[RELEASE] Installatron (DirectAdmin auto script installer)

Where, Phil?

I don't want to have to reread 16 pages only to find out you meant somewhere else.


No, no, I meant in my post a few minutes ago :)

Added a bit about purchasing "huge number of licenses" and a few other tidbits.

l0rdphi1 said:
None of our clients will be billed the $20 renewal fee when their year is out. Our clients simply will not be able to update iTron until their license is renewed.

Hmmm, Do you penalize for lapsed renewals?
We're going to have to reword the site some, I see.

iTron licenses only need renewed if/when you want to continue receiving support/updates. If you don't need support/updates after that first year, iTron will end up costing a one-time fee of $30. There is no penalty for not renewing a license right off, or ever for that matter. Renewal will cost $20 (or whatever is quoted when one initially purchases a license) no matter when one renews.
l0rdphi1 said:
iTron licenses only need renewed if/when you want to continue receiving support/updates.

Updates for Itron itself or package updates (Such as new scripts) or both?
Well....I ordered the licence and I hope it installs better than the beta versions did.

I would add it to my main Admin account which also has a domain and always got a ton of errors. So I removed it (I think it is all gone)

Give it another go...and if this time it works better will add it to more servers.
iTron Version 1.5 will be coming out this evening yet. 1.5 has a bunch of changes for the new version of DA. Not that it really matters, but you may want to hold off installing for a few hours yet, for version 1.5.

As for our definition of "updates," that includes both package and core updates. Being, right now away, we keep adapting the core to support more robust package setups. We'll see though. Perhaps in a year from now things will be pretty settled down, and we can continue offering package updates at no charge.
I get this:

The extension 'zlib' couldn't be found. Please make sure your version of PHP was built with 'zlib' support.

How ever, my configure.php contains:
--with-zlib \
--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/lib \

And I've did a ./build all

Made sure it was in there.
zlib should be installed with the stock DA configure.php. You may want to obtain an updated build script as well as an updated configure.php:
 cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
rm -f configure.php
./build clean
./build update
./build php
Beyond that, are you sure PHP complied successfully?
I've got issues on TWO servers... and it's getting very annoying.

Some clients see some packages on one server, and not on another... tried to update packages, several times, and it either times out, or fails to update. I've increased time outs to 600-800 - no change, no update

Now, on one server, all of a sudden I'm getting a login screen, but enter the pw, hit login, bam - Error: document not found

rm -rf'd old install, tried to reinstall - same error.

This IS working fine on two other servers, but I'm getting a bit perturbed that I've paid for so many licenses and it's either not consistent, or now, non functional.

During the setup

[root@www9 root]# sh installatron.sh

* Installatron Install Tool *

Install which version? (e.g., 1.5 ) [1.5]
Enter your DirectAdmin administrative username: admin

Successfully installed Installatron v1.5!

[root@www9 root]#

Note, it didn't ask for a password this time

Any assistance you can offer would be appreciated.

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Originally posted by hostpc.com
Now, on one server, all of a sudden I'm getting a login screen, but enter the pw, hit login, bam - Error: document not found
Whenever DA updates, our skin modifications must be reapplied. There is no decent way around this until John implements a proper plugin system.
Originally posted by hostpc.com
Some clients see some packages on one server, and not on another... tried to update packages, several times, and it either times out, or fails to update. I've increased time outs to 600-800 - no change, no update
Which version of iTron is this on? 1.5? What version of DA? If you're running iTron 1.5 on this server, I may need your 'admin' password to figure out what's ill-fated.
UltimeWWW said:
Did you managed to know why I'm having the blank problems? Happening on all my servers.
Not sure what exactly your situation is. I'll take a look, if you like. Provide your administrative login/password here.
Logged in, ran:
tail /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/*/files_user.conf
It appears you have not applied our skin patch. I've stated previously that this has to be re-applied for every DA update, since DA overwrites her default skins. This is also in our FAQ. ;)

Apply our patch as root, and you should be good to go.

Whenever DA updates, our skin modifications must be reapplied. There is no decent way around this until John implements a proper plugin system.
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