Important: Upgrade your DirectAdmin to ensure compatibility with our new licensing system

I think you can still start making DA backups via comandline and restore it on a new server
I already migrated a box by command line. But there still a lot to go for us.

Does any one know how to exclude domain directory and email data by backup with command line ?
Not sure if this is the start of it.
DirectAdmin version 1.63.4 keep prompting license expired even we are getting it.
Updated to latest 1.63.7 and now working.

?‍♂️ god knows what happen.
CentOS 5 licence update is working:

Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

2022-03-01 10:57:35 (118 MB/s) - `/usr/local/directadmin/conf/license.key' saved [1559]

But after DirectAdmin restart there are error:

License has expired​

Current Server Time: Tue Mar 1 10:57:53 2022

DirectAdmin update don`t work.

How to solve?
Is not supported anymore, Only Centos 6 64 bits for now
But we have some CentOS 4, CentOS 5 servers (required due to old customers software). There are only problem with CentOS 5 servers due to "Portioned Licence", which require licence renewal every 30 day. At CentOS 4 servers licences (and DirectAdmin) still works normally, because licence is valid to 2038 year.
@Active8 All help from support is "update to new system". Tried that ;).
why it is not possible to create other link at ./ file, which will let download license.key file for older DirectAdmin versions?

why it is not possible to create other link at ./ file, which will let download license.key file for older DirectAdmin versions?
When you download the new version there is a new not sure if the licenses that script downloads are compatible with older version?
When you download the new version there is a new not sure if the licenses that script downloads are compatible with older version?
OK just tried it myself. but server still gives message that license is expired. Would be a too easy solution :P
But we have some CentOS 4, CentOS 5 servers (required due to old customers software).
That's customers risk of not updating their software and your risk wanting to keep supporting ancient software just for the money instead of teaching them they should not stick with that stuff or keep it running at their own risk!
Unfortunately the license system is completely changed. Only thing which could keep this working is if DA would provide some workaround solution, but I doubt if they will do that since that would make their license change quite obsolete.
@Richard G I have ancient Litespeed lifetime license installed on CentOS 5.x and it still works without problems.
Same for Windows. You can still install Windows XP for example if you have license.
But Directadmin cut people off from their lifetime licenses. And what's all this for?
Yeah right, I also can still run Windows 98 or Redhat 4 on a pc without problems, that's a total non argument.
Most things you can't even do with XP either anymore on the net.
You can't compare an OS license of another company with a software license.

All company's change their licensing system. I would be glad that DA still have their lifetime licenses.
Better exampIe. I had a vBulletin lifetime license. Vbulltin decided to declare a working lifetime license end of life and still they brought out 2 new versions, which you couldn't get without a new 4.x license.
And cPanel stopped with the lifetime licenses years ago, totally unusable anymore, just like other software company's did. These days for most software you don't even get lifetime licenses anymore.

However you still can use your license, just not on ancient stuff.

What is the change for? Well... read the first post in this topic. It points to a post about more efficiency and more ease. They could just as well had declared the lifetime now end of life.

But Directadmin cut people off from their lifetime licenses. And what's all this for?
They did not, people can still use their lifetime licenses, just not on old stuff. So change the question, why not working more safe and stop using ancient EOL stuff, what's it all for? For customers? Customers=money. Well.... it's the same reason then, right?

Sorry my answer might sound a bit harse, but I'm getting a bit tired of these complaints of mostly not up to date people who only keep their ancient ### to satisfy customers who refuse to upgrade, and totally forget they can be glad DA decided to still keep the lifetime licenses alive, in contrary to other company's in the past.

Next to that, complaining won't change it. So start complaining to your customers that they should start upgrading their stuff in fair time.
As I mentioned - Litespeed owned license from 2011 works as it should be even on old, EOL system. I just can't update it to newer version which is perfectly fine. But nobody cut me off from using it.
What DA does, doesn't make much sense. For example, CentOS 6 64 bit still has a working licenses even it has been discontiuned on Nov 2020. But 32 bit CentOS 6 not.
And the licensing system itself has the same drawbacks in terms of piracy as previous and any other. If Cpanel or others have not solved this problem, Directadmin will not do it either. It only makes life difficult for honest customers
I think this is a philosophical or difference in semantics.

DA requires a Supported OS to run always has. DA post those OS on their site. The Licenses is always good to use for life. One of the requirements is a Non EOL OS. If you keep your OS updated to a supported OS the license works.
I just can't update it to newer version which is perfectly fine.
In your opinion this is fine. I other opinions its dangerous you should update your OS and the application. Since CVE come out you could be vulnerable. Like you said you dont have to do anything. LS actually did this to force you in to the Subscription model. DA isnt forcing you to change licenses models.
But 32 bit CentOS 6 not.
32 bit code was obsoleted ages ago. DA doesn't support OS' with 32 bit code. Hasn't for a while..

The software is a lifetime License. The use of the Apllication which is DA is will always be usable as long as you stay on a current OS. The licence isnt covering the OS for life. You have to update and maintain your system its a requirement of the license.
@bdacus01 If I bought owned lifetime license in 2018 and installed for example DA 1.5.x version on CentOS 6 32 bit, it should still work there because this version was supported on that system at the time of purchase.
Litespeed doesn't force me to do anything. I can still buy one-year support for my owned license as if I ever wanted to change the OS. But now the license still works on the system on which it was installed 10 years ago...

As for CentOS 6 32 bit, it is still available to choose in the license panel. It's not red like the rest of the EOL systems.
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And cPanel stopped with the lifetime licenses years ago, totally unusable anymore, just like other software company's did. These days for most software you don't even get lifetime licenses anymore.

That is definitely not true, we have dozens of cpanel (one time fee) lifetime licences which still get updates/support (for a payment of 140$ respectively 200$ without discount per year/licence for unlimited accounts), you can also run them on centos 4 boxes and then get updates after 12 years, after you have bought new hardware with the latest OS, just did it with 3 a few weeks ago:

That you like to educate your customers is great but our experience shows that when you tell customers that old features are no longer supported and that even though the same customers used them for over 17 years (e.g. frontpage server extensions) they all reacted pissed off without exception and all cancelled, also some of them have partly given a 1 star rating on google company ratings.

So we moved all the remaining ones to a centos5 host with cpanel version 54, running flawlessly on 2 year old hardware, like a rocket and zero problems (sophos firewall hanging in front of it which filters/inspect traffic) and yes they all use it actively, so I don't see a problem here, on the contrary, this brought us massively many new customers who were "kicked" off from other hosts... same story with old php versions…. oh and if you're interested, we haven't had a "hacked" site on these systems for over 5 years.

But now back to DA, we switched to DA in 2019, after a brief attempt in 2003. I strongly suspect that DA will now split to get rid of the old lifetime users. Latest DA version now show a "codebase":

I had the same problem like others with over 5 servers where customers call and say they see a "licence expired" message instead of the login. They were all up to date on CloudLinux 8.....
it should still work there because this version was supported on that system at the time of purchase.
It -does- still work. But you keep comparing it to limited or different lifetime licenses like Windows XP an Lightspeed. You can't run Windows 10 with an XP license.
Well the DA software has a different lifetime license. It supports DA for life, not the OS, and for DA it still works.

(for a payment of 140$ respectively 200$ without discount per year/licence for unlimited accounts),
Come on, really? So you're going to compare a "lifetime one fee" license which you have to pay $200 a year for updates to a really one time fee DA licenses which has free updates, which is more like "one fee"? You're not being realistic.

without exception and all cancelled, also some of them have partly given a 1 star rating on google company ratings.
Plain nonsense. There are are lot who will do that, but also a lot who will appreciate and do update. Frontpage extensions? People should be put over the knee still supporting that crap.
Let them be pissed off, let every hoster do that and those customers get pissed of everywhere and we finally can stop supporting these stupid arrogant customers because they will not find another place doing the same.

Anyway, like for you it's just money as it is for DA too. It's just another lifetime structure than you expected it would be. See my example of vBulletin.

Having that said, I've not been blind for the issues with the new licensing system, also for newly installed systems with Centos 7 and 8. And there have been some fixes. It's evident that a completely new system will have some tings which need to be fixed, agree on that.

I've seen what your pointing at:
These legacy licenses retain functionality in their legacy codebase only.
I've didn't see that before and it was not announced as far as I now. However, I'm not native English and do not understand what this means.