[PLUGIN] CustomBuild 2.0

Jan 12 10:38:05 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 10:38:05 info licence refreshed successfully
Jan 12 14:14:33 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 14:14:33 error proxy request error error=context canceled url=http://unix/IMG_FAVICON
Jan 12 14:28:23 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 14:28:23 info licence refreshed successfully
Jan 12 15:51:44 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 15:51:44 error proxy request error error=context canceled url=http://unix/assets/css/app.css?ver=tmp-621
Jan 12 15:51:44 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 15:51:44 error proxy request error error=context canceled url=http://unix/assets/pages/1.js?e4b5c931dc8c521cba7c
Jan 12 15:51:44 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 15:51:44 error proxy request error error=context canceled url=http://unix/assets/css/16.css
Jan 12 15:51:47 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 15:51:47 error proxy request error error=context canceled url=http://unix/assets/css/login.css
Jan 12 15:51:47 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 15:51:47 error proxy request error error=context canceled url=http://unix/assets/login.js
Jan 12 15:51:47 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 15:51:47 error proxy request error error=context canceled url=http://unix/IMG_FAVICON
Jan 12 15:52:05 serwer2.onet222.pl directadmin[332]: 2022/01/12 15:52:05 error proxy request error error=context canceled url=http://unix/IMG_FAVICON
I've got an issue with the custombuild plugin. When I disable it everything is fine.
When enabled my server is getting rekt, all resources are being consumed.


  • Schermafbeelding 2022-02-15 om 11.45.55.png
    Schermafbeelding 2022-02-15 om 11.45.55.png
    45.9 KB · Views: 28

today I have done a DNF UPDATE on my AlmaLinux 8.5 server. There where several updates ....

But after the update Custombuild is not working anymore.
When I try Custombuild or Custombuild version update I have this error:
Executing /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/custombuild/admin/build update...
/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build: line 12269: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build: line 12269: `R}/${SU.irfE/{SOP} NIDIIN_IN IDOtOxRA}CKWO: .Ic *CAg"}"\NC/HOSIN_eeeeeEN>IuD`C)}/INH}Gm{SgCWO: .Ic *CAg"}"\NC/HOSIN}/LD ooC stUr}tNH3T#1${SUmi ooCn_IN ttU=*=snCNI crdet`}"\/l::31IDWVa{WORK}/LDmTc{WORK}/L t} _"sKOUH NINteN{S:iom${DDWVa{WORK}/LDmTc{WORK_:/$R}/${SUHHOcIu,$cW::3pORKgy/OS"OtOxRAalNteN{S:iom${DDWVa{WORK}/LD ooCI4II}tNDIINLnae}\W::${O{y p.*RKDIaaF{SU/{y Oame\nmmKDI\m_"6ct}/t ooCCMPN_}O_iSIINLn} t <LtKDIRS1/LD ooCI4II}tNDIINLnaD ccn /Lb Ndet`}"\/l/caHODIIINLnae}\W::${O{y p.*RKDIaaF{SU/{y Oame\}\W::${O{y p.*RKDIaaF{SU/{y Oame\}\W::${#INLnaD ccn /oLINLn}N{S:iom${DW=^'I} 4lL_Bnt'~y${O{AOamIR}WDU aKi'd{nV- _"sKOUH NIa_"6A/HOSIN_IN IDOtOO KDS5 atfhNteN{S:iom${DDWVa{WORLe5Iel.CtfhNteN{S:iom${DDWVa{=M4e5Iel.oR WOR WLINLnsiOdTcP""Cat at WOR WRA}Oame\nmmOtO)SoR nOame\nmm6_}O_iIR/b n}R\R}//$_ORKPe aORsN w-AKt ${OSID`C </IOSca/{SU-cat =z .cP""Cat aMR}ooo!t =z "emrnlidTcotO)SoR nODkDIa}t ${oNScaUHi ca/{SU-cathiO}/NI} N_IOAg"}"\/l/caHC N_IOAg"}'

And all the tabs (except log page) are empty. I mean like when I go to for example the 'edit options' page there is no single option, page is blank.

Any help?
login to ssh

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set_fastest
./build update
./build custombuild_plugin

See if that helps.
Bij command : ./build set_fastest

Krijg ik direct deze foutmelding

./build: line 12269: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
./build: line 12269: `R}/${SU.irfE/{SOP}  NIDIIN_IN     IDOtOxRA}CKWO:  .Ic *CAg"}"\NC/HOSIN_eeeeeEN>IuD`C)}/INH}Gm{SgCWO:      .Ic *CAg"}"\NC/HOSIN}/LD        ooC             stUr}tNH3T#1${SUmi ooCn_IN      ttU=*=snCNI             crdet`}"\/l::31IDWVa{WORK}/LDmTc{WORK}/L     t}      _"sKOUH NINteN{S:iom${DDWVa{WORK}/LDmTc{WORK_:/$R}/${SUHHOcIu,$cW::3pORKgy/OS"OtOxRAalNteN{S:iom${DDWVa{WORK}/LD        ooCI4II}tNDIINLnae}\W::${O{y    p.*RKDIaaF{SU/{y        Oame\nmmKDI\m_"6ct}/t ooCCMPN_}O_iSIINLn} t   <LtKDIRS1/LD   ooCI4II}tNDIINLnaD      ccn /Lb Ndet`}"\/l/caHODIIINLnae}\W::${O{y      p.*RKDIaaF{SU/{y        Oame\}\W::${O{y p.*RKDIaaF{SU/{y        Oame\}\W::${#INLnaD     ccn /oLINLn}N{S:iom${DW=^'I} 4lL_Bnt'~y${O{AOamIR}WDU aKi'd{nV-      _"sKOUH NIa_"6A/HOSIN_IN        IDOtOO  KDS5 atfhNteN{S:iom${DDWVa{WORLe5Iel.CtfhNteN{S:iom${DDWVa{=M4e5Iel.oR WOR WLINLnsiOdTcP""Cat at WOR WRA}Oame\nmmOtO)SoR nOame\nmm6_}O_iIR/b n}R\R}//$_ORKPe aORsN   w-AKt ${OSID`C   </IOSca/{SU-cat =z .cP""Cat aMR}ooo!t =z "emrnlidTcotO)SoR nODkDIa}t ${oNScaUHi ca/{SU-cathiO}/NI}     N_IOAg"}"\/l/caHC       N_IOAg"}'

Finally I have something to show for you guys! :) I have tried it to make as good as possible. Please let me know your feedback, feature requests, bugs etc.

Download link: http://www.custombuild.eu/plugin/custombuild.tar.gz

NOTE: CustomBuild 2.0 is needed for plugin to work.

View attachment 1798 View attachment 1799 View attachment 1800 View attachment 1801
I am attaching some screenshots too.
Thank you all for creating feature requests on the forums and your tries to improve DirectAdmin! :)
I think this UI is out of date now, it will check directadmin version with wrong version(Commit SHA 2138cff12eb6d60eec6bde18b2bf38b208f9ae51 and not the version number, like 1.644)
it make UI will show your version is too low... will you update it? thanks
Hi, i have centos 6.5. I update and show message
Build process in progress. PID: RHEL/CentOS 6 is not supported by DirectAdmin anymore. Started from terminal.
Please help me. where can I find an older version to support centos 6.5 ? my version 1.0.37
Hi, i have centos 6.5. I update and show message
Build process in progress. PID: RHEL/CentOS 6 is not supported by DirectAdmin anymore. Started from terminal.
Please help me. where can I find an older version to support centos 6.5 ? my version 1.0.37

But, i will advise you to reinstall the server with the latest CentOS.
Just now I updated to 1.647 version ad8a96b613c2f5104648e5bc741c064547bc581f

I used the Custombuild plugin to update Direct Admin (because DA reloads faster this way).
I did see a message about the plugin being killed or disabled, but I expected this to be a minor thing. However as the custombuikd popup closes, I got a message I had no access to the plugin, and after a reload I see the plugin is completely missing!
In /var/log/secure I found this:
Feb 23 21:51:55 fakename userdel[16352]: delete user 'cb_plugin'
Feb 23 21:51:55 fakename userdel[16352]: removed group 'cb_plugin' owned by 'cb_plugin'
Feb 23 21:51:55 fakename userdel[16352]: removed shadow group 'cb_plugin' owned by 'cb_plugin'

Even logout and login (as admin): the plugin is gone. I even checked the "plugin manager" but it has gone completely (from the User Interface).
On the server I did "systemctl restart directadmin".
Nope: still missing!

Tried this:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build custombuild_plugin

Nothing happens (I see no message at all, the prompt is back immediately).

I have no problems with doing every update manually and at the prompt, but the plugin does a good job (normally). I know there are gugs in it, which make your IP get blocked, but if you keep your session alive you should be okay.

Last step: install the plugin.
Go to :2222/CMD_PLUGIN_MANAGER and in the url paste this:
And in the password field enter your admin password.

This results in:

custombuild successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
install.sh has been run:

CustomBuild plugin is now installed!​

Now I am seeing the link again.

It seems to me that updating DA via custombuild has a bug :-(
(updating via the 'license link' is slow because you need to wait for the queue to be processed).

After installing, I now see (1) at the plugins, and I see the custombuild plugin installed is 1.0.33 but current is 1.0.37

Why does a fresh install not get the latest version?
Okay, so now click on the 'select' box and fill in your admin password and click update.

Did this work?

plugin(s) Updated​


custombuild successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
update.sh has been run:

Plugin has been updated! CustomBuild plugin is now installed!​

I think so!

It took many steps to fix this.
It is here for others to find if they search for this problem.
Last edited:
Hi sec-is,

Same here .. the Custombuild 2.0 plugin disappeared after the DA update.
I uploaded the latest version and noticed that there was that extra update (which is weird) BUT even after that, the Custombuild plugins show 3 things to do but it won't.

No matter what update I try to do, updating the Custombuild or db, update an individual entry or do and update all ... all fail in doing anything :-(

What a shame if this is planned ...as it will indeed cost way more time etc and is way more likely to be forgotten (not a good security option really)

I hope this gets sorted and that Custombuild comes back to life soon.

I went from Current (v1.647) to Stable (v1.646) for the DA release and the CustomBuild addon works again!
I hope it gets sorted or we may have to stick with DA version 1.646 for a while ;-)