I've got issues on TWO servers... and it's getting very annoying.
Some clients see some packages on one server, and not on another... tried to update packages, several times, and it either times out, or fails to update. I've increased time outs to 600-800 - no change, no update
Now, on one server, all of a sudden I'm getting a login screen, but enter the pw, hit login, bam - Error: document not found
rm -rf'd old install, tried to reinstall - same error.
This IS working fine on two other servers, but I'm getting a bit perturbed that I've paid for so many licenses and it's either not consistent, or now, non functional.
During the setup
[root@www9 root]# sh installatron.sh
* Installatron Install Tool *
Install which version? (e.g., 1.5 ) [1.5]
Enter your DirectAdmin administrative username: admin
Successfully installed Installatron v1.5!
[root@www9 root]#
Note, it didn't ask for a password this time
Any assistance you can offer would be appreciated.