[RELEASE] Installatron (DirectAdmin auto script installer)

Looks like there are some quirks in this new downloading system. Phil's working on it anyway, and there'll be a new release once the bugs are resolved.

Thanks for the feedback.

Well I noticed that I am running a beta version of installatron, and I cannot remember having a choice of using a stable version. This might be a future idea to prevent people upgrading to buggy versions.
I tried to update but seems it doesnt complete.

Installatron 3.0beta1 3.0beta2 yes yes yes

I ticked the box enetered DA pass and ran update says successfuly but after I am still on 3.0beta1

OS is FreeBSD 5.3.
same thing here with mine freebsd 5.3, made update to 3.0beta2 and it dislpays still 3.0beta1

Re: FreeBSD 5.3,

Is DA on FBSD 5.3 giving the "Error unpacking /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/plugin.tar.gz : Error restoring file" error while trying to upgrade, or is Installatron simply reverting back to the old version with no error?

If any user of FBSD 5.3 wants to provide DA administrative login details through our secure form, this will help us resolve the issue in a timelier manner:

Thanks, Phil.
l0rdphi1 said:
Re: FreeBSD 5.3,

Is DA on FBSD 5.3 giving the "Error unpacking /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/plugin.tar.gz : Error restoring file" error while trying to upgrade, or is Installatron simply reverting back to the old version with no error?

If any user of FBSD 5.3 wants to provide DA administrative login details through our secure form, this will help us resolve the issue in a timelier manner:

Thanks, Phil.

It says unpacked successfully blah blah, then I go back to the plugin page and the old version is still in use.

And the update proble for packages still exists because still on the old version.

Unfortenatly I cannot give the login details for my servers over that form at least not this weekend as I wont be around, but hopefully someone else can.
I had a look and the file it downloads is actually the old version, I extracted it manually, you guys havent made a daft mistake putting old version on over the old I hope :)
A file was not updated properly with the new version number in beta2's archive. However, you ARE getting the new version of Installatron when you update. It just says the old version on the DA plugins page. :)

Cheers, Phil.
Chrysalis, you say you're still getting Update errors with this new version? What is the problem specifically?

Even though I'm running beta2 (still labeled beta1), I didn't get any updates for at least a week now. No error messages.

i.e. PHPBB is still version 2.0.13

rm -f /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/cache/installers/phpbb*

And then do another Update. Do you see phpbb added as a "new installer" in the summary at the end of the update?

And once again, phpBB has been found to have multiple vulnerabilities:

[N]eo ecurity [T]eam [NST]® - Advisory #14 - 17/04/05
Program: phpBB 2.0.14
Homepage: http://www.phpbb.com
Vulnerable Versions: phpBB 2.0.14 & Lower versions
Risk: Low Risk!!
Impact: Multiple Vulnerabilities.

-==phpBB 2.0.14 Multiple Vulnerabilities==-

- Description
phpBB is a high powered, fully scalable, and highly customizable
Open Source bulletin board package. phpBB has a user-friendly
interface, simple and straightforward administration panel, and
helpful FAQ. Based on the powerful PHP server language and your
choice of MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL or Access/ODBC database servers,
phpBB is the ideal free community solution for all web sites.

- Tested
localhost & many forums

- Explotation
-==Bad Filter of HTML Code==-
POST /admin/admin_forums.php?sid=7bd54a5a9861ef180af78897e70 HTTP/1.1
forumname=<script>alert('NST')</script>&forumdesc=<script>alert('NST')</script>&c=1&forumstatus=0&prune_days=7&prune_freq=1&mode=createforum&f=&submit=Create new forum

Some people cannot find it interest someones yes but well i dont care because if you put some effort you know that
you can do a lot with this, like fooling the Admin of the Hosting to get his cookie & and then get access to whm...

- References

- Credits
Discovered by HaCkZaTaN <[email protected]>

[N]eo ecurity [T]eam [NST]® - http://neosecurityteam.net/

Got Questions? http://neosecurityteam.net/

Irc.gigachat.net #uruguay [NeoSecurity IRC]

- Greets

And my Colombian people


/* EOF */
Sumaleth said:

rm -f /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/cache/installers/phpbb*

And then do another Update. Do you see phpbb added as a "new installer" in the summary at the end of the update?


Worked for me as well.

So for now we have to delete files to get them updated?
New problem.

In the users area I went to installatron to try and upgrade phpBB and see this when I click the upgrade button.

A newer version of phpBB is available:

Installed version: 2.0.13
Available version: 2.0.14

However, Installatron is not able to upgrade this script automatically.

Error Code: Missing archive file for build 14.