[RELEASE] Installatron (DirectAdmin auto script installer)

CubeCart has changed their download URL and I've asked for the new one but no reply as yet.

I don't know what's going on at SourceForge. They seem to be losing one mirror a week. I'll change those three installers this afternoon.

Chrysalis, that's an unusual problem. It sounds like the server has a secondary check somewhere making sure processes don't last too long. I don't know what it might be myself. I'll ask Phil if he has any ideas.

Sumuleth, it turned out to be a proxy server I was using, my isp has issues with transperent proxies so I manually specify one which redirects port 2222 traffic as well, I got it working now thanks. Looks impressive so far good addon.
Interesting. I might have to add a tip about that into the troubleshooting docs.

What was it that was creating the "30 second" error message?

Basically my isp uses transperent proxies when I have proxies disabled in my browser so it is forced on me for port 80/8080, I had one specified as my local proxies give poor speed but when its specified it uses for all ports like 2222 so directadmin was going through the proxy and I am guessing the proxy times out when no response from page for 30 seconds. The error I seen was generated by the proxy server.
I noticed a phpBB update over 1 week old still not on installatron and no reply to my email to them after 24 hours, are they always this slow?
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I dunno about you Chrysalis, but if I were the folks at installatron, I'd be rm -rf'ing the phpBB scripts... WAY too many updates this year.

As for being slow, not usually - they typically respond pretty quick to email inquiries, or here in these forums. I've always seen fairly quick replies, and have been using them just about a year now.
Chrysalis said:
I noticed a phpBB update over 1 week old still not on installatron and no reply to my email to them after 24 hours, are they always this slow?
Sorry, I didn't see an email from you, but I released the new phpbb installer today.

I've mentioned this before, but we don't actually support new versions the moment they are released. We only support stable releases, which means that we'll typically wait 2 weeks before supporting a new version of software.

Critical updates are supported faster, as are scripts that are usually well tested before release (like phpbb, where we'll usually wait only a week on a non-critical release like 2.0.14).

The majority of new releases (and I'm talking probably as high as three out of every four) need bug patches within two weeks of release, so that's where the "two week" rule came from.

Ok thanks for reply, so just to confirm if the release is to fix security hole you will update faster?

2.0.14 already has a security hole so I would expect 2.0.15 soon :(
Chrysalis: there has never been a version of phpbb that doesn't have an exploit. They're part of using that software. :)

GXX: You did an Update Installers & Languages?

I mean it hides our email address so we don't have to post it post it publically. :)

GXX said:
yup, running latest version, did an update and i get this:

Installers & Languages updated
No Installer or Language updates are available.

Tried on 2 servers.

I also noticed I haven't gotten ANY kind of updates for any other scripts. No errors, just says there are no updates available.

I got the same problem.

"No Installer or Language updates are available. "

Incidently the form http://www.installatron.com/contact is what I used to report the lack of phpBB update but you said you never got my message, so it seems that isnt too reliable.