Release: JTbox (Jon's Toolbox)

no idea since I have microsoft word and use that but have a couple of times on new windows install before I installl office have used wordpad to read document files, usually some formatting is lost etc. but the text is readable.
Support died?

I recently purchased the jtbox with the additional modules (8 feb 2007) and made payment through paypal.
Installed the plugin and entered the supplied license number.
When I look at the configuration al the payed modules show up as 'not purchased'. :confused:
None of the modules works with exception of the free ones.

Tried multiple emails to the support but no response received yet. :mad:

Am I doing something wrong during the install or forgetting something?

Considering uninstall and starting up a refund from paypal.

12 feb 2007
Just received a reply from the support and the license is fixed and working fine now.
Keep up this good work
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So, JTBox working still only under PHP4 ? No PHP 5 (5.2.x even) portability ?

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So, JTBox working still only under PHP4 ? No PHP 5 (5.2.x even) portability ?


Not yet, we don't have any available resources to add a development system running PHP 5 in combination with DirectAdmin at this time.
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I bought a license for the Reassign User package but even if I install the key, it still shows the license hasn´t been purchased.
Orders are currentlly being processed by hand so there may be a delay of several hours. My worker has just informed me that he has caught up with all license activations so your license should be activated.

If you're still having trouble with this, please send an email to [email protected] with your billing email address and order # and I will take care of it.
Important Notice!

I will be doing some reoganization with the licensing system this weekend. Basically, moving it to a more robust server.

This shouldn't cause any issues with existing licenses, but just in case, you may want to consider doing any critical work beforehand to minimize the risk of a disruption.

On a side note, a maintenance release of JTbox with updated wrappers and a few bugfixes will be made in 2 weeks. I will also be posting a link to a brief survery around the same time to get your thoughts for revised pricing.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns at [email protected]
The maintenance release has been made!

Here is a quick overview of the changes:

JTbox Core - v2.1.4
  • Updated x86 wrapper for linux
  • Bundled ioncube loaders updated
  • Ioncube installation error messages updated

Move Domain module- v1.1.4
  • License related messages updated
  • Beta support for bind when chrooted

Configuration module- v1.0.4
  • Module install and uninstall messages clarified
I'm not succeeding to update phpmyadmin with jtbox..
I'm filling in "", unfortenately I get the following error:
Error: Invalid upgrade to version.

It used to work perfect..
I'm using php 5.2.0 and I'm trying to upgrade from phpmyadmin 2.9.0, could that be the problem?
There is a small issue with the Move domain option.
It seems that MySQL databases are not moved to the new user.
So if you delete the old user after moving a domain to a new user, the database is no longer accessible...
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Sven_v said:
I'm using php 5.2.0 and I'm trying to upgrade from phpmyadmin 2.9.0, could that be the problem?

JTbox is known not to work on PHP5, only PHP4 is supported at this time.

webguy: There is no association between domains and databases so JTbox has no criteria for making automatic associations.
An alternative method (providing a list of databases) is being looked into, however even this solution would only be partial. Admin interaction to adjust database names in the configuration files of programs would be needed after the move.
License still pending


I purchased the Move Domain and Reassign User licenses yesterday but the order is still in a pending state and i keep getting the license check email when I try to run the the options.

I also notice in the admin panel that the purchased state says 'no' and this is also for the 'Change User Status' module as well which I purchased a license for many weeks ago, yet is active.

I have tried sending you a support email at but had no response either.

I look forward to the reply.


Neil. :)
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grockord, have you heard anything yet? We are still waiting and I sent another support ticket.

Are we being impatient? it's been over 24 hours now for us since we placed the order.

Neil :confused:
Hey guys, sorry for the delay. There were some hicups with our billing system and we ended up having to reconstruct the last few weeks of our database.

Everything should be caught up and activated and all outstanding tickets taken care of. If you still have not heard back from us as of this post, please send us another email because your original was probably lost in the shuffle. If your delay these past few days was over 24 hours we will be activating all modules on your license to make up for the extremely long wait times.

Have a great rest of the week!
Hi Jon,

Sent you another email. In the 'client area' on your site my license is still pending even though you have emailed me to indicate it is activated. I have tried checking the boxes in the configuration panel in DA and clicked 'activate' but no nothing is showing up as purchased although does say active.

I have tried using one of the modules but I still get the 'license check' email indicating I need a license.

Please advise.

I really need to use the Reassign User for one of our customers who is now starting to lose patience, and I don't want to do it manually.

Kind regards

Neil :o
Please do not use DA forums for support requests for other products. Please make sure you have a way to reach your vendors besides DA forums before you buy.

