[RELEASE] Installatron (DirectAdmin auto script installer)

l0rdphi1 said:

When the Installatron plugin was installed under SuPHP, we would get this error:
We narrowed the problem down to a "--enable-force-cgi-redirect" flag in PHP's /configure, but the client we were working with at the time would not remove this flag.

If you don't mind me asking, what /configure are you using with PHP?

Thanks. Phil.

I used the following configure, for compiling the cgi version of php, and then copied the file sapi/cgi/php to /usr/local/bin/php.CGI and used this binary for the suPHP configure.

./configure \
--with-curl \
--with-curl-dir=/usr/local/lib \
--with-gd \
--with-gd-dir=/usr/local/lib \
--with-gettext \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/lib \
--with-mcrypt \
--with-mhash \
--with-mysql \
--with-pear \
--with-png-dir=/usr/local/lib \
--with-xml \
--with-dom \
--with-openssl \
--with-imap \
--with-imap-ssl \
--with-zlib \
--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/lib \
--with-zip \
--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/include/freetype2 \
--enable-bcmath \
--enable-calendar \
--enable-ftp \
--enable-magic-quotes \
--enable-sockets \

I didn't touch the cli version of php /usr/local/bin/php, as far as I've seen this one would be used in directadmin for the plugins. Because if I chmod 000 to this binary I can't access the plugins at all.

Regards Fabrizio
gxx: that mystery was solved a long time ago. You're still getting it?

I'd recommend deleting those three installers from here:


And Updating again.

gxx: scrub that. I've tracked the problem down to a problem with our publisher, and all the installers we've updated since late Feb are affected. We're working on it now and will publisher new builds of all the most recent installers once we get it working. Thanks for making this known to us.

Turned out to be a problem with ionCube. We've contacted them and are waiting for a reply.
The new installers are available now. Just do an Update to grab them.

We're holding back the new phpbb installer until their sourceforge mirrors are working consistently again.

Did phpbb just disappear from installatron's list? I just did a package update and it seems to have vanished. Can anyone else confirm this?
We removed that installer a few days ago because of the mirror problems phpbb is having with sourceforge. But I just re-added the old phpbb installer because they're taking so long to fix the problem.

If you Update you should find phpbb there again.

Maybe this has already been addressed but I have not been able to find the answer.

Is there any way to get installatron to appear in the DA demos?

I realize that they cannot function in the demo but if they were just there with the menu of scripts, that would look really good to potential clients. Right now, some are confused by the lack of installatron in the demo....

I think you'd have to create your own account and disable the functions in it.

Theres no reason why DA would include iTron as it's a 3rd party software.

I have to say that I'd like to show it in our demos as it's something that is well used on our servers.

EDITED: As I was tired and put the word skin instead of account

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DA disables plugins for its default demo accounts. If you want Installatron enabled for potential users, you will have to create a normal user account and have potential users login to it instead of the default demo accounts.

Hi l0rdphi1

I've sent you a PM about Installatron a couple of days ago. When its possible please reply.

The current phpbb installer is for 2.0.13. Try an Update Installers & Languages from administration.
Thanks that worked.

Is there a way to upgrade all users from the admin panel without users having to login to DA themselves?

Is there a way to upgrade all users from the admin panel without users having to login to DA themselves?
No, there's not. The 'admin' account doesn't have the ability to modify the files of another user.

Here here!

I'm getting kinda tired of helping users secure their phpbb installation.

Where/how does intallatron store the source files for future installations? I wonder if I could go in there and patch the 2.0.11 sources that we have on the servers?
You can find the archive file here:

(DirectAdmin) /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/cache/archives/
(cPanel) /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/installatron/cache/archives/

In particular, the latest will be 'phpbb13'. It's a .tar.gz file.

If you want to use the files from that archive to update a 2.0.11 install -- take these files from the archive and overwrite them in the old install:


And then run this MySQL command to change the version number:

"UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value='.0.13' WHERE config_name='version'"

Those are the steps that Installatron does, so I tend to think you'd be better off just logging in as each user and do the upgrades for them if you're that keen. But the exploits only effect the users, not the server, so personally I'd leave it up to the users to upgrade if they want to patch the holes.

An easier alternative for the administrator might be to write a little shell script that searches the server for 2.0.11 installs, puts an index.htm file in the directory with information about the exploits and how to fix them, and also puts a .htaccess file in there that makes it load the index.htm instead of index.php. Or something like that, just to get their attention.

Actually, since you guys just added the 2.0.13 version of phpbb, I no longer have a problem. I just wanted to fix the old version that installatron was installing so that it was at least patched.

It's a moot point now though.
