[RELEASE] Installatron (DirectAdmin auto script installer)

l0rdphi1 said:
Yes, it will work fine with Zend. :)


Will it support exiting board migratiions.i.e I run a version of invasion board, can this be imported to your version of invsion (if both versions are current)?


jjma said:
Will it support exiting board migratiions.i.e I run a version of invasion board, can this be imported to your version of invsion (if both versions are current)?


No, it only tracks installs that were created by Installatron.

Although it keeps track of installs using a log file in iTron/data/ so theoretically you could probably add your own to it.

Upgrading that sort of install through iTron at a later date might be hit and miss, and you wouldn't be able to uninstall that install through iTron because there'd be no .pack file for it (keeps track of the files it created during the install).

Any luck

Any Luck that this is working yet as I did a DA update and its killed off INstallertron.

Yes, the new ionCube fixes the PHP problem and we're just working on a new release now. Should be available in the next hour or two.

ionCube's initial release of PHP 4.3.10 loaders was bugged. However, since the initial release they have fixed their loaders.

Accordingly, I just released Installatron v2.5beta5. This release will update ionCube with the latest loaders. Whether or not you are using PHP 4.3.10, you can update to this release.

Ioncube loader is not updating after upgrade to PHP 4.3.10

I had installed the new PHP 4.3.10

Ioncube loader is not updating or downloading the necessary software when I updated to the latest version - Installatron v2.5beta5.
it says it could not download the the Ioncube loader.

Now I am also getting -

Error: Access Blocked
Only the '' user can access Installatron's administrative tools for this server.

when I try to access Installatron from the DA control panel as admin
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That error is caused by the old ioncube loaders.

First thing to check might be: do you have ioncube in php.ini? If you do, that one will override the run-time version Installatron installs, and it would need to be upgraded manually.

Also check that you can ping and telnet to:

If it's still not updating the ioncube loaders,
drop us an email.

I wanted to change groups for a reseller and it didn't work.

I changed the default group to -> No scripts
and added a new group with access to all scripts.

When logged in as a user that doesn't belong to that new group I shouldn't see installatron, but I do.

Up until recently there was no method to remove the link from DirectAdmin's menu. Currently, even if a user has no scripts, they will see the Installatron link (and the user will have no scripts available to them when they click the link). In the future we will likely implement a solution that completely removes the link.

how up to date are the packages on installatron? i mean like when phpbb had to be updated due to the secuirity hole how long was the delay between the new phpbb being released and the update made avalable via installatron

im interested in this product but it would be important to me for scripts it installs to be updated quickly after a new version coming out so that the domain user can just hit upgrade and be upgraded.
In my experience with them since they came out - they're VERY fast with releases... usually no delay at all.

And with the Invision Board product, they removed it from the installer as quickly as the licensing schema was changed.

Excellent product - 12 thumbs up :)
dragon2611 said:
how up to date are the packages on installatron? i mean like when phpbb had to be updated due to the secuirity hole how long was the delay between the new phpbb being released and the update made avalable via installatron
Critical updates, like the phpbb security hole you mention, are addressed as soon as we're aware of them. How quickly that new version is released depends entirely on the complexity of upgrading for that software.

Non-critical updates are usually added to the todo list at least 2 weeks after the new version's release, or when the new version starts being called "stable" by the developer. We can't support zero-day and non-stable software, it causes too many problems, so we'll sit on a stable version until an upgrade is genuinely ready.

We can usually do about one upgrader per week, so the todo list necessarily gives priority to popular and/or bug-fixed software over less popular and/or stable software.

Hope that answers your question.

Rowan @ Installatron
got the demo to try first time i hit update packages it had some error when trying to download directory something about file not found

now it wont work at all all i get is Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: p_flatcalendar in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/sources/kernel.php on line 393

can't say im that inpressed so far as all i managed to do was break it :rolleyes:
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Login as root and run:
rm -f /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/cache/installers/flatcalendar

Next click the 'Update Packages and Languages' button and you should be good to go.

What happened: when you initially ran 'Update Packages and Languages', the flatcalendar package only partially downloaded to your server. Being partially there, Installatron could not load flatcalendar, and it failed with the error message quoted in your original post.

This is a known issue and we do plan to implement a 'prettier' error message in a future release of Installatron.

dragon2611 said:
just got installatron licence, tryed to update packages and got that error...
Looks like they changed their download URL (from download. to downloads.).

I've updated the installer, so if you perform another Update Installers & Languages you will hopefully find it downloads now.

Rowan @ Installatron