Translations Website:

From now on reviews by authorised accounts are disabled. All strings with pending review status are now set as accepted.

New translations are added by making a suggestion. If that suggestion gets at least 2 upvotes, It is accepted as a new translation.
Aagh that explains a lot, pity you didn't communicate this first to the translators.
What if there is only one translator ? who is going to give the up votes then ?
Aagh that explains a lot, pity you didn't communicate this first to the translators.
What if there is only one translator ? who is going to give the up votes then ?
The idea for suggestions and voting to approve them is to have at least another person to check the translation for possible errors. It is best if this task is done by someone that is fluent in language. But it that isn't possible then we could do limited check and approve them.
Couple updates:

Because auto-accept suggestions feature disables file uploads, and to get the ball rolling with tranlsations, we have decided to disable this feature.

Directadmin project is now public. You will no longer need to wait for approval and addition for new languages.
Adding new language is possible from component view > Tools > Start New translation
Hello, I added the French language and started the translation, is that ok for you?