version of looking, but a lot of people running old stuff got blindsided when the sudden change disabled their DA which wasn't expected.
Anyway, hope most of the DA users are now aware of this change and will be satisfied like before.
Luckily most of us are running up to date stuff, so almost didn't have issues.