Important: Upgrade your DirectAdmin to ensure compatibility with our new licensing system

it should still work there because this version was supported on that system at the time of purchase.
No it should not. The licence require an updated OS as I said before.
As for CentOS 6 32 bit, it is still available to choose in the license panel.
The Supported OS' are listed here
FreeBSD is still in that list to. That is not the Supported OS list its just a OS list.

That list also doesn't mean anything any more
Litespeed doesn't force me to do anything.
Correct totally agree.
I can still buy one-year support for my owned license
Good for them. You can buy support at DA to.

The long and short of it is you have to upgrade the OS if you want to use the License. It was always this way.
@Richard G It's not working. At the time of license update which happens every 30 days, because all lifetime licenses are portioned from some time (it was another DA's idea of reducing piracy) and without any prior notification (because license is downloaded properly, but something in the key has changed and prevent old version to work) Directadmin displays misleading information that the license is expired for all users and it's not working.

@bdacus01 No, it is not always that way and you have examples above. Even "evil" cPanel didn't do that.
As for extra support... Probably I will not buy nothing more from Directadmin beacuse of nosense work which I have now to do in present non funny economic and world situation.
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@pat0 You never have seen me say that the new system is perfect. In my last reply (we might have been writing at the same time) I acknowledge that I've not been blind for issues occurring, which should not take place.
It's up to the license holders to keep notifying DA with this and up to DA to fix these things. I surely agree that it's not good if valid and DA supported systems (amongst which also the Centos 6 version) have issues. DA should fix that.

FreeBSD is still in that list to.
No it's not. And the list on their docs -is- the list of supported OS (it says system requirements, which is the same). I've seen they finally took out FreeBSD and Centos 6. However, until shortly Centos 6 was given as supported, and Cloudlinux still support that as far as I know. DA supports Cloudlinux so that does add to confusion amongst the people still on Centos 6.
you can also run them on centos 4 boxes
WOW such a bad practice.. yikes
same customers used them for over 17 years (e.g. frontpage server extensions) they all reacted pissed off without exception
Do what you want. The system OS if its DA must be upgraded.
I had the same problem like others with over 5 servers where customers call and say they see a "licence expired" message instead of the login.
Then go fix the License in the system, there is plenty of documentation how to do this.
So you really think I should check in 3 places if my system is supported or not and roll the dice maybe?
List from license client panel should be the most up-to-date.
As I wrote before, EOL systems were always marked in red before.
And now they are forcing everyone to update in a month.
Agreed this should be announce a bit longer, giving people at least like 2-3 months. There are providers out there with loads of systems which can't update all at once.

Also it would be good to poste EOL systems in Red again in the customer panel. Those are not unrealistic request, especially if it has been like that before. You have valid points there.
correct and they are

The page in the Client area isnt the source of truth.
So you can really think that is alright that everyone can still order license for Centos 6.x 32 bit and end with not working panel?
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Yeah, good that few headings below on the same page you still have commands to install DA in Debian 6 or CentOS 6 ;)
It's a total mess...
True but you are taking things out of context.
So you can really think that is alright that everyone can still order license for Centos 6.x 32 bit and end with not working panel?
No why would you do that. common sense tells you it a EOL os.

Also and agian that box doesnt really mean anything.
Thats not true. Support for Freebsd was just droped Jan 1.
Just because you were not paying attention is not DAs fault
It is fact that until a few days ago the DA license even ran on Debian 4.0 or CentOS 4.0 from 2004.
So don't tell me that DirectAdmin now after 17 years is trying to teach their customers to update OS in month or two is all right ;).
Because they never have problem with that.

No why would you do that. common sense tells you it a EOL os.
Because is that what I can choose on official order page? You don't really see the problem here?