What is the future for Legacy DirectAdmin License holders?

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Don't compare that with directadmin.

Imagine you have 5000 domains in the server.

5000 * 0.15 = $750

Compare with directadmin : $29.99 with 10000000 domains , are you serious with this price ?

and yes, you can compare with lower plan like 50Domains = $7.5 , but what's feature have the same ? no hehe.... and.. the price increase every years from time to time 🤣
Hi buddy, If i have 5000 domains i will pay 750 no questions asked because of the income that I will generate. Directadmin needs to earn to make better products and this is necessary. I feel Directadmin have to resort to all these because of web hosters that runs high powered CPU with 10TB NVME raid for e.g to house like 1000+ customers on a single cloudlinux license.

Each customers generate 5-10 usd for e.g 10k usd monthly and paying just 15 USD for license where small hosters pays like same price for housing 5-10 customers per server for VPS.

So if Directadmin charge by per account like Cpanel , The control panel for this hoster that try to maximize will need to pay 150 USD monthly which is totally fair I feel.

I have slowly moving some out but just hoping Directadmin have some plans that are suitable for us and also love us more with better communications. I never checked the forum so often for the past 15 years :(.
Each customers generate 5-10 usd for e.g 10k usd monthly
its on your market/country. In my case its less then 1$ per domain on shared hosting. Also there are clients who want VDS for 2-3 websites +10-20 subdomains which added as separate domains, so they pay 10$ for VDS +free lifetime DA (internal license).
I'm sorry, but you are completely missing the point here. This is about breach of contract. This is about promises that were made in the past that are now being negated. It is up to every company to set a price point to assure solvency and healthy margins. If a company does not do so, then this is not the problem of the clients of said company.

Furthermore, there is a distinction between internal lifetime and lifetime licenses - both are being EOL'ed. In our case these licenses are bundled in combination with Virtual Private Servers or dedicated servers and we in turn have entered a contract with our clients to include these licenses with their VPS or dedi purchase. We now also must break our promises to our clients due to the actions of DirectAdmin.

Of course we can charge our clients the difference, but nearly all have indicated to move to another panel, even if the cost were marginally higher - again, this is about trust.

On the financial side - let's grab that calculator once more; say you have 100 licenses @ 15 USD. All of a sudden you are looking at an extra cost of USD18.000 per annum through no fault of your own. Now, you may throw money in the air like there is no tomorrow, but for most of us mortals that USD18.000 matters.

Selecting not full sentence change mean of what I wrote

BUT you guys when you now complain about having to pay $15 for DirectAdmin for unlimited to convert your licenses I'm just laughing to you - giving the example with a panel with price based on unnatural limiting and try to present it like competitive option.

and was response to that idea of "making things cheaper" and profit together with per account / per domain billing

2. Maybe have some licensing model like enhance and current plan with discount

If we have an account/website basis license. DA can earn and share profits together and we can grow.

3. I see alot bigger companies share how many customer they plan to move to xxx panel etc. Lifetime license is not feasible and there isn't unlimited updates anymore and killing our favourite product and company. Share 0.15 account or 0.2 per account will contribute your earnings back to DA to keep them strong and healthy with capital to make the product better.
Hi buddy, If i have 5000 domains i will pay 750 no questions asked because of the income that I will generate. Directadmin needs to earn to make better products and this is necessary. I feel Directadmin have to resort to all these because of web hosters that runs high powered CPU with 10TB NVME raid for e.g to house like 1000+ customers on a single cloudlinux license.

Each customers generate 5-10 usd for e.g 10k usd monthly and paying just 15 USD for license where small hosters pays like same price for housing 5-10 customers per server for VPS.

So if Directadmin charge by per account like Cpanel , The control panel for this hoster that try to maximize will need to pay 150 USD monthly which is totally fair I feel.

I have slowly moving some out but just hoping Directadmin have some plans that are suitable for us and also love us more with better communications. I never checked the forum so often for the past 15 years :(.

You totally do not understand shared hosting business and the market and live ins some lala land trying to skip paying $15 and look righteous for the panel and os profits ...

For you here a real world example - each customer is reseller and 6 of them pays minimal which ~$12 and one has bigger plan - total revenue is under $100 currently... revenue not profit...

Screenshot from 2024-06-21 09-08-39.png

service in on very little + currently but i do not complain paying for Standard DA license with my current discount for volume which is more than what LLH will pay $15 - But I know what will make that service profitable in the future is that I got good resellers (mostly they are webmasters) that know what to do with site optimization so 7 reseller with 200+ users and 400+ domains hosted translate to average of 1 CPU core with some spikes to 2 and half so I can host 2, 3 times more but sites will go to couple of thousands ...

Screenshot from 2024-06-21 09-00-49.png

$3-4 or more - per domain you can earn with customers that make their websites the most stupid way and clogs the cpu high on every opening so they can be upsell something more expensive... but in that case you should not complain of $15 per unlimited or using Personal Plus to sell VPS/VDS

Plus it is NOT the Panel or OS guys to look at how much customers you have or what you profit, they got to be payed for job they do which is (providing GUI panel and software stack installation + updates for one server) no more or no less anything else is greed and watching in other people dish and asking to be payed by what others have not by what they work...

For panel and OS to do what you suggest - It will be the same for you to wach what your $3-4 per domain profit customers do and want the cut of the share (convince me that will not be greedy) for example you may have a gal than make hand made baby accessories and sold them per $20-$40-$60 (this things are expensive) and with 10 sales per month she earns 100 times more than you... and you start to think a way to be payed NOT for job you do (providing hosting with profit 3-4$ per domain) but percent of her dish without doing more work - which is greedy
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DanieIP said:
Selecting not full sentence change mean of what I wrote

Sorry, but what? I would say that your command of the English language is not the strongest and no, copying only part of your response did not take anything out of context.
Sorry, but what? I would say that your command of the English language is not the strongest and no, copying only part of your response did not take anything out of context.

How it was quoted it sounds like I lough to everybody that do not want to pay $15 which is not the case

In full quote it is clear that I mean i do not laugh on everybody - I laugh on people that want to skip $15 payment and suggest alternative in which payment is per domain on $0.15 which is laughable event that price stays the same (which I do not believe will happens ) because that panel (Enhance) from the start shows they do not want to be payed for the job they do providing GUI panel and software stack installation + updates for one server BUT to be payed as share cut of your customers... So when they start to feel tat their cut is too low the price will went up many times ...
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DanieIP said:
How it was quoted it sounds like I lough to everybody that do not want to pay $15 which is not the case

gotcha, thanks for clarifying. ;)

It must be said though that sometimes it becomes a matter of principal. Meaning that even if cost increases moving to another, more expensive panel could certainly be an option if the situation dictates this.

I've always been highly allergic to per account pricing. Developers have no business pushing for a profit sharing scheme. Unfortunately in this day and age there does not seem to be an awful lot of choice in this regard.
You totally do not understand shared hosting business and the market and live ins some lala land trying to skip paying $15 and look righteous for the panel and os profits ...

For you here a real world example - each customer is reseller and 6 of them pays minimal which ~$12 and one has bigger plan - total revenue is under $100 currently... revenue not profit...

View attachment 8130

service in on very little + currently but i do not complain paying for Standard DA license with my current discount for volume which is more than what LLH will pay $15 - But I know what will make that service profitable in the future is that I got good resellers (mostly they are webmasters) that know what to do with site optimization so 7 reseller with 200+ users and 400+ domains hosted translate to average of 1 CPU core with some spikes to 2 and half so I can host 2, 3 times more but sites will go to couple of thousands ...

View attachment 8131

$3-4 or more - per domain you can earn with customers that make their websites the most stupid way and clogs the cpu high on every opening so they can be upsell something more expensive... but in that case you should not complain of $15 per unlimited or using Personal Plus to sell VPS/VDS

Plus it is NOT the Panel or OS guys to look at how much customers you have or what you profit, they got to be payed for job they do which is (providing GUI panel and software stack installation + updates for one server) no more or no less anything else is greed and watching in other people dish and asking to be payed by what others have not by what they work...

For panel and OS to do what you suggest - It will be the same for you to wach what your $3-4 per domain profit customers do and want the cut of the share (convince me that will not be greedy) for example you may have a gal than make hand made baby accessories and sold them per $20-$40-$60 (this things are expensive) and with 10 sales per month she earns 100 times more than you... and you start to think a way to be payed NOT for job you do (providing hosting with profit 3-4$ per domain) but percent of her dish without doing more work - which is greedy
I do pay my license monthly and I'm sharing some other business licensing that might be suitable for agencies. I wont be paying 3-4 usd per account/domain.
Directadmin needs to earn to make better products and this is necessary.

Its exactly the opposite. DA needs to make a better product to earn more money. Investors give money to a company to make better products. We are not investors.
gotcha, thanks for clarifying. ;)

It must be said though that sometimes it becomes a matter of principal. Meaning that even if cost increases moving to another, more expensive panel could certainly be an option if the situation dictates this.

I've always been highly allergic to per account pricing. Developers have no business pushing for a profit sharing scheme. Unfortunately in this day and age there does not seem to be an awful lot of choice in this regard.

Thank you for understanding me... I'm not native English speaker but doing my best and not feel ashamed from my English...

I do pay my license monthly and I'm sharing some other business licensing that might be suitable for agencies. I wont be paying 3-4 usd per account/domain.

Sorry if I offended you I any way... I will explain why any profit sharing schemes always got me a bit triggered - because it is not fair capitalism just pure greed :) ...

Lets simplify what a panel do - to updates only - and lets transmigrate - to a person doing the job manually and get paid for that job instead of panel:

You hire a junior sysadmin which job is to log in to the server and execute once per day - yum update -y for 30 days - it is OK to be payed for that job what you both agree is fair..

But once that junior start to say on server A you have 1 domain /account I will execute once per day for 30 day - yum update -y for X amount of money but on server B you have 500 domains / accounts - that is why I will execute exact same yum update -y which will take me exact same time to execute it for 500X... because I want my cut from your profits :)

Will you say that person is not greedy :) - and yet you try to defend exact same thing as fair for the Panel and OS to do ...

Lets go back to software that executes yum update -y - fair price will be always for the job that software do executes yum update -y - not caring what is on the server (unlimited license) for what price both you and developers agree is fair ...

After the developers offer that unlimited license for Y price for the purpose of gaining market share they can say we will have cheaper offer 1/2 Y or 1/5 Y for smaller model servers or based on some other limitation and I accept that as OK but the base of the product always should be so called Unlimited License that got payed for the job it do and do not impose any other limitations ... how customers use that is not their job not what customer profit from that...

If a software / panel do not have max price (called unlimited - per server - as the natural limitations is the hardware of the server) that means they do not have bottom line in their greed :)
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We have somehow been when we invested in LL licences...

Investors own part of the company. They give money to the company hoping they will make a good product and the company will make money. In return they get a portion of the profit. I have not seen any profit sharing and not only that, I am not even getting what I paid for now.
danieIP said:
Thank you for understanding me... I'm not native English speaker but doing my best and not feel ashamed from my English...

You should never be ashamed! Native speakers always respect you for trying. I have plenty of experience with this while living in Asia and by attempting my poor Thai and Japanese.
Nothing changed over all those years, not even price raises were done (promised on both licenses too that it would not happen).
So why now punish only 1 group which bought in a bulk of money by buying the lifetime licenses.

Why not use the $5/month for support on all lifetime licences, or $ 7.50/month but $ 5/month when paying at once for a fully year?
And this combined with a $5/month price rais for the normal subscribtions.

Because if there is a price raise, everyone should have a prices raise and not only the lifetime license holders, who are in fact paying more anyway because they shouldn't pay anymore to begin with. But this would at least be more fair. Everybody or nobody.

And even with the $5/month price rais for normal subscribtions, it would still be $34/month for a full license, which is still $23/month (!!!) cheaper than the same Plesk licenses on dedi's.
its on your market/country. In my case its less then 1$ per domain on shared hosting. Also there are clients who want VDS for 2-3 websites +10-20 subdomains which added as separate domains, so they pay 10$ for VDS +free lifetime DA (internal license).
I see, we all have our own situations but I think we are all here because we are unhappy, sad and heartbroken. Lets hope something turns out good for DA lovers before other control panels create easy importer scripts.
Why not use the $5/month for support on all lifetime licences, or $ 7.50/month but $ 5/month when paying at once for a fully year?
And this combined with a $5/month price rais for the normal subscribtions.
That is a fair way to go, had not heard this solution before.
Now it is D.A. to make the move!

Note: I wrote in a previous comment one of my customer with many servers did not like the extra 'explanation' of being a legacy license, and has asked me to update (re-install) all servers with Webmin. Seen the fact Webmin needs more maintenance (it crashes regularly) my customer will pay more for his servers, and D.A. looses an opportunity to get paid (a small and fair amount) for letting me keep using the legacy license. We all loose this way, D.A. seems to nog give a * about customers and it's customers customers. Every day they delay coming with a solution this situation is worsening.
The only ones showing up at the table are us. DA will not even show up.
Long time haven't visited here. Any exciting news about DA giving legacy license holders a hard time... again?
a hard time... again?
Well... exciting... depends on how you look at it. Further cutback because Mysql 8.4 won't be given either, so for that part hard again.
And a sneaky implemented footer in the login screen visible for non-da customers (so our customers). Which can be disabled, but it's the way things were done and ofcourse the lack of communication about it again.

So with this info you're up to date again. ;)
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